36 research outputs found

    Four-element phased-array beamformers and a self-interference canceling full-duplex transciver in 130-nm SiGe for 5G applications at 26 GHz

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    This thesis is on the design of radio-frequency (RF) integrated front-end circuits for next generation 5G communication systems. The demand for higher data rates and lower latency in 5G networks can only be met using several new technologies including, but not limited to, mm-waves, massive-MIMO, and full-duplex. Use of mm-waves provides more bandwidth that is necessary for high data rates at the cost of increased attenuation in air. Massive-MIMO arrays are required to compensate for this increased path loss by providing beam steering and array gain. Furthermore, full duplex operation is desirable for improved spectrum efficiency and reduced latency. The difficulty of full duplex operation is the self-interference (SI) between transmit (TX) and receive (RX) paths. Conventional methods to suppress this interference utilize either bulky circulators, isolators, couplers or two separate antennas. These methods are not suitable for fully-integrated full-duplex massive-MIMO arrays. This thesis presents circuit and system level solutions to the issues summarized above, in the form of SiGe integrated circuits for 5G applications at 26 GHz. First, a full-duplex RF front-end architecture is proposed that is scalable to massive-MIMO arrays. It is based on blind, RF self-interference cancellation that is applicable to single/shared antenna front-ends. A high resolution RF vector modulator is developed, which is the key building block that empowers the full-duplex frontend architecture by achieving better than state-of-the-art 10-b monotonic phase control. This vector modulator is combined with linear-in-dB variable gain amplifiers and attenuators to realize a precision self-interference cancellation circuitry. Further, adaptive control of this SI canceler is made possible by including an on-chip low-power IQ downconverter. It correlates copies of transmitted and received signals and provides baseband/dc outputs that can be used to adaptively control the SI canceler. The solution comes at the cost of minimal additional circuitry, yet significantly eases linearity requirements of critical receiver blocks at RF/IF such as mixers and ADCs. Second, to complement the proposed full-duplex front-end architecture and to provide a more complete solution, high-performance beamformer ICs with 5-/6- b phase and 3-/4-b amplitude control capabilities are designed. Single-channel, separate transmitter and receiver beamformers are implemented targeting massive- MIMO mode of operation, and their four-channel versions are developed for phasedarray communication systems. Better than state-of-the-art noise performance is obtained in the RX beamformer channel, with a full-channel noise figure of 3.3 d

