6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of interrater reliability of different muscle segmentation techniques in diffusion tensor imaging

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    Introduction: Muscle diffusion tensor imaging (mDTI) is a quantitative MRI technique that can provide information about muscular microstructure and integrity. Ultrasound and DTI studies have shown intramuscular differences, and therefore separation of different muscles for analysis is essential. The commonly used methods to assess DTI metrics in muscles are manual segmentation and tract-based analysis. Recently methods such as volume-based tractography have been applied to optimize muscle architecture estimation, but can also be used to assess DTI metrics. Purpose: To evaluate diffusion metrics obtained using three different methods—volume-based tractography, manual segmentation-based analysis and tract-based analysis—with respect to their interrater reliability and their ability to detect intramuscular variance. Materials and methods: 30 volunteers underwent an MRI examination in a 3 T scanner using a 16-channel Torso XL coil. Diffusion-weighted images were acquired to obtain DTI metrics. These metrics were evaluated in six thigh muscles using volume-based tractography, manual segmentation and standard tractography. All three methods were performed by two independent raters to assess interrater reliability by ICC analysis and Bland-Altman plots. Ability to assess intramuscular variance was compared using an ANOVA with muscle as a between-subjects factor. Results: Interrater reliability for all methods was found to be excellent. The highest interrater reliability was found for volume-based tractography (ICC ≥ 0.967). Significant differences for the factor muscle in all examined diffusion parameters were shown in muscles using all methods (main effect p < 0.001). Conclusions: Diffusion data can be assessed by volume tractography, standard tractography and manual segmentation with high interrater reliability. Each method produces different results for the investigated DTI parameters. Volume-based tractography was superior to conventional manual segmentation and tractography regarding interrater reliability and detection of intramuscular variance, while tract-based analysis showed the lowest coefficients of variation

    Volume and fat infiltration of spino-pelvic musculature in adults with spinal deformity.

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    AIM: To investigate fat infiltration and volume of spino-pelvic muscles in adults spinal deformity (ASD) with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 3D reconstructions. METHODS: Nineteen female ASD patients (mean age 60 ± 13) were included prospectively and consecutively and had T1-weighted Turbo Spin Echo sequence MRIs with Dixon method from the proximal tibia up to T12 vertebra. The Dixon method permitted to evaluate the proportion of fat inside each muscle (fat-water ratio). In order to investigate the accuracy of the Dixon method for estimating fat vs water, the same MRI acquisition was performed on phantoms of four vials composed of different proportion of fat vs water. With Muscl'X software, 3D reconstructions of 17 muscles or group of muscles were obtained identifying the muscle's contour on a limited number of axial images [Deformation of parametric specific objects (DPSO) Method]. Musclar volume (Vmuscle), infiltrated fat volume (Vfat) and percentage of fat infiltration [Pfat, calculated as follow: Pfat = 100 × (Vfat/Vmuscle)] were characterized by extensor or flexor function respectively for the spine, hip and knee and theirs relationship with demographic data were investigated. RESULTS: Phantom acquisition demonstrated a non linear relation between Dixon fat-water ratio and the real fat-water ratio. In order to correct the Dixon fat-water ratio, the non linear relation was approximated with a polynomial function of degree three using the phantom acquisition. On average, Pfat was 13.3% ± 5.3%. Muscles from the spinal extensor group had a Pfat significantly greater than the other muscles groups, and the largest variability (Pfat = 31.9% ± 13.8%, P < 0.001). Muscles from the hip extensor group ranked 2(nd) in terms of Pfat (14% ± 8%), and were significantly greater than those of the knee extensor (P = 0.030). Muscles from the knee extensor group demonstrated the least Pfat (12% ± 8%). They were also the only group with a significant correlation between Vmuscle and Pfat (r = -0.741, P < 0.001), however this correlation was lacking in the other groups. No correlation was found between the Vmuscle total and age or body mass index. Except for the spine flexors, Pfat was correlated with age. Vmuscle and Vfat distributions demonstrated that muscular degeneration impacted the spinal extensors most. CONCLUSION: Mechanisms of fat infiltration are not similar among the muscle groups. Degeneration impacted the spinal and hip extensors most, key muscles of the sagittal alignment

    3D-patient-specific geometry of the muscles involved in knee motion from selected MRI images

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    International audiencePatient-specific muscle geometry is not only an interesting clinical tool to evaluate different pathologies and treatments, but also provides an essential input data to more realistic musculoskeletal models. The protocol set up in our study provided the 3D-patient-specific geometry of the 13 main muscles involved in the knee joint motion from a few selected magnetic resonance images (MRIs). The contours of the muscles were identified on five to seven MRI axial slices. A parametric-specific object was then constructed for each muscle and deformed to fit those contours. The 13 muscles were obtained within 1 h, with less than 5% volume error and 5 mm point-surface error (2RMS). From this geometry, muscle volumes and volumic fractions of asymptomatic and anterior cruciate ligament deficient subjects could easily be computed and compared to previous studies. This protocol provides an interesting precision/time trade-off to obtain patient-specific muscular geometry

    Adultes avec déformation rachidienne : traitement chirurgical et évaluation musculaire

