3,064 research outputs found

    Area/latency optimized early output asynchronous full adders and relative-timed ripple carry adders

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    This article presents two area/latency optimized gate level asynchronous full adder designs which correspond to early output logic. The proposed full adders are constructed using the delay-insensitive dual-rail code and adhere to the four-phase return-to-zero handshaking. For an asynchronous ripple carry adder (RCA) constructed using the proposed early output full adders, the relative-timing assumption becomes necessary and the inherent advantages of the relative-timed RCA are: (1) computation with valid inputs, i.e., forward latency is data-dependent, and (2) computation with spacer inputs involves a bare minimum constant reverse latency of just one full adder delay, thus resulting in the optimal cycle time. With respect to different 32-bit RCA implementations, and in comparison with the optimized strong-indication, weak-indication, and early output full adder designs, one of the proposed early output full adders achieves respective reductions in latency by 67.8, 12.3 and 6.1 %, while the other proposed early output full adder achieves corresponding reductions in area by 32.6, 24.6 and 6.9 %, with practically no power penalty. Further, the proposed early output full adders based asynchronous RCAs enable minimum reductions in cycle time by 83.4, 15, and 8.8 % when considering carry-propagation over the entire RCA width of 32-bits, and maximum reductions in cycle time by 97.5, 27.4, and 22.4 % for the consideration of a typical carry chain length of 4 full adder stages, when compared to the least of the cycle time estimates of various strong-indication, weak-indication, and early output asynchronous RCAs of similar size. All the asynchronous full adders and RCAs were realized using standard cells in a semi-custom design fashion based on a 32/28 nm CMOS process technology

    Asynchronous Circuit Stacking for Simplified Power Management

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    As digital integrated circuits (ICs) continue to increase in complexity, new challenges arise for designers. Complex ICs are often designed by incorporating multiple power domains therefore requiring multiple voltage converters to produce the corresponding supply voltages. These converters not only take substantial on-chip layout area and/or off-chip space, but also aggregate the power loss during the voltage conversions that must occur fast enough to maintain the necessary power supplies. This dissertation work presents an asynchronous Multi-Threshold NULL Convention Logic (MTNCL) “stacked” circuit architecture that alleviates this problem by reducing the number of voltage converters needed to supply the voltage the ICs operate at. By stacking multiple MTNCL circuits between power and ground, supplying a multiple of VDD to the entire stack and incorporating simple control mechanisms, the dynamic range fluctuation problem can be mitigated. A 130nm Bulk CMOS process and a 32nm Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) CMOS process are used to evaluate the theoretical effect of stacking different circuitry while running different workloads. Post parasitic physical implementations are then carried out in the 32nm SOI process for demonstrating the feasibility and analyzing the advantages of the proposed MTNCL stacking architecture

    On-Chip Transparent Wire Pipelining (invited paper)

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    Wire pipelining has been proposed as a viable mean to break the discrepancy between decreasing gate delays and increasing wire delays in deep-submicron technologies. Far from being a straightforwardly applicable technique, this methodology requires a number of design modifications in order to insert it seamlessly in the current design flow. In this paper we briefly survey the methods presented by other researchers in the field and then we thoroughly analyze the solutions we recently proposed, ranging from system-level wire pipelining to physical design aspects

    Analysis of Parameter Tuning on Energy Efficiency in Asynchronous Circuits

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    Power and energy consumption are the primary concern of the digital integrated circuit (IC) industry. Asynchronous logic, in the past several years, has increased in popularity due to its low power nature. This thesis analyzes a collection of array multipliers with different parameters to compare two asynchronous design paradigms, NULL Convention Logic (NCL) and Multi-Threshold NULL Convention Logic (MTNCL). Several commercially available pieces of software and custom scripts are used to analyze the asynchronous circuits and their components to provide the energy consumption estimation on various parts of each circuit. The analysis of the software results revealed that MTNCL circuits are more energy efficient for any size provided the number of pipeline stages does not become too great. Otherwise NCL would consume less energy. A combinational logic gate count to register gate count ratio of 3 was given to help determine when an MTNCL circuit would have too many pipeline stages for circuits designed with IBM\u27s 130nm 8RF-DM design kit