    Analysis and Design of a Sub-THz Ultra-Wideband Phased-Array Transmitter

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    This thesis investigates circuits and systems for broadband high datarate transmitter systems in the millimeter-wave (mm-wave) spectrum. During the course of this dissertation, the design process and characterization of a power efficient and wideband binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) transmitter integrated circuit (IC) with local oscillator (LO) frequency multiplication and 360° phase control for beam steering is studied. All required circuit blocks are designed based on the theoretical analysis of the underlying principles, optimized, fabricated and characterized in the research laboratory targeting low power consumption, high efficiency and broadband operation. The phase-controlled push-push (PCPP) architecture enabling frequency multiplication by four in a single stage is analytically studied and characterized finding an optimum between output power and second harmonic suppression depending on the input amplitude. A PCPP based LO chain is designed. A circuit is fabricated establishing the feasibility of this architecture for operation at more than 200 GHz. Building on this, a second circuit is designed, which produces among the highest saturated output powers at 2 dBm. At less than 100 mW of direct current (DC) power consumption, this results in a power-added efficiency (PAE) of 1.6 % improving the state of the art by almost 30 %. Phase-delayed and time-delayed approaches to beam steering are analyzed, identifying and discussing design challenges like area consumption, signal attenuation and beam squint. A 60 GHz active vector-sum phase-shifter with high gain of 11.3 dB and output power of 5 dBm, improving the PAE of the state of the art by a factor of 30 achieving 6.29 %, is designed. The high gain is possible due to an optimization of the orthogonal signal creation stage enabled by studying and comparing different architectures leading to a trade off of lower signal attenuation for higher area consumption in the chosen electromagnetic coupler. By combining this with a frequency quadrupler, a phase steering enabled LO chain for operation at 220 GHz is created and characterized, confirming the preceding analysis of the phase-frequency relation during multiplication. It achieves a power gain of 21 dB, outperforming comparable designs by 25 dB. This allows the combination of phase control, frequency multiplication and pre-amplification. The radio frequency (RF) efficiency is increased 40-fold to 0.99 %, with a total power consumption of 105 mW. Motivated by the distorting effect of beam squint in phase-delayed broadband array systems, a novel analog hybrid beam steering architecture is devised, combining phase-delayed and time-delayed steering with the goal of reducing the beam squint of phase-delayed systems and large area consumption of time-delayed circuits. An analytical design procedure is presented leading to the research finding of a beam squint reduction potential of more than 83 % in an ideal system. Here, the increase in area consumption is outweighed by the reduction in beam squint. An IC with a low power consumption of 4.3 mW has been fabricated and characterized featuring the first time delay circuit operating at above 200 GHz. By producing most of the beam direction by means of time delay the beam squinting can be reduced by more than 75 % in measurements while the subsequent phase shifter ensures continuous beam direction control. Together, the required silicon area can be reduced to 43 % compared to timedelayed systems in the same frequency range. Based on studies of the optimum signal feeding and input matching of a Gilbert cell, an ultra-wideband, low-power mixer was designed. A bandwidth of more than 100 GHz was achieved exceeding the state of the art by 23 %. With a conversion gain of –13 dB, this enables datarates of more than 100 Gbps in BPSK operation. The findings are consolidated in an integrated transmitter operating around 246 GHz doubling the highest published measured datarates of transmitters with LO chain and power amplifier in BPSK operation to 56 Gbps. The resulting transmitter efficiency of 7.4 pJ/bit improves the state of the art by 70 % and 50 % over BPSK and quadrature phaseshift keying (QPSK) systems, respectively. Together, the results of this work form the basis for low-power and efficient next-generation wireless applications operating at many times the datarates available today.:Abstract 3 Zusammenfassung 5 List of Symbols 11 List of Acronyms 17 Prior Publications 19 1. Introduction 21 1.1. Motivation........................... 