171 research outputs found

    Governance Mechanisms in Digital Platform Ecosystems: Addressing the Generativity-Control Tension

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    Digital platform owners repeatedly face paradoxical design decisions with regard to their platforms’ generativity and control, requiring them to facilitate co-innovation whilst simultaneously retaining control over third-party complementors. To address this challenge, platform owners deploy a variety of governance mechanisms. However, researchers and practitioners currently lack a coherent understanding of what major governance mechanisms platform owners rely on to simultaneously foster generativity and control. Conducting a structured literature review, we connect the fragmented academic discourse on governance mechanisms with each aspect of the generativity-control tension. Next to providing avenues for prospective digital platform research, we elaborate on the double-sidedness of governance mechanisms in fostering both generativity and control

    Governance Mechanisms in Digital Platform Ecosystems: Addressing the Generativity-Control Tension

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    Digital platform owners repeatedly face paradoxical design decisions with regard to their platforms’ generativity and control, requiring them to facilitate co-innovation whilst simultaneously retaining control over third-party complementors. To address this challenge, platform owners deploy a variety of governance mechanisms. However, researchers and practitioners currently lack a coherent understanding of what major governance mechanisms platform owners rely on to simultaneously foster generativity and control. Conducting a structured literature review, we connect the fragmented academic discourse on governance mechanisms with each aspect of the generativity-control tension. Next to providing avenues for prospective digital platform research, we elaborate on the double-sidedness of governance mechanisms in fostering both generativity and control

    Addressing Health Misinformation Dissemination on Mobile Social Media

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    With the pervasive use of social media apps, it is now common to see that people share health related information on the mobile social platforms. The spread of health misinformation on social media apps such as Facebook and WeChat poses serious threats to individual and public health. To address this issue, we drew upon reflective-impulsive model and went beyond the traditional view of users as reasoned decision makers by arguing that the health misinformation dissemination on social media apps is primarily driven by the impulsive system (habit and avoidance orientation). To reduce the dissemination, the reflective system should be strengthened. Accordingly, we propose that the presence of a message which emphasizes the negative effects of health misinformation dissemination and/or the accountability for health misinformation dissemination will reduce users’ dissemination of the misinformation. Situational factors such as time availability, environmental noisiness and the dispositional moderator trait mindfulness will moderate the intervention effects

    Can Humanizing Voice Assistants Unleash the Potential of Voice Commerce?

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    Voice commerce allows customers to carry out sales dialogues with voice assistants (VAs) through natural spoken language. However, its adoption remains limited. To help determine how to overcome existing barriers to adoption, we conducted a series of three empirical pre-studies and a laboratory experiment (N = 323) investigating the role of VAs’ humanness in interactions with customers; research has reached no consensus on this matter. Our results reveal that humanizing VAs increases customers’ perceptions of social presence and parasocial interaction, thereby enhancing perceived relationship quality and ultimately leading to increased intentions to shop using the VA. Although, we also find a negative direct effect of humanization on parasocial interaction, it is offset by the larger positive indirect effect via social presence. This may provide one explanation for the inconsistencies in the literature. For practitioners, our findings highlight the importance of careful design in humanizing VAs to increase voice commerce adoption

    A data-driven game theoretic strategy for developers in software crowdsourcing: a case study

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    Crowdsourcing has the advantages of being cost-effective and saving time, which is a typical embodiment of collective wisdom and community workers’ collaborative development. However, this development paradigm of software crowdsourcing has not been used widely. A very important reason is that requesters have limited knowledge about crowd workers’ professional skills and qualities. Another reason is that the crowd workers in the competition cannot get the appropriate reward, which affects their motivation. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a method of maximizing reward based on the crowdsourcing ability of workers, they can choose tasks according to their own abilities to obtain appropriate bonuses. Our method includes two steps: Firstly, it puts forward a method to evaluate the crowd workers’ ability, then it analyzes the intensity of competition for tasks at Topcoder.com—an open community crowdsourcing platform—on the basis of the workers’ crowdsourcing ability; secondly, it follows dynamic programming ideas and builds game models under complete information in different cases, offering a strategy of reward maximization for workers by solving a mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium. This paper employs crowdsourcing data from Topcoder.com to carry out experiments. The experimental results show that the distribution of workers’ crowdsourcing ability is uneven, and to some extent it can show the activity degree of crowdsourcing tasks. Meanwhile, according to the strategy of reward maximization, a crowd worker can get the theoretically maximum reward

    Journey towards agility: Three decades of research on agile information systems development

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    After more than 15 years since the Agile Manifesto and extensive research on agile information systems developmentfor nearly three decades, a comprehensive body of knowledge is available and is constantly growing.Agile information systems developmentis considered an effective way for managing information systems developmentprojects in environments characterized by rapidly changing requirements. This study aims to shed light on the existing knowledge on agile information systems developmentby applying a structured literature review and computer aided analysis consisting of distinct text mining techniques. We analyzed a sample of 775papers and provide results from articles among the Senior Scholars’ Basket, selected information systems conferences,and selected journalsfrom management and computer science. Based on our approach, we are able to (1) evaluate key articles and journals, (2) analyze the development of agile information systems developmentresearch in the last three decades and, most importantly, (3) identify research foci of the past as well asgaps in our knowledge on agile information systems development for further research

    Privacy-friendly User Location Tracking with Smart Devices: The BeaT Prototype

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    Customers use smart devices to share their location data with service providers to co-create personalized, location-based services. However, mobile apps that record movement profiles not only yield value-added service but also bear potential for abuse. Especially apps utilizing GPS-based tracking pose a privacy risk because they could–once enabled–unnoticeably record data in private situations. In response, we developed a privacy-friendly solution, called BeaT, that tracks user locations without GPS and gives users full control over the time and scope of data collection. We leverage Bluetooth Beacon technology to confine the perimeter in which tracking takes place. This paper presents the requirements, algorithmic design, prototypical implementation, real-world use case, and evaluation setting for BeaT

    Can Conversational User Interfaces Be Harmful? The Undesirable Effects on Privacy Concern

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    Conversational user interfaces (CUI) enable real-time communication between the buyer and the seller in electronic commerce based on natural spoken or written language. Although first insights reveal that customers have privacy concerns with CUI that prevent them from adoption, online retailers have especially and increasingly implemented messaging services (e.g., live chats on websites) combined with artificial intelligence. Against this background, and drawing on information systems and consumer research, the current research investigates how the mere presence of messaging services on websites influences website users’ privacy concerns. The results of two online experiments reveal that the presence of CUI evokes perceptions of a social presence that translate into perceptions of being watched, thus positively influencing the privacy concern. The findings of this study extend the those of previous research by revealing that perceived social presence elicited by the presence of CUI also yields negative effects. Moreover, the literature on privacy concerns is enhanced by providing an explanation for the effects of social presence

    A Taxonomy of Violations in Digital Asset Markets

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    Numerous frauds, market manipulations and other violations have recently shaken investor confidence in digital asset markets and digital assets themselves. Yet, investor confidence and market integrity are key requirements for the continued success of crypto and other digital assets. In order to facilitate the integrity of digital asset markets and avoid integrity incidents in the future, a systematic overview of violations and their main characteristics is needed to develop appropriate countermeasures. Therefore, we develop a taxonomy of violations in digital asset markets and evaluate the taxonomy based on real-world cases. Our results show that many types of market manipulation in traditional financial markets can also be observed in digital asset markets. However, there are new and additional violations in digital asset markets. We also find that many violations depend on specific capabilities of the violator, certain trading conditions, and asset-specific characteristics
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