6 research outputs found

    Performance-Driven Energy-Efficient VLSI.

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    Today, there are two prevalent platforms in VLSI systems: high-performance and ultra-low power. High-speed designs, usually operating at GHz level, provide the required computation abilities to systems but also consume a large amount of power; microprocessors and signal processing units are examples of this type of designs. For ultra-low power designs, voltage scaling methods are usually used to reduce power consumption and extend battery life. However, circuit delay in ultra-low power designs increases exponentially, as voltage is scaled below Vth, and subthreshold leakage energy also increases in a near-exponential fashion. Many methods have been proposed to address key design challenges on these two platforms, energy consumption in high-performance designs, and performance/reliability in ultra-low power designs. In this thesis, charge-recovery design is explored as a solution targeting both platforms to achieve increased energy efficiency over conventional CMOS designs without compromising performance or reliability. To improve performance while still achieving high energy efficiency for ultra-low power designs, we propose Subthreshold Boost Logic (SBL), a new circuit family that relies on charge-recovery design techniques to achieve order-of-magnitude improvements in operating frequencies, and achieve high energy efficiency compared to conventional subthreshold designs. To demonstrate the performance and energy efficiency of SBL, we present a 14-tap 8-bit finite-impulse response (FIR) filter test-chip fabricated in a 0.13”m process. With a single 0.27V supply, the test-chip achieves its most energy efficient operating point at 20MHz, consuming 15.57pJ per cycle with a recovery rate of 89% and a FoM equal to 17.37 nW/Tap/MHz/InBit/CoeffBit. To reduce energy consumption at multi-GHz level frequencies, we explore the application of resonant-clocking to the design of a 5-bit non-interleaved resonant-clock ash ADC with a sampling rate of 7GS/s. The ADC has been designed in a 65nm bulk CMOS process. An integrated 0.77nH inductor is used to resonate the entire clock distribution network to achieve energy efficient operation. Operating at 5.5GHz, the ADC consumes 28mW, yielding 396fJ per conversion step. The clock network accounts for 10.7% of total power and consumes 54% less energy over CV^2. By comparison, in a typical ash ADC design, 30% of total power is clock-related.Ph.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/89779/1/wsma_1.pd

    Autonomous smart antenna systems for future mobile devices

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    Along with the current trend of wireless technology innovation, wideband, compact size, low-profile, lightweight and multiple functional antenna and array designs are becoming more attractive in many applications. Conventional wireless systems utilise omni-directional or sectored antenna systems. The disadvantage of such antenna systems is that the electromagnetic energy, required by a particular user located in a certain direction, is radiated unnecessarily in every direction within the entire cell, hence causing interference to other users in the system. In order to limit this source of interference and direct the energy to the desired user, smart antenna systems have been investigated and developed. This thesis presents the design, simulation, fabrication and full implementation of a novel smart antenna system for future mobile applications. The design and characterisation of a novel antenna structure and four-element liner array geometry for smart antenna systems are proposed in the first stage of this study. Firstly, a miniaturised microstrip-fed planar monopole antenna with Archimedean spiral slots to cover WiFi/Bluetooth and LTE mobile applications has been demonstrated. The fundamental structure of the proposed antenna element is a circular patch, which operates in high frequency range, for the purpose of miniaturising the circuit dimension. In order to achieve a multi-band performance, Archimedean spiral slots, acting as resonance paths, have been etched on the circular patch antenna. Different shapes of Archimedean spiral slots have been investigated and compared. The miniaturised and optimised antenna achieves a bandwidth of 2.2GHz to 2.9GHz covering WiFi/Bluetooth (2.45GHz) and LTE (2.6GHz) mobile standards. Then a four-element linear antenna array geometry utilising the planar monopole elements with Archimedean spiral slots has been described. All the relevant parameters have been studied and evaluated. Different phase shifts are excited for the array elements, and the main beam scanning range has been simulated and analysed. The second stage of the study presents several feeding network structures, which control the amplitude and phase excitations of the smart antenna elements. Research begins with the basic Wilkinson power divider configuration. Then this thesis presents a compact feeding network for circular antenna array, reconfigurable feeding networks for tuning the operating frequency and polarisations, a feeding network on high resistivity silicon (HRS), and an ultrawide-band (UWB) feeding network covering from 0.5GHz to 10GHz. The UWB feeding network is used to establish the smart antenna array system. Different topologies of phase shifters are discussed in the third stage, including ferrite phase shifters and planar phase shifters using switched delay line and loaded transmission line technologies. Diodes, FETs, MMIC and MEMS are integrated into different configurations. Based on the comparison, a low loss and high accurate Hittite MMIC analogue phase shifter has been selected and fully evaluated for this implementation. For the purpose of impedance matching and field matching, compact and ultra wideband CPW-to-Microstrip transitions are utilised between the phase shifters, feeding network and antenna elements. Finally, the fully integrated smart antenna array achieves a 10dB reflection coefficient from 2.25GHz to 2.8GHz, which covers WiFi/Bluetooth (2.45GHz) and LTE (2.6GHz) mobile applications. By appropriately controlling the voltage on the phase shifters, the main beam of the antenna array is steered ±50° and ±52°, for 2.45GHz and 2.6GHz, respectively. Furthermore, the smart antenna array demonstrates a gain of 8.5dBi with 40° 3dB bandwidth in broadside direction, and has more than 10dB side lobe level suppression across the scan. The final stage of the study investigates hardware and software automatic control systems for the smart antenna array. Two microcontrollers PIC18F4550 and LPC1768 are utilised to build the control PCBs. Using the graphical user interfaces provided in this thesis, it is able to configure the beam steering of the smart antenna array, which allows the user to analyse and optimise the signal strength of the received WiFi signals around the mobile device. The design strategies proposed in this thesis contribute to the realisation of adaptable and autonomous smart phone systems