21 1.2. Objective of this Thesis ................... 25 1.3. Structure of this Thesis ................... 27 2. Overview of Employed Technologies and Techniques 29 2.1. IntegratedCircuitTechnology................ 29 2.2. Transmission Lines and Passive Structures . . . . . . . . 35 2.3. DigitalModulation ...................... 41 3. Frequency Quadrupler 45 3.1. Theoretical Analysis of Frequency Multiplication Circuits 45 3.2. Phase-Controlled Push-Push Principle for Frequency Quadrupling.......................... 49 3.3. Stand-alone Phase-Controlled Push-Push Quadrupler . 60 3.4. Phase-Controlled Push-Push Quadrupler based LO-chain with High Output Power ............... 72 9 4. Array Systems and Dynamic Beam Steering 91 4.1. Theoretical Analysis of BeamSteering. . . . . . . . . . . 95 4.2. Local Oscillator Phase Shifting with Vector-Modulator PhaseShifters......................... 107 4.3. Hybrid True-Time and Phase-Delayed Beam Steering . 131 5. Ultra-Wide Band Modulator for BPSK Operation 155 6. Broadband BPSK Transmitter System for Datarates up to 56 Gbps 167 6.1. System Architecture ..................... 168 6.2. Measurement Technique and Results . . . . . . . . . . . 171 6.3. Summary and performance comparison . . . . . . . . . 185 7. Conclusion and Outlook 189 A. Appendix 195 Bibliography 199 List of Figures 227 Note of Thanks 239 Curriculum Vitae 241Diese Dissertation untersucht Schaltungen und Systeme für breitbandige Transmittersysteme mit hoher Datenrate im Millimeterwellen (mm-wave) Spektrum. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden der Entwurfsprozess und die Charakterisierung eines leistungseffizienten und breitbandigen integrierten Senders basierend auf binärer Phasenumtastung (BPSK) mit Frequenzvervielfachung des Lokaloszillatorsignals und 360°-Phasenkontrolle zur Strahlsteuerung untersucht. Alle erforderlichen Schaltungsblöcke werden auf Grundlage von theoretischen Analysen der zugrundeliegenden Prinzipien entworfen, optimiert, hergestellt und im Forschungslabor charakterisiert, mit den Zielen einer niedrigen Leistungsaufnahme, eines hohen Wirkungsgrades und einer möglichst großen Bandbreite. Die phasengesteuerte Push-Push (PCPP)-Architektur, welche eine Frequenzvervierfachung in einer einzigen Stufe ermöglicht, wird analytisch untersucht und charakterisiert. Dabei wird ein Optimum zwischen Ausgangsleistung und Unterdrückung der zweiten Harmonischen des Eingangssignals in Abhängigkeit von der Eingangsamplitude gefunden. Es wird eine LO-Kette auf PCPP-Basis entworfen. Eine Schaltung wird präsentiert, die die Machbarkeit dieser Architektur für den Betrieb bei mehr als 200 GHz nachweist. Darauf aufbauend wird eine zweite Schaltung entworfen, die mit 2 dBm eine der höchsten publizierten gesättigten Ausgangsleistungen erzeugt. Mit einer Leistungsaufnahme von weniger als 100mW ergibt sich ein Leistungswirkungsgrad (PAE) von 1.6 %, was den Stand der Technik um fast 30 % verbessert. Es werden phasenverzögerte und zeitverzögerte Ansätze zur Steuerung der Strahlrichtung analysiert, wobei Entwicklungsherausforderungen wie Flächenverbrauch, Signaldämpfung und Strahlschielen identifiziert und diskutiert werden. Ein aktiver Vektorsummen-Phasenschieber mit hoher Verstärkung von 11.3 dB und einer Ausgangsleistung von 5 dBm, der mit einer PAE von 6.29 % den Stand der Technik um den Faktor 30 verbessert, wird entworfen. Die hohe Verstärkung ist zum Teil auf eine Optimierung der orthogonalen Signalerzeugungsstufe zurückzuführen, die durch die Untersuchung und den Vergleich verschiedener Architekturen ermöglicht wird. Bei der Entscheidung für einen elektromagnetischen Koppler rechtfertigt die geringere Signaldämpfung einen höheren Flächenverbrauch. Durch die Kombination mit einem Frequenzvervierfacher wird eine LO-Kette mit Phasensteuerung für den Betrieb bei 220 GHz