6 research outputs found

    A Robust FSM Watermarking Scheme for IP Protection of Sequential Circuit Design

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    Finite state machines (FSMs) are the backbone of sequential circuit design. In this paper, a new FSM watermarking scheme is proposed by making the authorship information a non-redundant property of the FSM. To overcome the vulnerability to state removal attack and minimize the design overhead, the watermark bits are seamlessly interwoven into the outputs of the existing and free transitions of state transition graph (STG). Unlike other transition-based STG watermarking, pseudo input variables have been reduced and made functionally indiscernible by the notion of reserved free literal. The assignment of reserved literals is exploited to minimize the overhead of watermarking and make the watermarked FSM fallible upon removal of any pseudo input variable. A direct and convenient detection scheme is also proposed to allow the watermark on the FSM to be publicly detectable. Experimental results on the watermarked circuits from the ISCAS'89 and IWLS'93 benchmark sets show lower or acceptably low overheads with higher tamper resilience and stronger authorship proof in comparison with related watermarking schemes for sequential functions

    Watermarking FPGA Bitfile for Intellectual Property Protection

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    Intellectual property protection (IPP) of hardware designs is the most important requirement for many Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) intellectual property (IP) vendors. Digital watermarking has become an innovative technology for IPP in recent years. Existing watermarking techniques have successfully embedded watermark into IP cores. However, many of these techniques share two specific weaknesses: 1) They have extra overhead, and are likely to degrade performance of design; 2) vulnerability to removing attacks. We propose a novel watermarking technique to watermark FPGA bitfile for addressing these weaknesses. Experimental results and analysis show that the proposed technique incurs zero overhead and it is robust against removing attacks


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    VLSI technology brought revolution in EDA industry. Fabrication of complicated system on a chip is possible by using reusable module called Intellectual Property (IP) core. IP cores that became an integral part of the electronic design industry influenced and had a rather significant and almost incomparable impact with respect to system designing in any chip. IP designs for any organization are imperative; contrary, IP designs that are shared can significantly cause high security risks. The majority of IP’s require time as well as effort for purposes of designing and verification, however there still remains the possibility of these being copied or minor modifications to hide proof of ownership. To overcome this problem watermarking technique is recommended for IP Core protection. Watermark insertion in multilevel increases the security of the system. In this paper the ownership information is inserted in state transition outputs of State Transition Graph employing hierarchical representation of Finite state Machine (FSM) and subsequently in the netlist level by embedding watermark in the delay between the states. Watermark insertion at two levels increases the security of the design. Signature generation uses cryptographic algorithm for enhancing the security of the IP core designs. The experimental results show that performance is improved


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    Application of watermarking technology for the protection of digital devices and their descriptionsis considered. Primary definitions, models, categories of attacks, characteristics and classificationof watermarks are described. Hardware watermarking examples are shown.Рассматривается применение технологии водяных знаков для защиты цифровых устройств и их проектных описаний. Приводятся основные определения, модели, категории атак, характеристики, классификация водяных знаков для данной области. Описываются примеры использования аппаратных водяных знаков

    Design Time Optimization for Hardware Watermarking Protection of HDL Designs

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    HDL-level design offers important advantages for the application of watermarking to IP cores, but its complexity also requires tools automating these watermarking algorithms. A new tool for signature distribution through combinational logic is proposed in this work. IPP@HDL, a previously proposed high-level watermarking technique, has been employed for evaluating the tool. IPP@HDL relies on spreading the bits of a digital signature at the HDL design level using combinational logic included within the original system. The development of this new tool for the signature distribution has not only extended and eased the applicability of this IPP technique, but it has also improved the signature hosting process itself. Three algorithms were studied in order to develop this automated tool. The selection of a cost function determines the best hosting solutions in terms of area and performance penalties on the IP core to protect. An 1D-DWT core and MD5 and SHA1 digital signatures were used in order to illustrate the benefits of the new tool and its optimization related to the extraction logic resources. Among the proposed algorithms, the alternative based on simulated annealing reduces the additional resources while maintaining an acceptable computation time and also saving designer effort and time


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    The system on a chip (SoC) paradigm for computing has become more prevalent in modern society. Because of this, reuse of different functional integrated circuits (ICs), with standardized inputs and outputs, make designing SoC systems easier. As a result, the theft of intellectual property for different ICs has become a highly profitable business. One method of theft-prevention is to add a signature, or fingerprint, to ICs so that they may be tracked after they are sold. The contribution of this dissertation is the creation and simulation of three new fingerprinting methods that can be implemented automatically during the design process. In addition, because manufacturing and design costs are significant, three of the fingerprinting methods presented, attempt to alleviate costs by determining the fingerprint in the post-silicon stage of the VLSI design cycle. Our first two approaches to fingerprint ICs, are to use Observability Don’t Cares (ODCs) and Satisfiability Don’t Cares (SDCs), which are almost always present in ICs, to hide our fingerprint. ODCs cause an IC to ignore certain internal signals, which we can utilize to create fingerprints that have a minimal performance overhead. Using a heuristic approach, we are also able to choose the overhead the gate will have by removing some fingerprint locations. The experiments show that this work is effective and can provide a large number of fingerprints for more substantial circuits, with a minimal overhead. SDCs are similar to ODCs except that they focus on input patterns, to gates, that cannot exist. For this work, we found a way to quickly locate most of the SDCs in a circuit and depending on the input patterns that we know will not occur, replace the gates to create a fingerprint with a minimal overhead. We also created two methods to implement this SDC fingerprinting method, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Both the ODC and SDC fingerprinting methods can be implemented in the circuit design or physical design of the IC, and finalized in the post-silicon phase, thus reducing the cost of manufacturing several different circuits. The third method developed for this dissertation was based on our previous work on finite state machine (FSM) protection to generate a fingerprint. We show that we can edit ICs with incomplete FSMs by adding additional transitions from the set of don’t care transitions. Although the best candidates for this method are those with unused states and transitions, additional states can be added to the circuit to generate additional don’t care transitions and states, useful for generating more fingerprints. This method has the potential for an astronomical number of fingerprints, but the generated fingerprints need to be filtered for designs that have an acceptable design overhead in comparison to the original circuit. Our fourth and final method for IC fingerprinting utilizes scan-chains which help to monitor the internal state of a sequential circuit. By modifying the interconnects between flip flops in a scan chain we can create unique fingerprints that are easy to detect by the user. These modifications are done after the design for test and during the fabrication stage, which helps reduce redesign overhead. These changes can also be finalized in the post-silicon stage, similar to the work for the ODC and SDC fingerprinting, to minimize manufacturing costs. The hope with this dissertation is to demonstrate that these methods for generating fingerprints, for ICs, will improve upon the current state of the art. First, these methods will create a significant number of unique fingerprints. Second, they will create fingerprints that have an acceptable overhead and are easy to detect by the developer and are harder to detect or remove by the adversary. Finally, we show that three of the methods will reduce the cost of manufacturing by being able to be implemented in the later stages of their design cycle