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    Adult spinal deformity(ASD) refers to abnormal curvatures of the spine in patients who have completed their growth. Due to its prevalence, clinical impact, and the relatively high rate of surgical failures, they represent a therapeutic challenge. Research has been able to demonstrate that the preservation or the restoration of the sagittal alignment, are key objectives of surgical treatment. The objective of this thesis is to analyze the treatment of ASD patients, with particular interest in restoration of sagittal alignment and to develop tools to assess the spino-pelvic musculature of ASD patients. Based on an analysis of a multicenter database, the first two articles present an evaluation of the surgical treatment in term of clinical effectiveness and radiographic realignment. In addition, the discrepancies between surgical preoperative planning and operative execution have been studied with a prospective data collection, and have highlighted the necessity to understand better the role of the muscles in the maintaining of the posture. Therefore two methods for the characterization of the muscles involved in the sagittal alignment have been validated. Both methods are based on manual segmentation of specific MRI acquisition (Dixon methods) in order to obtain precise fat infiltration quantification in addition to muscular volume. One method permits to obtain 3D reconstruction able to generate patient–specific musculoskeletal model. The other one open the path to a clinical purpose, because necessitate only segmentation of four slices to obtain an relevant evaluation of the muscular system. Finally, thanks to the first protocol the muscular system of ASD patients have been described.Les déformations rachidiennes se réfèrent aux patients avec une courbure anormal de la colonne vertébrale qui ont terminé leur croissance. Par leur prévalence, leur impact clinique, et le taux relativement élevé d'échecs chirurgicaux, elles représentent un défi thérapeutique. La recherche a permis de démontrer que la préservation ou la restauration de l'alignement, sont des éléments clé du traitement chirurgical. L'objectif de cette thèse était d'analyser le traitement des patients avec DR, avec un intérêt particulier pour la restauration de l'alignement sagittal et l'évaluation musculaire. Fondé sur une analyse rétrospective d'une base de données multicentriques, les deux premiers articles présentent une évaluation du traitement chirurgical en termes d'efficacité clinique et de réalignement radiographique. Les écarts entre la planification préopératoire et l'exécution opérationnelle ont aussi été étudiés avec une collecte de données prospectives, et ont mis en évidence la nécessité de mieux comprendre le rôle des muscles dans le maintien de la posture. Par conséquent, deux protocoles pour la caractérisation des principaux muscles impliqués dans l'alignement sagittal ont été validés. Les deux méthodes sont basées sur la segmentation manuelle d'acquisition IRM spécifique (méthode de Dixon) afin d'obtenir l'infiltration graisseuse en plus du volume musculaire. Une des méthodes permet d'obtenir la reconstruction 3D des muscles et donc de générer des modèles musculo-squelettiques personnalisés. L'autre ouvre la voie à une pratique clinique car nécessite seulement la segmentation de quatre coupes pour obtenir une évaluation des principaux groupes musculaires. Enfin, à partir de la première méthode, le système musculaire de patients avec DR a été décrit

    Hamstring injuries in elite rugby union: Identifying biomechanical mechanisms of injury during running

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    Hamstring injuries are a problem in many running-based sports, resulting in significant time lost from training and competition, as well as large financial burdens on sporting clubs and organisations. Hamstring injuries most often occur during high-speed running and typically affect the biceps femoris long head (BFlh) muscle, however, the exact mechanism for injury is not well understood. A narrative review of the proposed mechanisms underpinning hamstring injuries during high-speed running indicated that injuries are most likely to take place during late swing phase, due to peak musculotendon strain, force and negative work. Therefore, this phase was the focus of the biomechanical analyses within this thesis. The first study in this thesis examined the epidemiology of hamstring injuries in elite rugby union. Hamstring injuries across five years at a single elite rugby union team were analysed, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to examine intramuscular injury location. In line with previous research, running was the most common activity at the time of injury, and the BFlh was the most commonly injured muscle. However, in contrast to reports in other running-based sports, the most common intramuscular injury location was the distal myofascial junction of BFlh. The second study was a biomechanical analysis of maximum velocity sprinting and was performed on ten elite rugby union players during the Super Rugby pre-season. Three players sustained a running-based hamstring injury in the following Super Rugby season, allowing the relationship between running mechanics and injury to be analysed prospectively. Functional principal component analyses were used to identify patterns of variability in biomechanical variables during the late swing phase which distinguished between prospectively injured and uninjured athletes. Prospectively injured athletes displayed a tendency for greater thoracic lateral flexion, greater hip extension moments and greater knee power absorption compared to uninjured athletes during the late swing phase. Therefore, these altered mechanics may place rugby athletes at greatest risk of running-based hamstring injury. The third study sought to understand the mechanics at the musculotendon level that may predispose an athlete to hamstring injury. High-speed running data from two athletes who were prospectively injured was used in a musculoskeletal model to predict hamstring muscle-tendon unit (MTU) mechanics. Hamstring MTU strain, velocity, force and power were calculated across the late swing phase. MRI data were used to determine subject-specific muscle volumes and to subsequently calculate physiological cross sectional area (PCSA) for each hamstring muscle. This allowed MTU force to be expressed relative to its PCSA, which is a measure of force production capacity. The BFlh muscle experienced the greatest strain of all hamstring muscles, suggesting this may be a key contributor to its propensity for injury. While semimembranosus (SM) produced the largest MTU forces when normalised to body mass, when normalised to PCSA, BFlh loads were equal to or greater than SM forces. This suggests that BFlh loads are very large relative to the muscle's maximum force generating capacity. These results indicate that both strain and force, when expressed relative to load capacity, may be key mechanisms for hamstring injury