9,203 research outputs found

    Topology-aware GPU scheduling for learning workloads in cloud environments

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    Recent advances in hardware, such as systems with multiple GPUs and their availability in the cloud, are enabling deep learning in various domains including health care, autonomous vehicles, and Internet of Things. Multi-GPU systems exhibit complex connectivity among GPUs and between GPUs and CPUs. Workload schedulers must consider hardware topology and workload communication requirements in order to allocate CPU and GPU resources for optimal execution time and improved utilization in shared cloud environments. This paper presents a new topology-aware workload placement strategy to schedule deep learning jobs on multi-GPU systems. The placement strategy is evaluated with a prototype on a Power8 machine with Tesla P100 cards, showing speedups of up to ≈1.30x compared to state-of-the-art strategies; the proposed algorithm achieves this result by allocating GPUs that satisfy workload requirements while preventing interference. Additionally, a large-scale simulation shows that the proposed strategy provides higher resource utilization and performance in cloud systems.This project is supported by the IBM/BSC Technology Center for Supercomputing collaboration agreement. It has also received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 639595). It is also partially supported by the Ministry of Economy of Spain under contract TIN2015-65316-P and Generalitat de Catalunya under contract 2014SGR1051, by the ICREA Academia program, and by the BSC-CNS Severo Ochoa program (SEV-2015-0493). We thank our IBM Research colleagues Alaa Youssef and Asser Tantawi for the valuable discussions. We also thank SC17 committee member Blair Bethwaite of Monash University for his constructive feedback on the earlier drafts of this paper.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Two Component Charged Condensate in White Dwarfs

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    The possibility of the formation of a condensate of charged spin-0 nuclei inside white dwarf cores, studied in arXiv:0806.3692 and arXiv:0904.4267, is pursued further. It has been shown, for cores composed mainly of one element (Helium or Carbon), that after condensation phonons become massive and the specific heat drops by about two orders of magnitude. In this note we extend that analysis by considering the coexistence of the nuclei of both types (Helium and Carbon), whose condensation points are generically different. An effective field theory is developed to describe the system when both elements are condensed. The spectrum of fluctuations of this two component charged condensate possesses a collective massless mode with ωk2\omega \propto {\bf k}^2. Assuming that the fraction of the less abundant element is greater than about 1/100, the thermal history changes as follows: There is a softer discontinuity in the average specific heat after the condensation of first sector, resulting in slower cooling and a milder drop in luminosity function. The specific heat remains almost constant until the condensation of the second sector, then starts to declines as T3/2T^{3/2}.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; corrected typo

    Coverage centralities for temporal networks

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    Structure of real networked systems, such as social relationship, can be modeled as temporal networks in which each edge appears only at the prescribed time. Understanding the structure of temporal networks requires quantifying the importance of a temporal vertex, which is a pair of vertex index and time. In this paper, we define two centrality measures of a temporal vertex based on the fastest temporal paths which use the temporal vertex. The definition is free from parameters and robust against the change in time scale on which we focus. In addition, we can efficiently compute these centrality values for all temporal vertices. Using the two centrality measures, we reveal that distributions of these centrality values of real-world temporal networks are heterogeneous. For various datasets, we also demonstrate that a majority of the highly central temporal vertices are located within a narrow time window around a particular time. In other words, there is a bottleneck time at which most information sent in the temporal network passes through a small number of temporal vertices, which suggests an important role of these temporal vertices in spreading phenomena.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Evaluating Relevance Feedback: An Image Retrieval Interface for Children

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    Studies on information retrieval for children are not yet\ud common. As young children possess a limited vocabulary\ud and limited intellectual power, they may experience more\ud difficulty in fulfilling their information need than adults.\ud This paper presents an image retrieval user interface that\ud is specifically designed for children. The interface uses relevance feedback and has been evaluated by letting children\ud perform different search tasks. The tasks were performed\ud using two interfaces; a more traditional interface - acting as a control interface - and the relevance feedback interface. \ud One of the remarkable results of this study is that children\ud did not favor relevance feedback controls over traditional\ud navigational controls

    MHAV: multitier heterogeneous adaptive vehicular network with LTE and DSRC

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    Enabling cooperation between vehicles form vehicular networks, which provide safety, traffic efficiency and infotainment. The most vital of these applications require reliability and low latency. Considering these requirements, this paper presents a multitier heterogeneous adaptive vehicular (MHAV) network. Comprising of transport operator or authority owned vehicles in high tier and all the other privately owned vehicles in low tier, integrating cellular network with dedicated short range communications. The proposed framework is implemented and evaluated in Glasgow city center model. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed architecture outperforms previous multitier architectures in terms of latency while offloading traffic from cellular networks

    Detection of Lying Electrical Vehicles in Charging Coordination Application Using Deep Learning

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    The simultaneous charging of many electric vehicles (EVs) stresses the distribution system and may cause grid instability in severe cases. The best way to avoid this problem is by charging coordination. The idea is that the EVs should report data (such as state-of-charge (SoC) of the battery) to run a mechanism to prioritize the charging requests and select the EVs that should charge during this time slot and defer other requests to future time slots. However, EVs may lie and send false data to receive high charging priority illegally. In this paper, we first study this attack to evaluate the gains of the lying EVs and how their behavior impacts the honest EVs and the performance of charging coordination mechanism. Our evaluations indicate that lying EVs have a greater chance to get charged comparing to honest EVs and they degrade the performance of the charging coordination mechanism. Then, an anomaly based detector that is using deep neural networks (DNN) is devised to identify the lying EVs. To do that, we first create an honest dataset for charging coordination application using real driving traces and information revealed by EV manufacturers, and then we also propose a number of attacks to create malicious data. We trained and evaluated two models, which are the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and the gated recurrent unit (GRU) using this dataset and the GRU detector gives better results. Our evaluations indicate that our detector can detect lying EVs with high accuracy and low false positive rate