geschaffen und charakterisiert, was die vorangegangene Analyse der Phasen-FrequenzBeziehung während der Multiplikation bestätigt. Sie erreicht einen Leistungsgewinn von 21 dB und übertrifft damit vergleichbare Designs um 25dB. Dies ermöglicht die Kombination von Phasensteuerung, Frequenzvervielfachung und Vorverstärkung. Der HochfrequenzWirkungsgrad wird um das 40-fache auf 0.99 % bei einer Gesamtleistungsaufnahme von 105 mW gesteigert. Motiviert durch den verzerrenden Effekt des Strahlenschielens in phasengesteuerten Breitbandarraysystemen, wird eine neuartige analoge hybride Strahlsteuerungsarchitektur untersucht, die phasenverzögerte und zeitverzögerte Steuerung kombiniert. Damit wird sowohl das Strahlenschielen phasenverzögerter Systeme als auch der große Flächenverbrauch zeitverzögerter Schaltungen reduziert. Es wird ein analytisches Entwurfsverfahren vorgestellt, das zu dem Forschungsergebnis führt, dass in einem idealen System ein Potenzial zur Reduktion des Strahlenschielens von mehr als 83 % besteht. Dabei wird die Zunahme des Flächenverbrauchs durch die Verringerung des Strahlenschielens aufgewogen. Es wird ein IC mit einer geringen Leistungsaufnahme von 4.3mW hergestellt und charakterisiert. Dabei wird die erste Zeitverzögerungsschaltung entworfen, die bei über 200 GHz arbeitet. Durch die Erzeugung eines Großteils der Strahlrichtung mittels Zeitverzögerung kann das Schielen des Strahls bei Messungen um mehr als 75% reduziert werden, während der nachfolgende Phasenschieber eine kontinuierliche Steuerung der Strahlrichtung gewährleistet. Insgesamt kann die benötigte Siliziumfläche im Vergleich zu zeitverzögerten Systemen im gleichen Frequenzbereich auf 43 % reduziert werden. Auf der Grundlage von Studien zur optimalen Signaleinspeisung und Eingangsanpassung einer Gilbert-Zelle wird ein Ultrabreitband-Mischer mit geringem Stromverbrauch entworfen. Dieser erreicht eine Ausgangsbandbreite von mehr als 100 GHz, die den Stand der Technik um 23% übertrifft. Bei einer Wandlungsverstärkung von –13dB ermöglicht dies Datenraten von mehr als 100 Gbps im BPSK-Betrieb. Die Erkenntnisse werden in einem integrierten, breitbandigen Sender konsolidiert, der um 246 GHz arbeitet und die höchsten veröffentlichten gemessenen Datenraten für Sender mit LO-Signalkette und Leistungsverstärker im BPSK-Betrieb auf 56 Gbps verdoppelt. Die daraus resultierende Transmitter-Effizienz von 7.4 pJ/bit verbessert den Stand der Technik um 70 % bzw. 50 % gegenüber BPSKund Quadratur Phasenumtastung (QPSK)-Systemen. Zusammen bilden die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit die Grundlage für stromsparende, effiziente, mobile Funkanwendungen der nächsten Generation mit einem Vielfachen der heute verfügbaren Datenraten.:Abstract 3 Zusammenfassung 5 List of Symbols 11 List of Acronyms 17 Prior Publications 19 1. Introduction 21 1.1. Motivation........................... 21 1.2. Objective of this Thesis ................... 25 1.3. Structure of this Thesis ................... 27 2. Overview of Employed Technologies and Techniques 29 2.1. IntegratedCircuitTechnology................ 29 2.2. Transmission Lines and Passive Structures . . . . . . . . 35 2.3. DigitalModulation ...................... 41 3. Frequency Quadrupler 45 3.1. Theoretical Analysis of Frequency Multiplication Circuits 45 3.2. Phase-Controlled Push-Push Principle for Frequency Quadrupling.......................... 49 3.3. Stand-alone Phase-Controlled Push-Push Quadrupler . 60 3.4. Phase-Controlled Push-Push Quadrupler based LO-chain with High Output Power ............... 72 9 4. Array Systems and Dynamic Beam Steering 91 4.1. Theoretical Analysis of BeamSteering. . . . . . . . . . . 95 4.2. Local Oscillator Phase Shifting with Vector-Modulator PhaseShifters......................... 107 4.3. Hybrid True-Time and Phase-Delayed Beam Steering . 131 5. Ultra-Wide Band Modulator for BPSK Operation 155 6. Broadband BPSK Transmitter System for Datarates up to 56 Gbps 167 6.1. System Architecture ..................... 168 6.2. Measurement Technique and Results . . . . . . . . . . . 171 6.3. Summary and performance comparison . . . . . . . . . 185 7. Conclusion and Outlook 189 A. Appendix 195 Bibliography 199 List of Figures 227 Note of Thanks 239 Curriculum Vitae 24

