42 research outputs found

    Association of potent inflammatory Cytokine and Oxidative DNA Damage Biomarkers in Stomach cancer patients

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    تحفز الإصابة بالبكتيريا الحلزونية سلسلة إشارات تؤدي إلى إنتاج السيتوكينات وتسبب الإجهاد التأكسدي، الذي يشارك في الاستجابة الالتهابية المزمنة التي تؤدي إلى الإصابة بسرطان المعدة. تنتج أنواع الأكسجين التفاعلية (ROS). 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) منتج متلف الحمض النووي المؤكسد المستمر. الغرض من الدراسة هو تقييم الارتباط بين مستويات السيتوكينات الالتهابية ووجود تلف الحمض النووي المؤكسد في مرضى المصابين بسرطان المعدة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تم إجراء تقييم للقيمة التشخيصية والإنذارية لتلف الحمض النووي المؤكسد والمؤشرات الحيوية السيتوكينية الالتهابية لسرطان المعدة. أجريت الدراسة على مرضى سرطان المعدة الذين تم تشخيصهم طبيا قبل اخذ العلاج. حيث تم اختيار 33 مريضا من المصابين بسرطان المعدة وتقسيمهم إلى المراحل الأولى والثانية والثالثة وفقا لعلم الأمراض السريرية، و32 فردا من الأشخاص الأصحاء المتطابقين مع العمر كمجموعة ضابطة. تم قياس مستوى كل من (8-OHdG)، السيتوكينات (IL-6، TNF-α،IFN-γ, CEA). أظهرت النتائج ارتفاعً بشكل ملحوظ (P<0.0001) في مستويات الدم كل من 8-OHdG وTNF-α وIFN-γ ارتفاعً بشكل غير ملحوظ (IL-6) (P=0.4747) في مرضى GC بالمقارنة بالمجموعة ضابطة، مع زيادة المستويات تدريجياً مع تقدم مراحل المرض. علاوة على ذلك، كان هناك ارتباط إيجابي ضئيل (P=0.3472) (r=0.12 بين مستويات 8-OHdG وIL-6، وارتباط إيجابي ملحوظ (P<0.0001) (r=0.7235) بين مستويات 8-OHdG, TNF-α, CEA,. في مرضى سرطان المعدة ومع ذلك، كان هناك ارتباط سلبي ضئيل (P= 0.6342) (r=-0.06559) بين مستويات 8-OHdG وIFN-γ. تظهر نتائج الدراسة الحالية وجود صلة قوية بين مستويات مصل 8-OHdG والسيتوكينات الالتهابية في مرضى GC. تشير الزيادة المعنوية في تلف الحمض النووي المؤكسد والمؤشرات الحيوية للسيتوكينات الالتهابي وCEA في الدم إلى أن الإجهاد التأكسدي والالتهاب المزمن متضمنان في تسرطن المعدة. تهدف هذه الملاحظات إلى أن 8-OHdG وTNF-α وIFN-γ هي مؤشرات حيوية قابلة للتطبيق لتشخيص ورم المعدة.The infection with H. Pylori stimulates a signaling cascade that causes the generation of Cytokines and provokes Oxidative stress that is involved in the chronic inflammatory response leads to Gastric cancers. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) produce 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), the persistent oxidative DNA damage product. The study objective was to assess if there was a link between inflammatory cytokine levels and the presence of Oxidative DNA damage in Gastric tumor patients. In addition, evaluation of the diagnostic and prognostic value of Oxidative DNA damage and inflammatory cytokine biomarkers for Stomach cancers is being conducted. The study was accomplished on medically diagnosed Stomach cancer patients before any form of treatment. A total of 33 patients with Gastric cancers were selected and divided into Stages I, II, and III according to clinical pathology, and 32 age-matched healthy subjects as a control group. The Serum 8-OHdG, IL-6, TNF-α, IFN-γ & CEA were evaluated. The results revealed a highly significant rise (P<0.0001) in blood levels of 8-OHdG, TNF-α, & IFN-γ, and a non-significant (P=0.4747) increasing in IL-6 in GC patients compared to Controls, with levels gradually increasing as disease stages progressed. Furthermore, in GC patients, there was an insignificant (P=0.3472) positive correlation (r=0.1292) among 8-OHdG, IL-6, and CEA levels, but a noteworthy (P<0.0001) positive correlation (r=0.7235) among 8-OHdG, TNF-α, and CEA levels. In GC patients, however, there was an insignificant (P=0.6342) negative correlation (r=-0.06559) among 8-OHdG, IFN-γ, and CEA levels. The results of the current study show a strong link between serum levels of the 8-OHdG as well as inflammatory cytokines in GC patients. The significant enhancement in oxidative DNA damage, as well as overexpression of inflammatory cytokine biomarkers and CEA in the blood suggests that Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation are included in GC carcinogenesis. These observations suggest that 8-OHdG, TNF-α, & IFN-γ are viable biomarkers for the Gastric tumor prediction