    Power Reduction Techniques in Clock Distribution Networks with Emphasis on LC Resonant Clocking

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    In this thesis we propose a set of independent techniques in the overall concept of LC resonant clocking where each technique reduces power consumption and improve system performance. Low-power design is becoming a crucial design objective due to the growing demand on portable applications and the increasing difficulties in cooling and heat removal. The clock distribution network delivers the clock signal which acts as a reference to all sequential elements in the synchronous system. The clock distribution network consumes a considerable amount of power in synchronous digital systems. Resonant clocking is an emerging promising technique to reduce the power of the clock network. The inductor used in resonant clocking enables the conversion of the electric energy stored on the clock capacitance to magnetic energy in the inductor and vice versa. In this thesis, the concept of the slack in the clock skew has been extended for an LC fully-resonant clock distribution network. This extra slack in comparison to standard clock distribution networks can be used to reduce routing complexity, achieve reduction in wire elongation, total wire length, and power consumption. Simulation results illustrate that by utilizing the proposed approach, an average reduction of 53% in the number of wire elongations and 11% reduction in total wire length can be achieved. A dual-edge clocking scheme introduced in the literature to enable the operation of the flip-flop at the rising- and falling edges of the clock has been modified. The interval by which the charging elements in the flip-flop are being switched-on was reduced causing a reduction in power consumption. Simulating the flip-flop in STMicroelectronics 90-nm technology shows correct functionality of the Sense Amplifier flip-flop with a resonant clock signal of 500 MHz and a throughput of 1 GHz under process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) variations. Modeling the resonant system with the proposed flip-flop illustrates that dual-edge compared to single-edge triggering can achieve up to 58% reduction in power consumption when the clock capacitance is the dominating factor. The application of low-swing clocking to LC resonant clock distribution network has been investigated on-chip. The proposed low-swing resonant clocking scheme operates with one voltage supply and does not require an additional supply voltage. The Differential Conditional Capturing flip-flop introduced in the literature was modified to operate with a low-swing sinusoidal clock. Low-swing resonant clocking achieved around 5.8% reduction in total power with 5.7% area overhead. Modeling the clock network with the proposed flip-flop illustrates that low-swing clocking can achieve up to 58% reduction in the power consumption of the resonant clock. An analytical approach was introduced to estimate the required driver strength in the clock generator. Using the proposed approach early in the design stage reduces area and power overhead by eliminating the need for programmable switches in the driving circuit

    A low phase noise ring oscillator phase-locked loop for wireless applications

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 129).This thesis describes the circuit level design of a 900MHz [Sigma][Detta] ring oscillator based phase-locked loop using 0.35[mu]m technology. Multiple phase noise theories are considered giving insight into low phase-noise voltage controlled oscillator design. The circuit utilizes a fully symmetric differential voltage controlled oscillator with cascode current starved inverters to reduces current noise. A compact multi-modulus prescaler is presented, based on modified true single-phase clock flip-flops with integrated logic. A fully differential charge pump with switched-capacitor common mode feedback is utilized in conjunction with a nonlinear phase-frequency detector for accelerated acquisition time.by Colin Weltin-Wu.M.Eng