    CMOS radio frequency circuits for short-range direct-conversion receivers

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    The research described in this thesis is focused on the design and implementation of radio frequency (RF) circuits for direct-conversion receivers. The main interest is in RF front-end circuits, which contain low-noise amplifiers, downconversion mixers, and quadrature local oscillator signal generation circuits. Three RF front-end circuits were fabricated in a short-channel CMOS process and experimental results are presented. A low-noise amplifier (LNA) is typically the first amplifying block in the receiver. A large number of LNAs have been reported in the literature. In this thesis, wideband LNA structures are of particular interest. The most common and relevant LNA topologies are analyzed in detail in the frequency domain and theoretical limitations are found. New LNA structures are presented and a comparison to the ones found in the literature is made. In this work, LNAs are implemented with downconversion mixers as RF front-ends. The designed mixers are based on the commonly used Gilbert cell. Different mixer implementation alternatives are presented and the design of the interface between the LNA and the downconversion mixer is discussed. In this work, the quadrature local oscillator signal is generated either by using frequency dividers or polyphase filters (PPF). Different possibilities for implementing frequency dividers are briefly described. Polyphase filters were already introduced by the 1970s and integrated circuit (IC) realizations to generate quadrature signals have been published since the mid-1990s. Although several publications where the performance of the PPFs has been studied either by theoretical calculations or simulations can be found in the literature, none of them covers all the relevant design parameters. In this thesis, the theory behind the PPFs is developed such that all the relevant design parameters needed in the practical circuit design have been calculated and presented with closed-form equations whenever possible. Although the main focus was on twoand three-stage PPFs, which are the most common ones encountered in practical ICs, the presented calculation methods can be extended to analyze the performance of multistage PPFs as well. The main application targets of the circuits presented in this thesis are the short-range wireless sensor system and ultrawideband (UWB). Sensors are capable of monitoring temperature, pressure, humidity, or acceleration, for example. The amount of transferred data is typically small and therefore a modest bit rate, less than 1 Mbps, is adequate. The sensor system applied in this thesis operates at 2.4-GHz ISM band (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical). Since the sensors must be able to operate independently for several years, extremely low power consumption is required. In sensor radios, the receiver current consumption is dominated by the blocks and elements operating at the RF. Therefore, the target was to develop circuits that can offer satisfactory performance with a current consumption level that is small compared to other receivers targeted for common cellular systems. On the other hand, there is a growing need for applications that can offer an extremely high data rate. UWB is one example of such a system. At the moment, it can offer data rates of up to 480 Mbps. There is a frequency spectrum allocated for UWB systems between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz. The UWB band is further divided into several narrower band groups (BG), each occupying a bandwidth of approximately 1.6 GHz. In this work, a direct-conversion RF front-end is designed for a dual-band UWB receiver, which operates in band groups BG1 and BG3, i.e. at 3.1 – 4.8 GHz and 6.3 – 7.9 GHz frequency areas, respectively. Clearly, an extremely wide bandwidth combined with a high operational frequency poses challenges for circuit design. The operational bandwidths and the interfaces between the circuit blocks need to be optimized to cover the wanted frequency areas. In addition, the wideband functionality should be achieved without using a number of on-chip inductors in order to minimize the die area, and yet the power consumption should be kept as small as possible. The characteristics of the two main target applications are quite different from each other with regard to power consumption, bandwidth, and operational frequency requirements. A common factor for both is their short, i.e. less than 10 meters, range. Although the circuits presented in this thesis are targeted on the two main applications mentioned above, they can be utilized in other kind of wireless communication systems as well. The performance of three experimental circuits was verified with measurements and the results are presented in this work. Two of them have been a part of a whole receiver including baseband amplifiers and filters and analog-to-digital converters. Experimental circuits were fabricated in a 0.13-µm CMOS process. In addition, this thesis includes design examples where new circuit ideas and implementation possibilities are introduced by using 0.13-µm and 65-nm CMOS processes. Furthermore, part of the theory presented in this thesis is validated with design examples in which