233 research outputs found

    P-04 The Impact of the Great Recession in 2009 on the exports of goods and services between 2000-2019, by 25 countries in Asia and Africa - Two Way Anova Repeated Measure.

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    Abstract Calamities such as the 2007-2009 Great Recession, caused by the collapse of the housing market mainly incited by low interest rates and easy credit, leave a trail of profound and devastating damage in their wake. High rates of unemployment, stock market crashes and reduction in consumption rate etc. are but a few of the effects. There is evidence of certain nations being better equipped to field economic downturns such as recessions or environmental calamities such as floods and storms. The interest area for this research was to ascertain the impact that the 2009 great recession had on exports of goods and services by 25 countries in Asia and Africa between 2000 -2019. Two Way ANOVA Repeat measure data analysis was key to this study and to counteract multiple comparisons problem, Bonferroni method of correction was utilized. Findings revealed a leadership style backed by natural resources is correlated to the level of financial and overall performance of a nation before, during and after a recession calamity. The significant main effects of Test, F (1, 25) = 30.553, p=.001, Partial Eta Squared = .629 such that Post Test (M=56.023, SD=3.717) had a significant high than Pre-Test (M= 26.890, SD= 3.727) indicated more economic opportunity for trade after the Great Recession. Countries such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE had even higher significant interaction effects suggesting a boom in economic trade after the recession as compared to years before

    Regulators vs. markets: Do differences in their bank risk perceptions affect lending terms?

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    We quantify the differences between market and regulatory assessments of bank portfolio risk, showing that larger differences significantly reduce corporate lending rates. Specifically, to entice borrowers, banks reduce spreads by approximately 4.1% following a one standard deviation increase in our measure for bank asset-risk differences. This amounts to an interest income loss of USD 1.95 million on a loan of average size and duration. The separate effects of market and regulatory risk are much less potent. Our study reveals a disciplinary-competition effect in favor of corporate borrowers when there is information asymmetry between investors and bank regulators

    Provenance study of the limestone used in the cremation rite: the case of Cova de sa Prior (Binigaus, Menorca)

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    [eng]Because hardly any charcoal is found in the lime burial of Cova de sa Prior as well as in many other lime burials on the Balearic islands, the question was raised if the cremation ritual was performed on site or not . Samples of the lime conglomerate and lime lumps were compared with limestone from the cave itself as well as from the area around the cave. Thin-section petrography of the lime conglomerate and lumps gave no relevant information about the provenance of the limestone used for the cremation rite, but preserved structures of the source rock found in an incompletely burned limestone fragment showed that most probably the limestone comes from the direct vicinity of the cave or even from within the cave itself.[cat]L’absència gairebé absoluta de carbons a l’enterrament en calç de la cova de sa Prior, així com a molts altres enterraments d’aquest tipus a les illes Balears, va fer plantejar si el ritual de cremació hauria tingut lloc a l’interior de la cova o no. Es varen comparar mostres del conglomerat i dels pilots de calç amb la roca calcària de la mateixa cova i dels seus voltants. La petrografia de la làmina prima del conglomerat i els pilots de calç no va proporcionar informació rellevant sobre la procedència de la calcària utilitzada al ritual de cremació, però les restes inalterades conservades a un fragment de roca calcària cremat de manera incompleta evidenciaren que, molt probablement, la matèria primera prové de l’entorn directe de la cova o, fins i tot, del seu interior


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jalan Prof. Dr. Baharuddin Lopa Lutang Majene tepatnya batas Majene – Polewali Mandar.Kebutuhan yang dibutuhkan dalam penelitian ini, khususnya di lokasi penelitian adalah data volume lalu lintas yaitu sepeda motor (MC), kendaraan ringan (LV), kendaraan berat (MHV), Kendaraan truk besar (LT), kendaraan bus besar (LB).Tujuan penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis volume Lalu Lintas Harian (LHR)  pada ruas jalan arteri trans Sulawesi (Batas Majene- Polewali Mandar). Mengetahui perbandingan volume Lalu Lintas Harian (LHR) dalam dua (2) tahun terakhir. Pengaruh tingkat volume jalan terhadap arus lalu lintas yang paling tinggi pada hari senin pukul 08.00  dan 17.00 WITA yang paling  rendah pada hari Minggu pukul 13.00-14.00 wita dengan nilai 0,13 smp/jam, dengan mengacu pada Manual Kapasitasjalan Indonesia
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