71,110 research outputs found

    Schubert calculus and Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes

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    We describe a new approach to the Schubert calculus on complete flag varieties using the volume polynomial associated with Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes. This approach allows us to compute the intersection products of Schubert cycles by intersecting faces of a polytope.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figures, introduction rewritten, Section 4 restructured, typos correcte

    Indexed linear logic and higher-order model checking

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    In recent work, Kobayashi observed that the acceptance by an alternating tree automaton A of an infinite tree T generated by a higher-order recursion scheme G may be formulated as the typability of the recursion scheme G in an appropriate intersection type system associated to the automaton A. The purpose of this article is to establish a clean connection between this line of work and Bucciarelli and Ehrhard's indexed linear logic. This is achieved in two steps. First, we recast Kobayashi's result in an equivalent infinitary intersection type system where intersection is not idempotent anymore. Then, we show that the resulting type system is a fragment of an infinitary version of Bucciarelli and Ehrhard's indexed linear logic. While this work is very preliminary and does not integrate key ingredients of higher-order model-checking like priorities, it reveals an interesting and promising connection between higher-order model-checking and linear logic.Comment: In Proceedings ITRS 2014, arXiv:1503.0437

    Retractions in Intersection Types

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    This paper deals with retraction - intended as isomorphic embedding - in intersection types building left and right inverses as terms of a lambda calculus with a bottom constant. The main result is a necessary and sufficient condition two strict intersection types must satisfy in order to assure the existence of two terms showing the first type to be a retract of the second one. Moreover, the characterisation of retraction in the standard intersection types is discussed.Comment: In Proceedings ITRS 2016, arXiv:1702.0187

    Complete Call-by-Value Calculi of Control Operators II: Strong Termination

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    We provide characterization of the strong termination property of the CCV (complete call-by-value) lambda-mu calculus introduced in the first part of this series of the paper. The calculus is complete with respect to the standard continuation-passing style (CPS) semantics. The union-intersection type systems for the calculus is developed in the previous paper. We characterize the strong normalizability of terms of the calculus in terms of the CPS semantics and typeability