387 research outputs found

    Complete genome sequence of a marine roseophage provides evidence into the evolution of gene transfer agents in alphaproteobacteria

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    Roseophage RDJLΦ1 is a siphovirus isolated from South China Sea on Roseobacter denitrificans OCh114. Its virion encapsulates 62.7 kb genome that encodes 87 gene products. RDJLΦ1 shares similar genome organization and gene content with the marine bacteriophage ΦJL001 and Pseudomonas phages YuA and M6, which are different from those of typical λ- or Mu-like phages. Four hallmark genes (ORFs 81 to 84) of RDJLΦ1 were highly homologous to RcGTA-like genes 12 to 15. The largest gene (ORF 84) was predicted to encode a tail fibre protein that could be involved in host recognition. Extended phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses based on 77 RcGTA-like element-containing bacterial genomes revealed that RcGTA-like genes 12 to 15 together appear to be a conserved modular element that could also be found in some phage or prophage genomes. Our study suggests that RcGTA-like genes-containing phages and prophages and complete RcGTAs possibly descended from a same prophage ancestor that had diverged and then evolved vertically. The complete genome of RDJLΦ1 provides evidence into the hypothesis that extant RcGTA may be a prophage remnant

    Boron neutron capture therapy in the new age of accelerator-based neutron production and preliminary progress in Canada

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    Each year more than 3000 Canadians are diagnosed with brain cancers like glioblastoma multiforme or recurrent head and neck cancers, which are difficult to treat with conventional radiotherapy techniques. One of the most clinically promising treatments for these cancers is boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). This procedure involves selectively introducing a boron delivery agent into tumor cells and irradiating them with a neutron beam, which kills the cancer cells due to the high-linear energy transfer radiation produced by the 10B(n,α)7Li capture reaction. The theory of BNCT has been around for a long time since 1936, but has historically been limited by poor boron delivery agents and non-optimal neutron source facilities. Although significant improvements have been made in both of these domains, it is mainly the advancements of accelerator-based neutron sources that have led to the expansion of over 20 new BNCT facilities worldwide in the past decade. Additionally in this work, particle and heavy ion transport code system simulations, in collaboration with the University of Tsukuba, were performed to examine the effectiveness of the Ibaraki BNCT beam shaping assembly to moderate a neutron beam suitable for BNCT at the proposed prototype Canadian compact accelerator-based neutron source (CANS) site, which uses a similar but slightly higher energy 10MeV proton accelerator with a 1mA average current. The advancements of CANSs in recent decades have enabled significant improvements in BNCT technologies, allowing it to become a more viable clinical treatment option

    The Pacifican October 26, 2006

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    A Twisted Frame: Gu Xiong's Barricade of Bicycles (1991), Dissident Pop and The National Gallery of Canada

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    The acquisition of artwork by national institutions may heighten the relationship between a nation's publics and its domestic culture. However, such acquisitions are not devoid of an interpretive process in which dominant discourses guide institutionalization. This thesis examines the National Gallery of Canada's 1996 accession of Chinese-born Canadian artist Gu Xiong's Barricade of Bicycles, June 4, 1989 (1990) as situated within a complex set of values that were conferred to the work by the institution through the processes of selection, accession and exhibition. Originally presented as part of an installation, the ink and acrylic on paper contour drawing was the first work by a Chinese contemporary artist purchased for the National Gallery's permanent collection. The figurative style of the drawing typifies currents of 1980s Chinese modernism and Political Pop. This thesis argues that the acquisition of Barricade of Bicycles, June 4, 1989 privileged the object's political content because of the global awareness of China's complex socio-political and cultural conditions following the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. The thesis begins with a description and exhibition history of Barricade of Bicycles in relation to its contexts of production and the artist’s migration story. The following section considers the reception of contemporary Chinese art in Western contexts. Focusing on Political Pop and the theme of destruction in relation to Xiamen Dada, it proposes the term “Dissident Pop” to refer to these discussions. The thesis concludes with a consideration of the Gallery’s purchase in relation to these contexts as well as the politics of representation and Canada’s foreign policy at the time of the work’s acquisition