20 research outputs found

    Robust Encryption, Extended

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    Robustness is a notion often tacitly assumed while working with encrypted data. Roughly speaking, it states that a ciphertext cannot be decrypted under different keys. Initially formalized in a public-key context, it has been further extended to key-encapsulation mechanisms, and more recently to pseudorandom functions, message authentication codes and authenticated encryption. In this work, we motivate the importance of establishing similar guarantees for functional encryption schemes, even under adversarially generated keys. Our main security notion is intended to capture the scenario where a ciphertext obtained under a master key (corresponding to Authority 1) is decrypted by functional keys issued under a different master key (Authority 2). Furthermore, we show there exist simple functional encryption schemes where robustness under adversarial key-generation is not achieved. As a secondary and independent result, we formalize robustness for digital signatures – a signature should not verify under multiple keys – and point out that certain signature schemes are not robust when the keys are adversarially generated. We present simple, generic transforms that turn a scheme into a robust one, while maintaining the original scheme’s security. For the case of public-key functional encryption, we look into ciphertext anonymity and provide a transform achieving it

    Hardware Implementations of a Variant of the ZĂ©mor-Tillich Hash Function: Can a Provably Secure Hash Function be very efficient ?

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    Hash functions are widely used in Cryptography, and hardware implementations of hash functions are of interest in a variety of contexts such as speeding up the computations of a network server or providing authentication in small electronic devices such as RFID tags. Provably secure hash functions, the security of which relies on the hardness of a mathematical problem, are particularly appealing for security, but they used to be too inefficient in practice. In this paper, we study the efficiency in hardware of ZT\u27, a provably secure hash function based on the ZĂ©mor-Tillich hash function. We consider three kinds of implementations targeting a high throughput and a low area in different ways. We first present a high-speed implementation of ZT\u27 on FPGA that is nearly half as efficient as state-of-the-art SHA implementations in terms of throughput per area. We then focus on area reduction and present an ASIC implementation of ZT\u27 with much smaller area costs than SHA-1 and even than SQUASH, which was specially designed for low-cost RFID tags. Between these two extreme implementations, we show that the throughput and area can be traded with a lot of flexibility. Finally, we show that the inherent parallelism of ZT\u27 makes it particularly suitable for applications requiring high speed hashing of very long messages. Our work, together with existing reasonably efficient software implementations, shows that this variant of the ZĂ©mor-Tillich hash function is in fact very practical for a wide range of applications, while having a security related to the hardness of a mathematical problem and significant additional advantages such as scalability and parallelism

    The zheng-seberry public key cryptosystem and signcryption

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    In 1993 Zheng-Seberry presented a public key cryptosystem that was considered efficient and secure in the sense of indistinguishability of encryptions (IND) against an adaptively chosen ciphertext adversary (CCA2). This thesis shows the Zheng-Seberry scheme is not secure as a CCA2 adversary can break the scheme in the sense of IND. In 1998 Cramer-Shoup presented a scheme that was secure against an IND-CCA2 adversary and whose proof relied only on standard assumptions. This thesis modifies this proof and applies it to a modified version of the El-Gamal scheme. This resulted in a provably secure scheme relying on the Random Oracle (RO) model, which is more efficient than the original Cramer-Shoup scheme. Although the RO model assumption is needed for security of this new El-Gamal variant, it only relies on it in a minimal way

    Asymmetric cryptography and practical security, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2002, nr 4

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    Since the appearance of public-key cryptography in Diffie-Hellman seminal paper, many schemes have been proposed, but many have been broken. Indeed, for many people, the simple fact that a cryptographic algorithm withstands cryptanalytic attacks for several years is considered as a kind of validation. But some schemes took a long time before being widely studied, and maybe thereafter being broken. A much more convincing line of research has tried to provide “provable” security for cryptographic protocols, in a complexity theory sense: if one can break the cryptographic protocol, one can efficiently solve the underlying problem. Unfortunately, very few practical schemes can be proven in this so-called “standard model” because such a security level rarely meets with efficiency. A convenient but recent way to achieve some kind of validation of efficient schemes has been to identify some concrete cryptographic objects with ideal random ones: hash functions are considered as behaving like random functions, in the so-called “random oracle model”, block ciphers are assumed to provide perfectly independent and random permutations for each key in the “ideal cipher model”, and groups are used as black-box groups in the “generic model”.In this paper, we focus on practical asymmetric protocols together with their “reductionist” security proofs. We cover the two main goals that public-key cryptography is devoted to solve: authentication with digital signatures, and confidentiality with public-key encryption schemes