actual IC component models are used.Tässä väitöskirjassa esitetty tutkimus keskittyy suoramuunnosvastaanottimen radiotaajuudella (radio frequency, RF) toimivien piirien suunnitteluun ja toteuttamiseen. Työ keskittyy vähäkohinaiseen vahvistimeen (low-noise amplifier, LNA), alassekoittajaan ja kvadratuurisen paikallisoskillaattorisignaalin tuottavaan piiriin. Työssä toteutettiin kolme RF-etupäätä erittäin kapean viivanleveyden CMOS-prosessilla, ja niiden kokeelliset tulokset esitetään. Vähäkohinainen vahvistin on yleensä ensimmäinen vahvistava lohko vastaanottimessa. Useita erilaisia vähäkohinaisia vahvistimia on esitetty kirjallisuudessa. Tämän työn kohteena ovat eritoten laajakaistaiset LNA-rakenteet. Tässä työssä analysoidaan taajuustasossa yleisimmät ja oleellisimmat LNA-topologiat. Lisäksi uusia LNA-rakenteita on esitetty tässä työssä ja niitä on verrattu muihin kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin piireihin. Tässä työssä LNA:t on toteutettu yhdessä alassekoittimen kanssa muodostaen RF-etupään. Työssä suunnitellut alassekoittimet perustuvat yleisesti käytettyyn Gilbertin soluun. Erilaisia sekoittajan suunnitteluvaihtoehtoja ja LNA:n ja alassekoittimen välisen rajapinnan toteutustapoja on esitetty. Tässä työssä kvadratuurinen paikallisoskillaattorisignaali on muodostettu joko käyttämällä taajuusjakajia tai monivaihesuodattimia. Erilaisia taajuusjakajia ja niiden toteutustapoja käsitellään yleisellä tasolla. Monivaihesuodatinta, joka on alunperin kehitetty jo 1970-luvulla, on käytetty integroiduissa piireissä kvadratuurisignaalin tuottamiseen 1990-luvun puolivälistä lähtien. Kirjallisuudesta löytyy lukuisia artikkeleita, joissa monivaihesuodattimen toimintaa on käsitelty teoreettisesti laskien ja simuloinnein. Kuitenkaan kaikkia sen suunnitteluparametreja ei tähän mennessä ole käsitelty. Tässä työssä monivaihesuodattimen teoriaa on kehitetty edelleen siten, että käytännön piirisuunnittelussa tarvittavat oleelliset parametrit on analysoitu ja suunnitteluyhtälöt on esitetty suljetussa muodossa aina kuin mahdollista. Vaikka työssä on keskitytty yleisimpiin eli kaksi- ja kolmiasteisiin monivaihesuodattimiin, on työssä esitetty menetelmät, joilla laskentaa voidaan jatkaa aina useampiasteisiin suodattimiin asti. Työssä esiteltyjen piirien pääkohteina ovat lyhyen kantaman sensoriradio ja erittäin laajakaistainen järjestelmä (ultrawideband, UWB). Sensoreilla voidaan tarkkailla esimerkiksi ympäristön lämpötilaa, kosteutta, painetta tai kiihtyvyyttä. Siirrettävän tiedon määrä on tyypillisesti vähäistä, jolloin pieni tiedonsiirtonopeus, alle 1 megabitti sekunnissa, on välttävä. Tämän työn kohteena oleva sensoriradiojärjestelmä toimii kapealla kaistalla 2,4 gigahertsin ISM-taajuusalueella (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical). Koska sensorien tavoitteena on toimia itsenäisesti ilman pariston vaihtoa useita vuosia, täytyy niiden kuluttaman virran olla erittäin vähäistä. Sensoriradiossa vastaanottimen tehonkulutuksen kannalta määräävässä asemassa ovat radiotaajuudella toimivat piirit. Tavoitteena oli tutkia ja kehittää piirirakenteita, joilla päästään tyydyttävään suorituskykyyn tehonkulutuksella, joka on vähäinen verrattuna muiden tavallisten langattomien tiedonsiirtojärjestelmien radiovastaanottimiin. Toisaalta viime aikoina on kasvanut tarvetta myös järjestelmille, jotka kykenevät tarjoamaan erittäin korkean tiedonsiirtonopeuden. UWB on esimerkki tällaisesta järjestelmästä. Tällä hetkellä se tarjoaa tiedonsiirtonopeuksia aina 480 megabittiin sekunnissa. UWB:lle on varattu taajuusalueita 3,1 ja 10,6 gigahertsin taajuuksien välillä. Kyseinen kaista on edelleen jaettu pienempiin taajuusryhmiin (band group, BG), joiden kaistanleveys on noin 1,6 gigahertsiä. Tässä työssä on toteutettu RF-etupää radiovastaanottimeen, joka pystyy toimimaan BG1:llä ja BG3:lla eli taajuusalueilla 3,1 - 4,7 GHz ja 6,3 - 7,9 GHz. Erittäin suuri kaistanleveys yhdistettynä korkeaan toimintataajuuteen tekee radiotaajuuspiirien suunnittelusta haasteellista. Piirirakenteiden toimintakaistat ja piirien väliset rajapinnat tulee optimoida riittävän laajoiksi käyttämättä kuitenkaan liian montaa piille integroitua kelaa piirin pinta-alan minimoimiseksi, ja lisäksi piirit tulisi toteuttaa mahdollisimman alhaisella tehonkulutuksella. Työssä esiteltyjen piirien kaksi pääkohdetta ovat hyvin erityyppisiä, mitä tulee tehonkulutus-, kaistanleveys- ja toimintataajuusvaatimuksiin. Yhteistä molemmille on lyhyt, alle 10 metrin kantama. Vaikka tässä työssä esitellyt piirit onkin kohdennettu kahteen pääsovelluskohteeseen, voidaan esitettyjä piirejä käyttää myös muiden tiedonsiirtojärjestelmien piirien suunnitteluun. Tässä työssä esitetään mittaustuloksineen yhteensä kolme kokeellista piiriä yllämainittuihin järjestelmiin. Kaksi ensimmäistä kokeellista piiriä muodostaa kokonaisen radiovastaanottimen yhdessä analogisten kantataajuusosien ja analogia-digitaali-muuntimien kanssa. Esitetyt kokeelliset piirit on toteutettu käyttäen 0,13 µm:n viivanleveyden CMOS-tekniikkaa. Näiden lisäksi työ pitää sisällään piirisuunnitteluesimerkkejä, joissa esitetään ideoita ja mahdollisuuksia käyttäen 0,13 µm:n ja 65 nm:n viivanleveyden omaavia CMOS-tekniikoita. Lisäksi piirisuunnitteluesimerkein havainnollistetaan työssä esitetyn teorian paikkansapitävyyttä käyttämällä oikeita komponenttimalleja.reviewe