    Hallmarks of cancer-the new testament.

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    Diagnosis and treatment of disease demand a sound understanding of the underlying mechanisms, determining any Achilles' heel that can be targeted in effective therapies. Throughout history, this endeavour to decipher the origin and mechanism of transformation of a normal cell into cancer has led to various theories-from cancer as a curse to an understanding at the level of single-cell heterogeneity, meaning even among a single sub-type of cancer there are myriad molecular challenges to overcome. With increasing insight into cancer genetics and biology, the disease has become ever more complex to understand. The complexity of cancer as a disease was distilled into key traits by Hanahan and Weinberg in their seminal 'Hallmarks of Cancer' reviews. This lucid conceptualization of complex cancer biology is widely accepted and has helped advance cancer therapeutics by targeting the various hallmarks but, with the advancement in technologies, there is greater granularity in how we view cancer as a disease, and the additional understanding over the past decade requires us to revisit the hallmarks of cancer. Based on extensive study of the cancer research literature, we propose four novel hallmarks of cancer, namely, the ability of cells to regress from a specific specialized functional state, epigenetic changes that can affect gene expression, the role of microorganisms and neuronal signalling, to be included in the hallmark conceptualization along with evidence of various means to exploit them therapeutically

    The Clinical Importance of Campylobacter concisus and Other Human Hosted Campylobacter Species

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    Historically, Campylobacteriosis has been considered to be zoonotic; the Campylobacter species that cause human acute intestinal disease such as Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli originate from animals. Over the past decade, studies on human hosted Campylobacter species strongly suggest that Campylobacter concisus plays a role in the development of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). C. concisus primarily colonizes the human oral cavity and some strains can be translocated to the intestinal tract. Genome analysis of C. concisus strains isolated from saliva samples has identified a bacterial marker that is associated with active Crohn's disease (one major form of IBD). In addition to C. concisus, humans are also colonized by a number of other Campylobacter species, most of which are in the oral cavity. Here we review the most recent advancements on C. concisus and other human hosted Campylobacter species including their clinical relevance, transmission, virulence factors, disease associated genes, interactions with the human immune system and pathogenic mechanisms

    The potential of breath analysis to improve outcome for patients with lung cancer

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    Lung cancer remains the most common cause of cancer related death in both the UK and USA. Development of diagnostic approaches that have the ability to detect lung cancer early are a research priority with potential to improve survival. Analysis of exhaled breath metabolites, or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is an area of considerable interest as it could fulfil such requirements. Numerous studies have shown that VOC profiles are different in the breath of patients with lung cancer compared to healthy individuals or those with non-malignant lung diseases. This review provides a scientific and clinical assessment of the potential value of a breath test in lung cancer. It discusses the current understanding of metabolic pathways that contribute to exhaled VOC production in lung cancer and reviews the research conducted to date. Finally, we highlight important areas for future research and discuss how a breath test could be incorporated into various clinical pathways

    Environmental Aspects of Zoonotic Diseases

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    Environmental Aspects of Zoonotic Diseases provides a definitive description, commentary and research needs of environmental aspects related to zoonotic diseases. There are many interrelated connections between the environment and zoonotic diseases such as: water, soil, air and agriculture. The book presents investigations of these connections, with specific reference to environmental processes such as: deforestation, floods, draughts, irrigation practices, soil transfer and their impact on bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitological spread. Environmental aspects such as climate (tropical, sub-tropical, temperate, arid and semi-arid), developed and undeveloped countries, animal traffic animal border crossing, commercial animal trade, transportation, as well geography and weather on zoonosis, are also discussed and relevant scientific data is condensed and organized in order to give a better picture of interrelationship between the environment and current spread of zoonotic diseases

    Pathological Anatomy. Lecture course

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