    Design of an FPGA Logic Element for Implementing Asynchronous NULL Convention Logic Circuits

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    Two versions of a reconfigurable logic element are developed for use in constructing afield-programmable gate array NULL convention logic (NCL) field-programmable gate array (FPGA): one with extra embedded registration capability, which requires additional area, and one without. Both versions can be configured as any of the 27 fundamental NCL gates, including resettable and inverting variations, and both can utilize embedded registration for gates with three or fewer inputs; however, only the version with the additional embedded registration capability can utilize embedded registration with four-input gates. These two approaches are compared with each other and with an existing approach, showing that both versions developed herein yield a more area efficient NCL circuit implementation, compared to the previous work. The two FPGA logic elements are simulated at the transistor level using the 1.8-V, 180-nm TSMC CMOS process

    Peephole optimization of asynchronous networks through process composition and burst-mode machine generation

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    Journal ArticleIn this paper, we discuss the problem of improving the efficiency of macromodule networks generated through asynchronous high level synthesis. We compose the behaviors of the modules in the sub-network being optimized using Dill's trace-theoretic operators to get a single behavioral description for the whole sub-network. From the composite trace structures so obtained, we obtain interface state graphs (ISG) (as described by Sutherland, Sproull, and Molnar), encode the ISGs to obtain encoded ISGs (EISGs), and then apply a procedure we have developed called Burst-mode machine reduction (BM-reduction) to obtain burstmode machines from EISGs. We then synthesize burst-mode machine circuits (currently) using the tool of Ken Yun (Stanford). We can report significant area- and time-improvements on a number of examples, as a result of our optimization method

    Probabilistic analysis of defect tolerance in asynchronous nano crossbar architecture

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    Among recent advancements in technology, nanotechnology is particularly promising. Most researchers have begun to focus their efforts on developing nano scale circuits. Nano scale devices such as carbon nano tubes (CNT) and silicon nano wires (SiNW) form the primitive building blocks of many nano scale logic devices and recently developed computing architecture. One of the most promising nanotechnologies is crossbar-based architecture, a two-dimensional nanoarray, formed by the intersection of two orthogonal sets of parallel and uniformly-spaced CNTs or SiNWs. Nanowire crossbars offer the potential for ultra-high density, which has never been achieved by photolithography. In an effort to improve these circuits, our research group proposed a new Null Convention Logic (NCL) based clock-less crossbar architecture. By eliminating the clock, this architecture makes possible a still higher density in reconfigurable systems. Defect density, however, is directly proportional to the density of nanowires in the architecture. Future work, therefore, must improve the defect tolerance of these asynchronous structures. The thesis comprises two papers. The first introduces asynchronous crossbar architecture and concludes with the validation of mapping a 1-bit adder on it. It also discusses various advantages of asynchronous crossbar architecture over clock based nano structures. The second paper concentrates on the probabilistic analysis of asynchronous nano crossbar architecture to address the high defect rates in these structures. It analyzes the probability distribution of mapping functions over the structure for varying number of defects and proposes a method to increase the probability of successful mapping --Abstract, page iv

    A correctness criterion for asynchronous circuit validation and optimization

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    technical reportWe propose a new relation C. called strong conformance in the context of Dill's trace theory, and define B Q A to be true exactly when B conforms to A and the success set of B contains the success set of A. When B C. A, module B operated in module A's maximal environment AM (i.e. B || AM) exhibits all the traces that A \\ AM exhibits. In addition, if A has a success trace x, B can have additional success traces of the form xi?* where i is an input and a is the alphabet of the trace structure. This means that B can have additional capabilities that A does not. We show that strong conformance is more useful than conformance (defined by Dill) in detecting certain errors in asynchronous circuits. Strong conformance also helps justify circuit optimization rules that replace a component A by another component B that may have extra capabilities (e.g. can accept more inputs). The structural operators compose, rename, and hide of Dill's trace theory are monotonic with respect to strong conformance. Experiments using a modified version of Dill's trace theory verifier are presented