    Interference suppression techniques for millimeter-wave integrated receiver front ends

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    Wideband CMOS Data Converters for Linear and Efficient mmWave Transmitters

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    With continuously increasing demands for wireless connectivity, higher\ua0carrier frequencies and wider bandwidths are explored. To overcome a limited transmit power at these higher carrier frequencies, multiple\ua0input multiple output (MIMO) systems, with a large number of transmitters\ua0and antennas, are used to direct the transmitted power towards\ua0the user. With a large transmitter count, each individual transmitter\ua0needs to be small and allow for tight integration with digital circuits. In\ua0addition, modern communication standards require linear transmitters,\ua0making linearity an important factor in the transmitter design.In this thesis, radio frequency digital-to-analog converter (RF-DAC)-based transmitters are explored. They shift the transition from digital\ua0to analog closer to the antennas, performing both digital-to-analog\ua0conversion and up-conversion in a single block. To reduce the need for\ua0computationally costly digital predistortion (DPD), a linear and wellbehaved\ua0RF-DAC transfer characteristic is desirable. The combination\ua0of non-overlapping local oscillator (LO) signals and an expanding segmented\ua0non-linear RF-DAC scaling is evaluated as a way to linearize\ua0the transmitter. This linearization concept has been studied both for\ua0the linearization of the RF-DAC itself and for the joint linearization of\ua0the cascaded RF-DAC-based modulator and power amplifier (PA) combination.\ua0To adapt the linearization, observation receivers are needed.\ua0In these, high-speed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) have a central\ua0role. A high-speed ADC has been designed and evaluated to understand\ua0how concepts used to increase the sample rate affect the dynamic performance

    Circuit Techniques for Multiple and Wideband Beamforming

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.June 2018. Major: Electrical Engineering. Advisor: Ramesh Harjani. 1 computer file (PDF); x, 102 pages.This thesis presents different architectures with regard to multiple beamforming and wideband phased array transceiver. Three different designs are implemented in TSMC 65nm RF CMOS to demonstrate different solutions. The design in this thesis have included major RF blocks in state-of-art wireless transceiver: RF receiver, local oscillator, and RF transmitter. First, a RF/analog FFT based four-channel four-beam receiver with progressive partial spatial ltering is proposed. This architecture is particularly well suited for MIMO systems where multiple beams are used to increase throughput. Like the FFT, the proposed architecture reuses computations for multi-beam systems. In particular, the proposed architecture redistributes the computations so as to maximize the reuse of the structure that already exist in a receiver chain. In many fashions the architecture is quite similar to a Butler matrix but unlike the Butler matrix it does not use large passive components at RF. Further, we exploit the normally occurring quadrature down-conversion process to implement the tap weights. In comparison to traditional MIMO architectures, that effectively duplicate each path, the distributed computations of this architecture provide partial spatial ltering before the final stage, improving interference rejection for the blocks between the LNA and the ADC. Additionally, because of the spatial ltering prior to the ADC, a single interferer only jams a single beam allowing for continued operation though at a lower combined throughput. The four-beam receiver core prototype in 65nm CMOS implements the basic FFT based architecture but does not include an LNA or extensive IF stages. This four-channel design consumes 56mW power and occupies an active area of 0:65mm2 excluding pads and test circuits. Second, a wideband phased array receiver architecture with simultaneous spectral and spatial filtering by sub-harmonic injection oscillators is presented. The design avoids using expensive delay elements by many conventional wideband phased array. Different from prior art of channelization which cannot solve beam-squinting issue among the sub-channels, we use sub-harmonic injection locking scheme, which make the center frequencies of all sub-channels point to the same spatial direction to overcome beam-squinting issue. The low frequency, low power and narrowband phase shifters are placed at LO in comparison to conventional way of placing delay elements or phase shifters in the signal path. This avoids receiver performance degradation from delay elements or phase shifters. The simultaneous spectral and spatial ltering dictates less ADC dynamic range requirement and further reduces power. The injection locking scheme reduces the phase noise contribution from the oscillators. The two-band prototype design realized in 65nm GP CMOS is centered at 9GHz, provides 4GHz instantaneous bandwidth, reduces beam-squinting by half, consumes 31.75mW/antenna and occupies 2.7mm2 of chip area. In the third work, a steerable RF/analog FFT based four-beam transmitter architecture is presented. This work is based on the idea of FFT based multiple beamforming in 1st work, but extended to the transmitter and make the all beams steerable. Due to the reciprocity between receiver and transmitter, decimation-in-frequency (DIF) FFT is utilized in the transmitter. All the beams are steered simultaneously by front-end phase shifters, while keep each of the beams is independent of the others. The steerability of FFT based multiple beamforming scheme makes this proposed prototype could tackle more complicated portable wireless environment. The first and second proposed architecture have been silicon veried, and the design of the third has been finished and ready for tapeout