    Design of a Dual Band Local Positioning System

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    This work presents a robust dual band local positioning system (LPS) working in the 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz industrial science medical (ISM) bands. Position measurement is based on the frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar approach, which uses radio frequency (RF) chirp signals for propagation time and therefore distance measurements. Contrary to state of the art LPS, the presented system uses data from both bands to improve accuracy, precision and robustness. A complete system prototype is designed consisting of base stations and tags encapsulating most of the RF and analogue signal processing in custom integrated circuits. This design approach allows to reduce size and power consumption compared to a hybrid system using off-the-shelf components. Key components are implemented using concepts, which support operation in multiple frequency bands, namely, the receiver consisting of a low noise amplifier (LNA), mixer, frequency synthesizer with a wide band voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) having broadband chirp generation capabilities and a dual band power amplifier. System imperfections occurring in FMCW radar systems are modelled. Effects neglected in literature such as compression, intermodulation, the influence of automatic gain control, blockers and spurious emissions are modeled. The results are used to derive a specification set for the circuit design. Position estimation from measured distances is done using an enhanced version of the grid search algorithm, which makes use of data from multiple frequency bands. The algorithm is designed to be easily and efficiently implemented in embedded systems. Measurements show a coverage range of the system of at least 245m. Ranging accuracy in an outdoor scenario can be as low as 8.2cm. Comparative dual band position measurements prove an effective outlier filtering in indoor and outdoor scenarios compared to single band results, yielding in a large gain of accuracy. Positioning accuracy in an indoor scenario with an area of 276mÂČ can be improved from 1.27m at 2.4GHz and 1.86m at 5.8GHz to only 0.38m in the dual band case, corresponding to an improvement by at least a factor of 3.3. In a large outdoor scenario of 4.8 kmÂČ, accuracy improves from 1.88m at 2.4GHz and 5.93m at 5.8GHz to 0.68m with dual band processing, which is a factor of at least 2.8.Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Entwurf eines robusten lokalen Positionierungssystems (LPS), welches in den lizenzfreien Frequenzbereichen fĂŒr industrielle, wissenschaftliche und medizinische Zwecke (industrial, scientific, medical, ISM) bei 2,4GHz und 5,8GHz arbeitet. Die Positionsbestimmung beruht auf dem Prinzip des frequenzmodulierten Dauerstrichradars (frequency modulated continuous wave, FMCW-Radar), welches hochfrequente Rampensignale fĂŒr Laufzeitmessungen und damit Abstandsmessungen benutzt. Im Gegensatz zu aktuellen Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet benutzt das vorgestellte System Daten aus beiden FrequenzbĂ€ndern zur Erhöhung der Genauigkeit und PrĂ€zision sowie Verbesserung der Robustheit. Ein Prototyp des kompletten Systems bestehend aus Basisstationen und mobilen Stationen wurde entworfen. Fast die gesamte analoge hochfrequente Signalverarbeitungskette wurde als anwendungsspezifische integrierte Schaltung realisiert. Verglichen mit Systemen aus Standardkomponenten erlaubt dieser Ansatz die Miniaturisierung der Systemkomponenten und die Einsparung von Leistung. SchlĂŒsselkomponenten wurden mit Konzepten fĂŒr mehrbandige oder breitbandige Schaltungen entworfen. Dabei wurden Sender und EmpfĂ€nger bestehend aus rauscharmem VerstĂ€rker, Mischer und Frequenzsynthesizer mit breitbandiger Frequenzrampenfunktion implementiert. Außerdem wurde ein LeistungsverstĂ€rker fĂŒr die gleichzeitige Nutzung der beiden definierten FrequenzbĂ€nder entworfen. Um Spezifikationen fĂŒr den Schaltungsentwurf zu erhalten, wurden in der Fachliteratur vernachlĂ€ssigte NichtidealitĂ€ten von FMCW-Radarsystemen modelliert. Dazu gehören Signalverzerrungen durch Kompression oder Intermodulation, der Einfluss der automatischen VerstĂ€rkungseinstellung sowie schmalbandige Störer und Nebenschwingungen. Die Ergebnisse der Modellierung wurden benutzt, um eine Spezifikation fĂŒr den Schaltungsentwurf zu erhalten. Die SchĂ€tzung der Position aus gemessenen AbstĂ€nden wurde ĂŒber eine erweiterte Version des Gittersuchalgorithmus erreicht. Dieser nutzt die Abstandsmessdaten aus beiden FrequenzbĂ€ndern. Der Algorithmus ist so entworfen, dass er effizient in einem eingebetteten System implementiert werden kann. Messungen zeigen eine maximale Reichweite des Systems von mindestens 245m. Die Genauigkeit von Abstandsmessungen im Freiland betrĂ€gt 8,2cm. Positionsmessungen wurden unter Verwendung beider EinzelbĂ€nder durchgefĂŒhrt und mit den Ergebnissen des Zweiband-Gittersuchalgorithmus verglichen. Damit konnte eine starke Verbesserung der Positionsgenauigkeit erreicht werden. Die Genauigkeit in einem Innenraum mit einer GrundflĂ€che von 276mÂČ kann verbessert werden von 1,27m bei 2,4GHz und 1,86m bei 5,8GHz zu nur 0,38m im Zweibandverfahren. Das entspricht einer Verbesserung um einen Faktor von mindestens 3,3. In einem grĂ¶ĂŸeren Außenszenario mit einer FlĂ€che von 4,8 kmÂČ verbessert sich die Genauigkeit um einen Faktor von mindestens 2,8 von 1,88m bei 2,4GHz und 5,93m bei 5,8GHz auf 0,68m bei Nutzung von Daten aus beiden FrequenzbĂ€ndern