8 research outputs found

    1.2 Racing Down the Slopes of Moore's Law

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    Since its inception, Moore's Law has been the driving force for IC design. Although during the first decade, 'everything' seemed to be better, however, we lost the scaling of processor clock speed and RF transistor speed, and now it looks as if power efficiency of digital gates will stall. What remains is scaling in transistor count and cost-per-function, thanks to 3D integration.Thus, this is an excellent moment to reconsider how we design for analog and digital signal processing. The higher the required signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the more power-efficient digital signal processing is compared to analog. Pure analog processing remains more efficient only for ~ 30 dB SNR or less. In the case of digital processing, the conversion from analog to digital should therefore be made as early in the signal chain as possible. Thanks to the figure-of-merit race, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) have experienced a tremendous win in power efficiency. However, these ADCs require a large input voltage swing while the input signals to be converted, from an antenna or sensor interface, are usually much smaller. Therefore, RF and analog front-ends are needed, which consume much more power than the ADCs to be driven.Let us re-think these analog front-ends. Can we still efficiently design these front-ends in future CMOS? Do we need so much linear amplification? Do we need active linear circuits at all? Can we not use 'digital' components to replace the analog front-ends and ADCs? This paper aims to look at digital and analog processing trends from technology and design fundamentals points of view. We will first zoom out on asymptotic trends in technology scaling and try to identify future design opportunities and challenges. For circuit design, fundamental limits linking power, speed, and accuracy will be reviewed to gain insight into the implications of how we design circuits the way we currently do. This paper aims to create awareness and gives a new vision of designing analog circuits.</p

    High Speed and Wide Bandwidth Delta-Sigma ADCs

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    High Performance RF and Basdband Analog-to-Digital Interface for Multi-standard/Wideband Applications

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    The prevalence of wireless standards and the introduction of dynamic standards/applications, such as software-defined radio, necessitate the next generation wireless devices that integrate multiple standards in a single chip-set to support a variety of services. To reduce the cost and area of such multi-standard handheld devices, reconfigurability is desirable, and the hardware should be shared/reused as much as possible. This research proposes several novel circuit topologies that can meet various specifications with minimum cost, which are suited for multi-standard applications. This doctoral study has two separate contributions: 1. The low noise amplifier (LNA) for the RF front-end; and 2. The analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The first part of this dissertation focuses on LNA noise reduction and linearization techniques where two novel LNAs are designed, taped out, and measured. The first LNA, implemented in TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) 0.35Cm CMOS (Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) process, strategically combined an inductor connected at the gate of the cascode transistor and the capacitive cross-coupling to reduce the noise and nonlinearity contributions of the cascode transistors. The proposed technique reduces LNA NF by 0.35 dB at 2.2 GHz and increases its IIP3 and voltage gain by 2.35 dBm and 2dB respectively, without a compromise on power consumption. The second LNA, implemented in UMC (United Microelectronics Corporation) 0.13Cm CMOS process, features a practical linearization technique for high-frequency wideband applications using an active nonlinear resistor, which obtains a robust linearity improvement over process and temperature variations. The proposed linearization method is experimentally demonstrated to improve the IIP3 by 3.5 to 9 dB over a 2.5–10 GHz frequency range. A comparison of measurement results with the prior published state-of-art Ultra-Wideband (UWB) LNAs shows that the proposed linearized UWB LNA achieves excellent linearity with much less power than previously published works. The second part of this dissertation developed a reconfigurable ADC for multistandard receiver and video processors. Typical ADCs are power optimized for only one operating speed, while a reconfigurable ADC can scale its power at different speeds, enabling minimal power consumption over a broad range of sampling rates. A novel ADC architecture is proposed for programming the sampling rate with constant biasing current and single clock. The ADC was designed and fabricated using UMC 90nm CMOS process and featured good power scalability and simplified system design. The programmable speed range covers all the video formats and most of the wireless communication standards, while achieving comparable Figure-of-Merit with customized ADCs at each performance node. Since bias current is kept constant, the reconfigurable ADC is more robust and reliable than the previous published works

    Broadband Direct RF Digitization Receivers

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    Smart and high-performance digital-to-analog converters with dynamic-mismatch mapping