    High Performance LNAs and Mixers for Direct Conversion Receivers in BiCMOS and CMOS Technologies

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    The trend in cellular chipset design today is to incorporate support for a larger number of frequency bands for each new chipset generation. If the chipset also supports receiver diversity two low noise amplifiers (LNAs) are required for each frequency band. This is however associated with an increase of off-chip components, i.e. matching components for the LNA inputs, as well as complex routing of the RF input signals. If balanced LNAs are implemented the routing complexity is further increased. The first presented work in this thesis is a novel multiband low noise single ended LNA and mixer architecture. The mixer has a novel feedback loop suppressing both second order distortion as well as DC-offset. The performance, verified by Monte Carlo simulations, is sufficient for a WCDMA application. The second presented work is a single ended multiband LNA with programmable integrated matching. The LNA is connected to an on-chip tunable balun generating differential RF signals for a differential mixer. The combination of the narrow band input matching and narrow band balun of the presented LNA is beneficial for suppressing third harmonic downconversion of a WLAN interferer. The single ended architecture has great advantages regarding PCB routing of the RF input signals but is on the other hand more sensitive to common mode interferers, e.g. ground, supply and substrate noise. An analysis of direct conversion receiver requirements is presented together with an overview of different LNA and mixer architectures in both BiCMOS and CMOS technology

    Design and characterization of monolithic millimeter-wave active and passive components, low-noise and power amplifiers, resistive mixers, and radio front-ends

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    This thesis focuses on the design and characterization of monolithic active and passive components, low-noise and power amplifiers, resistive mixers, and radio front-ends for millimeter-wave applications. The thesis consists of 11 publications and an overview of the research area, which also summarizes the main results of the work. In the design of millimeter-wave active and passive components the main focus is on realized CMOS components and techniques for pushing nanoscale CMOS circuits beyond 100 GHz. Test structures for measuring and analyzing these components are shown. Topologies for a coplanar waveguide, microstrip line, and slow-wave coplanar waveguide that are suitable for implementing transmission lines in nanoscale CMOS are presented. It is demonstrated that the proposed slow-wave coplanar waveguide improves the performance of the transistor-matching networks when compared to a conventional coplanar waveguide and the floating slow-wave shield reduces losses and simplifies modeling when extended below other passives, such as DC decoupling and RF short-circuiting capacitors. Furthermore, wideband spiral transmission line baluns in CMOS at millimeter-wave frequencies are demonstrated. The design of amplifiers and a wideband resistive mixer utilizing the developed components in 65-nm CMOS are shown. A 40-GHz amplifier achieved a +6-dBm 1-dB output compression point and a saturated output power of 9.6 dBm with a miniature chip size of 0.286 mm². The measured noise figure and gain of the 60-GHz amplifier were 5.6 dB and 11.5 dB, respectively. The V-band balanced resistive mixer achieved a 13.5-dB upconversion loss and 34-dB LO-to-RF isolation with a chip area of 0.47 mm². In downconversion, the measured conversion loss and 1-dB input compression point were 12.5 dB and +5 dBm, respectively. The design and experimental results of low-noise and power amplifiers are presented. Two wideband low-noise amplifiers were implemented in a 100-nm metamorphic high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) technology. The amplifiers achieved a 22.5-dB gain and a 3.3-dB noise figure at 94 GHz and a 18-19-dB gain and a 5.5-7.0-dB noise figure from 130 to 154 GHz. A 60-GHz power amplifier implemented in a 150-nm pseudomorphic HEMT technology exhibited a +17-dBm 1-dB output compression point with a 13.4-dB linear gain. In this thesis, the main system-level aspects of millimeter-wave transmitters and receivers are discussed and the experimental circuits of a 60-GHz transmitter front-end and a 60-GHz receiver with an on-chip analog-to-digital converter implemented in 65-nm CMOS are shown. The receiver exhibited a 7-dB noise figure, while the saturated output power of the transmitter front-end was +2 dBm. Furthermore, a wideband W-band transmitter front-end with an output power of +6.6 dBm suitable for both image-rejecting superheterodyne and direct-conversion transmission is demonstrated in 65-nm CMOS