6 research outputs found

    Category-Specific Object Reconstruction from a Single Image

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    Object reconstruction from a single image -- in the wild -- is a problem where we can make progress and get meaningful results today. This is the main message of this paper, which introduces an automated pipeline with pixels as inputs and 3D surfaces of various rigid categories as outputs in images of realistic scenes. At the core of our approach are deformable 3D models that can be learned from 2D annotations available in existing object detection datasets, that can be driven by noisy automatic object segmentations and which we complement with a bottom-up module for recovering high-frequency shape details. We perform a comprehensive quantitative analysis and ablation study of our approach using the recently introduced PASCAL 3D+ dataset and show very encouraging automatic reconstructions on PASCAL VOC.Comment: First two authors contributed equally. To appear at CVPR 201

    Learning Direct Optimization for scene understanding

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    We develop a Learning Direct Optimization (LiDO) method for the refinement of a latent variable model that describes input image x. Our goal is to explain a single image x with an interpretable 3D computer graphics model having scene graph latent variables z (such as object appearance, camera position). Given a current estimate of z we can render a prediction of the image g(z), which can be compared to the image x. The standard way to proceed is then to measure the error E(x, g(z)) between the two, and use an optimizer to minimize the error. However, it is unknown which error measure E would be most effective for simultaneously addressing issues such as misaligned objects, occlusions, textures, etc. In contrast, the LiDO approach trains a Prediction Network to predict an update directly to correct z, rather than minimizing the error with respect to z. Experiments show that our LiDO method converges rapidly as it does not need to perform a search on the error landscape, produces better solutions than error-based competitors, and is able to handle the mismatch between the data and the fitted scene model. We apply LiDO to a realistic synthetic dataset, and show that the method also transfers to work well with real images