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    The trends of advanced communication systems, such as the high data rate in multi-channel base-stations and digital IF conversion in software-defined radios, have caused a continuously increasing demand for high performance interface circuits between the analog and the digital domain. A Digital-to-Analog converter (DAC) is such an interface circuit in the transmitter path. High bandwidth, high linearity and low noise are the main design challenges in high performance DACs. Current-steering is the most suitable architecture to meet these performance requirements. The aim of this thesis is to develop design techniques for high-speed high-performance Nyquist current-steering DACs, especially for the design of DACs with high dynamic performance, e.g. high linearity and low noise. The thesis starts with an introduction to DACs in chapter 2. The function in time/frequency domain, performance specifications, architectures and physical implementations of DACs are brie y discussed. Benchmarks of state-of-the-art published Nyquist DACs are also given. Chapter 3 analyzes performance limitations by various error sources in Nyquist current-steering DACs. The outcome shows that in the frequency range of DC to hundreds of MHz, mismatch errors, i.e. amplitude and timing errors, dominate the DAC linearity. Moreover, as frequencies increase, the effect of timing errors becomes more and more dominant over that of amplitude errors. Two new parameters, i.e. dynamic-INL and dynamic-DNL, are proposed to evaluate the matching of current cells. Compared to the traditional static-INL/DNL, the dynamic-INL/DNL can describe the matching between current cells more accurately and completely. By reducing the dynamic-INL/DNL, the non-linearities caused by all mismatch errors can be reduced. Therefore, both the DAC static and dynamic performance can be improved. The dynamic-INL/DNL are frequency-dependent parameters based on the measurement modulation frequency fm. This fm determines the weight between amplitude and timing errors in the dynamic-INL/DNL. Actually, this gives a freedom to optimize the DAC performance for different applications, e.g. low fm for low frequency applications and high fm for high frequency applications. Chapter 4 summarizes the existing design techniques for intrinsic and smart DACs. Due to technology limitations, it is diffcult to reduce the mismatch errors just by intrinsic DAC design with reasonable chip area and power consumption. Therefore, calibration techniques are required. An intrinsic DAC with calibration is called a smart DAC. Existing analog calibration techniques mainly focus on current source calibration, so that the amplitude error can be reduced. Dynamic element matching is a kind of digital calibration technique. It can reduce the non-linearities caused by all mismatch errors, but at the cost of an increased noise oor. Mapping is another kind of digital calibration technique and will not increase the noise. Mapping, as a highly digitized calibration technique, has many advantages. Since it corrects the error effects in the digital domain, the DAC analog core can be made clean and compact, which reduces the parasitics and the interference generated in the analog part. Traditional mapping is static-mismatch mapping, i.e. mapping only for amplitude errors, which many publications have already addressed on. Several concepts have also been proposed on mapping for timing errors. However, just mapping for amplitude or timing error is not enough to guarantee a good performance. This work focuses on developing mapping techniques which can correct both amplitude and timing errors at the same time. Chapter 5 introduces a novel mapping technique, called dynamic-mismatch mapping (DMM). By modulating current cells as square-wave outputs and measuring the dynamic-mismatch errors as vectors, DMM optimizes the switching sequence of current cells based on dynamic-mismatch error cancelation such that the dynamic-INL can be reduced. After reducing the dynamic-INL, the non-linearities caused by both amplitude and timing errors can be significantly reduced in the whole Nyquist band, which is confirmed by Matlab behavioral-level Monte-Carlo simulations. Compared to traditional static-mismatch mapping (SMM), DMM can reduce the non-linearities caused by both amplitude and timing errors. Compared to dynamic element matching (DEM), DMM does not increase the noise floor. The dynamic-mismatch error has to be accurately measured in order to gain the maximal benefit from DMM. An on-chip dynamic-mismatch error sensor based on a zero-IF receiver is proposed in chapter 6. This sensor is especially designed for low 1/f noise since the signal is directly down-converted to DC. Its signal transfer function and noise analysis are also given and con??rmed by transistor-level simulations. Chapter 7 gives a design example of a 14-bit current-steering DAC in 0.14mum CMOS technology. The DAC can be configured in an intrinsic-DAC mode or a smart-DAC mode. In the intrinsic-DAC mode, the 14-bit 650MS/s intrinsic DAC core achieves a performance of SFDR&gt;65dBc across the whole 325MHz Nyquist band. In the smart-DAC mode, compared to the intrinsic DAC performance, DMM improves the DAC performance in the whole Nyquist band, providing at least 5dB linearity improvement at 200MS/s and without increasing the noise oor. This 14-bit 200MS/s smart DAC with DMM achieves a performance of SFDR&gt;78dBc, IM

    Data Acquisition Applications

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    Data acquisition systems have numerous applications. This book has a total of 13 chapters and is divided into three sections: Industrial applications, Medical applications and Scientific experiments. The chapters are written by experts from around the world, while the targeted audience for this book includes professionals who are designers or researchers in the field of data acquisition systems. Faculty members and graduate students could also benefit from the book

    Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics

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    The purpose of the workshop was to present results and original concepts for electronics research and development relevant to particle physics experiments as well as accelerator and beam instrumentation at future facilities; to review the status of electronics for the LHC experiments; to identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics; and to promote information exchange and collaboration in the relevant engineering and physics communities