    Backward Private DSSE: Alternative Formulations of Information Leakage and Efficient Constructions

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    Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption (DSSE\mathsf{DSSE}), apart from providing support for search operation, allows a client to perform update operations on outsourced database efficiently. Two security properties, viz., forward privacy and backward privacy are desirable from a DSSE\mathsf{DSSE} scheme. The former captures that the newly updated entries cannot be related to previous search queries and the latter ensures that search queries should not leak matching entries after they have been deleted. These security properties are formalized in terms of the information leakage that can be incurred by the respective constructions. Existing backward private constructions either have a non-optimal communication overhead or they make use of heavy cryptographic primitives. Our main contribution consists of three efficient backward private schemes that aim to achieve practical efficiency by using light weight symmetric cryptographic components only. In the process, we also revisit the existing definitions of information leakage for backward privacy [Bost et al. CCS\u2717] and propose alternative formulations. Our first construction ΠBP-prime\Pi_\mathsf{BP}\text{-}\mathsf{prime} achieves a stronger notion of backward privacy whereas our next two constructions ΠBP\Pi_\mathsf{BP} and ΠWBP\Pi_\mathsf{WBP} achieve optimal communication complexity at the cost of some additional leakage. The prototype implementations of our schemes depict the practicability of the proposed constructions and indicate that the cost of achieving backward privacy over forward privacy is substantially small

    Group Signatures: Provable Security, Efficient Constructions and Anonymity from Trapdoor-Holders

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    To date, a group signature construction which is efficient, scalable, allows dynamic adversarial joins, and proven secure in a formal model has not been suggested. In this work we give the first such construction in the random oracle model. The demonstration of an efficient construction proven secure in a formal model that captures all intuitive security properties of a certain primitive is a basic goal in cryptographic design. To this end we adapt a formal model for group signatures capturing all the basic requirements that have been identified as desirable in the area and we construct an efficient scheme and prove its security. Our construction is based on the Strong-RSA assumption (as in the work of Ateniese et al.). In our system, due to the requirements of provable security in a formal model, we give novel constructions as well as innovative extensions of the underlying mathematical requirements and properties. Our task, in fact, requires the investigation of some basic number-theoretic techniques for arguing security over the group of quadratic residues modulo a composite when its factorization is known. Along the way we discover that in the basic construction, anonymity does not depend on factoring-based assumptions, which, in turn, allows the natural separation of user join management and anonymity revocation authorities. Anonymity can, in turn, be shown even against an adversary controlling the join manager

    No-Match Attacks and Robust Partnering Definitions – Defining Trivial Attacks for Security Protocols is Not Trivial

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    An essential cornerstone of the definition of security for key exchange protocols is the notion of partnering. It defines when two protocol instances can be considered to have communicated with each other and thus share important secret information. In all existing security definitions this serves as an important tool to exclude trivial attacks. The de-facto standard definition of partnering is that of (partial) matching conversations (MC), which essentially states that two processes are partnered if every message sent by the first is actually received by the second and vice versa. We show that proving security under MC-based definitions is error-prone. In particular, we provide several examples of protocols that claim to be secure under a MC-based security definition but where the security proof is actually flawed. To this end, we introduce no-match attacks, a new class of attacks that renders many existing security proofs invalid. Interestingly, no-match attacks do not seem to constitute practical attacks against the protocols in the sense that they compromise the secrecy of confidential parameters in real life applications. However, they propose serious, sometimes unsolvable obstacles to proofs in traditional security models. We show that no-match attacks are often hard to avoid in MC-based security definitions without a) modifications of the original protocol or b) resorting to the use of cryptographic primitives with special properties. Finally, we show several ways to thwart no-match attacks. Most notably and as one of our major contributions, we provide a conceptually new definition of partnering that circumvents the problems of a MC-based partnering notion while preserving all its advantages. Our new notion of partnering not only makes security definitions for key exchange model practice much more closely. In contrast to many other security notions of key exchange it also adheres to the high standards of good cryptographic definitions: it is general, supports cryptographic intuition, allows for efficient falsification, and provides a fundamental composition property that MC-based notions lack