21 research outputs found

    Robot's hand and expansions in non-integer bases

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    We study a robot hand model in the framework of the theory of expansions in non-integer bases. We investigate the reachable workspace and we study some configurations enjoying form closure properties.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Parallel addition in non-standard numeration systems

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    We consider numeration systems where digits are integers and the base is an algebraic number β\beta such that β>1|\beta|>1 and β\beta satisfies a polynomial where one coefficient is dominant in a certain sense. For this class of bases β\beta, we can find an alphabet of signed-digits on which addition is realizable by a parallel algorithm in constant time. This algorithm is a kind of generalization of the one of Avizienis. We also discuss the question of cardinality of the used alphabet, and we are able to modify our algorithm in order to work with a smaller alphabet. We then prove that β\beta satisfies this dominance condition if and only if it has no conjugate of modulus 1. When the base β\beta is the Golden Mean, we further refine the construction to obtain a parallel algorithm on the alphabet {1,0,1}\{-1,0,1\}. This alphabet cannot be reduced any more

    kk-block parallel addition versus 11-block parallel addition in non-standard numeration systems

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    Parallel addition in integer base is used for speeding up multiplication and division algorithms. kk-block parallel addition has been introduced by Kornerup in 1999: instead of manipulating single digits, one works with blocks of fixed length kk. The aim of this paper is to investigate how such notion influences the relationship between the base and the cardinality of the alphabet allowing parallel addition. In this paper, we mainly focus on a certain class of real bases --- the so-called Parry numbers. We give lower bounds on the cardinality of alphabets of non-negative integer digits allowing block parallel addition. By considering quadratic Pisot bases, we are able to show that these bounds cannot be improved in general and we give explicit parallel algorithms for addition in these cases. We also consider the dd-bonacci base, which satisfies the equation Xd=Xd1+Xd2++X+1X^d = X^{d-1} + X^{d-2} + \cdots + X + 1. If in a base being a dd-bonacci number 11-block parallel addition is possible on the alphabet A\mathcal{A}, then #Ad+1\#\mathcal{A} \geq d+1; on the other hand, there exists a kNk\in\mathbb{N} such that kk-block parallel addition in this base is possible on the alphabet {0,1,2}\{0,1,2\}, which cannot be reduced. In particular, addition in the Tribonacci base is 1414-block parallel on alphabet {0,1,2}\{0,1,2\}.Comment: 21 page

    Shift Radix Systems - A Survey

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    Let d1d\ge 1 be an integer and r=(r0,,rd1)Rd{\bf r}=(r_0,\dots,r_{d-1}) \in \mathbf{R}^d. The {\em shift radix system} τr:ZdZd\tau_\mathbf{r}: \mathbb{Z}^d \to \mathbb{Z}^d is defined by τr(z)=(z1,,zd1,rz)t(z=(z0,,zd1)t). \tau_{{\bf r}}({\bf z})=(z_1,\dots,z_{d-1},-\lfloor {\bf r} {\bf z}\rfloor)^t \qquad ({\bf z}=(z_0,\dots,z_{d-1})^t). τr\tau_\mathbf{r} has the {\em finiteness property} if each zZd{\bf z} \in \mathbb{Z}^d is eventually mapped to 0{\bf 0} under iterations of τr\tau_\mathbf{r}. In the present survey we summarize results on these nearly linear mappings. We discuss how these mappings are related to well-known numeration systems, to rotations with round-offs, and to a conjecture on periodic expansions w.r.t.\ Salem numbers. Moreover, we review the behavior of the orbits of points under iterations of τr\tau_\mathbf{r} with special emphasis on ultimately periodic orbits and on the finiteness property. We also describe a geometric theory related to shift radix systems.Comment: 45 pages, 16 figure

    Efficient Algorithms for gcd and Cubic Residuosity in the Ring of Eisenstein Integers

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    We present simple and efficient algorithms for computing gcd and cubic residuosity in the ring of Eisenstein integers, Z[zeta] , i.e. the integers extended with zeta , a complex primitive third root of unity. The algorithms are similar and may be seen as generalisations of the binary integer gcd and derived Jacobi symbol algorithms. Our algorithms take time O(n^2) for n bit input. This is an improvement from the known results based on the Euclidian algorithm, and taking time O(n· M(n)), where M(n) denotes the complexity of multiplying n bit integers. The new algorithms have applications in practical primality tests and the implementation of cryptographic protocols. The technique underlying our algorithms can be used to obtain equally fast algorithms for gcd and quartic residuosity in the ring of Gaussian integers, Z[i]

    Geometrical aspects of expansions in complex bases

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    We study the set of the representable numbers in base q=pei2πnq=pe^{i\frac{2\pi}{n}} with ρ>1\rho>1 and nNn\in \mathbb N and with digits in a arbitrary finite real alphabet AA. We give a geometrical description of the convex hull of the representable numbers in base qq and alphabet AA and an explicit characterization of its extremal points. A characterizing condition for the convexity of the set of representable numbers is also shown.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Rhapsody in Fractional

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    This paper studies several topics related with the concept of “fractional” that are not directly related with Fractional Calculus, but can help the reader in pursuit new research directions. We introduce the concept of non-integer positional number systems, fractional sums, fractional powers of a square matrix, tolerant computing and FracSets, negative probabilities, fractional delay discrete-time linear systems, and fractional Fourier transform