33 research outputs found

    Conceptual design of an XML FACT repository for dispersed XML document warehouses and XML marts

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    Since the introduction of eXtensible Markup Language (XML), XML repositories have gained a foothold in many global (and government) organizations, where, e-Commerce and e-business models have maturated in handling daily transactional data among heterogeneous information systems in multi-data formats. Due to this, the amount of data available for enterprise decision-making process is increasing exponentially and are being stored and/or communicated in XML. This presents an interesting challenge to investigate models, frameworks and techniques for organizing and analyzing such voluminous, yet distributed XML documents for business intelligence in the form of XML warehouse repositories and XML marts. In this paper, we address such an issue, where we propose a view-driven approach for modelling and designing of a Global XML FACT (GxFACT) repository under the MDA initiatives. Here we propose the GxFACT using logically grouped, geographically dispersed, XML document warehouses and Document Marts in a global enterprise setting. To deal with organizations? evolving decision-making needs, we also provide three design strategies for building and managing of such GxFACT in the context of modelling of further hierarchical dimensions and/or global document warehouses

    Engineering XML solutions using views

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    In industrial informatics, engineering data intensive Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) is a challenging task without abstraction and partitioning. Further, the introduction of semi-structured data (namely XML) and its rapid adaptation by the commercial and industrial systems increased the complexity for data engineering. Conversely, the introduction of OMG's MDA presents an interesting paradigm for EIS and system modelling, where a system is designed at a higher level of abstraction. This presents an interesting problem to investigate data engineering XML solutions under the MDA initiatives, where, models and framework requires higher level of abstraction. In this paper we investigate a view model that can provide layered design methodology for modelling data intensive XML solutions for EIS paradigm, with sufficient level of abstraction

    XML views, part III: An UML based design methodology for XML views

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    Object-Oriented (OO) conceptual models have the power in describing and modelling real-world data semantics and their inter-relationships in a form that is precise and comprehensible to users. Today UML has established itself as the language of choice for modelling complex enterprises information systems (EIS) using OO techniques. Conversely, the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is fast emerging as the dominant standard for storing, describing and interchanging data among various enterprises systems and databases. With the introduction of XML Schema, which provides rich facilities for constraining and defining XML content, XML provides the ideal platform and the flexibility for capturing and representing complex enterprise data formats. Yet, UML provides insufficient modelling constructs for utilising XML schema based data description and constraints, while XML Schema lacks the ability to provide higher levels of abstraction (such as conceptual models) that are easily understood by humans. Therefore to enable efficient business application development of large-scale enterprise systems, we need UML like models with rich XML schema like semantics. To address such issue, in this paper, we proposed a generic, semantically rich view mechanism to conceptually model and design (using UML) XML domains to support data modelling of complex domains such as data warehousing and e-commerce systems. Our approach is based on UML and UML stereotypes to design and transform XML views

    Semantic Modelling of e-Solutions Using a View Formalism with Conceptual and Logical Extensions

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    In industrial informatics, there exists a requirement to model and design views at a higher level of abstraction. Since the classical view definitions are only available at the query or instance level, modelling and maintaining such views for complex enterprise information systems (EIS) is a challenging task. Further, the introduction of semi-structured data (namely XML) and its rapid adaptation by the commercial and industrial systems increased the complexity for view design and specification. To address such and issue, in this paper we present; (a) a layered view model for XML, (b) a design methodology for such views and (c) some real-world industrial applications of the view model. The XML view formalism is defined at the conceptual level and the design methodology is based on the XML semantic (XSemantic) nets, a high-level object-oriented (OO) modelling language for XML domains

    Big data and machine learning to improve european grapevine moth (Lobesia botrana) predictions

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    Machine Learning (ML) techniques can be used to convert Big Data into valuable information for agri-environmental applications, such as predictive pest modeling. Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) 1775 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is one of the main pests of grapevine, causing high productivity losses in some vineyards worldwide. This work focuses on the optimization of the Touzeau model, a classical correlation model between temperature and L. botrana development using data-driven models. Data collected from field observations were combined with 30 GB of registered weather data updated every 30 min to train the ML models and make predictions on this pest’s flights, as well as to assess the accuracy of both Touzeau and ML models. The results obtained highlight a much higher F1 score of the ML models in comparison with the Touzeau model. The best-performing model was an artificial neural network of four layers, which considered several variables together and not only the temperature, taking advantage of the ability of ML models to find relationships in nonlinear systems. Despite the room for improvement of artificial intelligence-based models, the process and results presented herein highlight the benefits of ML applied to agricultural pest management strategies

    A Generalized Approach to Optimization of Relational Data Warehouses Using Hybrid Greedy and Genetic Algorithms

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    As far as we know, in the open scientific literature, there is no generalized framework for the optimization of relational data warehouses which includes view and index selection and vertical view fragmentation. In this paper we are offering such a framework. We propose a formalized multidimensional model, based on relational schemas, which provides complete vertical view fragmentation and presents an approach of the transformation of a fragmented snowflake schema to a defragmented star schema through the process of denormalization. We define the generalized system of relational data warehouses optimization by including vertical fragmentation of the implementation schema (F), indexes (I) and view selection (S) for materialization. We consider Genetic Algorithm as an optimization method and introduce the technique of "recessive bits" for handling the infeasible solutions that are obtained by a Genetic Algorithm. We also present two novel hybrid algorithms, i.e. they are combination of Greedy and Genetic Algorithms. Finally, we present our experimental results and show improvements of the performance and benefits of the generalized approach (SFI) and show that our novel algorithms significantly improve the efficiency of the optimization process for different input parameters

    Knowledge discovery in data streams

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    Knowing what to do with the massive amount of data collected has always been an ongoing issue for many organizations. While data mining has been touted to be the solution, it has failed to deliver the impact despite its successes in many areas. One reason is that data mining algorithms were not designed for the real world, i.e., they usually assume a static view of the data and a stable execution environment where resources are abundant. The reality however is that data are constantly changing and the execution environment is dynamic. Hence, it becomes difficult for data mining to truly deliver timely and relevant results. Recently, the processing of stream data has received many attention. What is interesting is that the methodology to design stream-based algorithms may well be the solution to the above problem. In this entry, we discuss this issue and present an overview of recent works