484 research outputs found

    Oscillating waves and optimal smoothing effect for one-dimensional nonlinear scalar conservation laws

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    Lions, Perthame, Tadmor conjectured in 1994 an optimal smoothing effect for entropy solutions of nonlinear scalar conservations laws . In this short paper we will restrict our attention to the simpler one-dimensional case. First, supercritical geometric optics lead to sequences of CC^\infty solutions uniformly bounded in the Sobolev space conjectured. Second we give continuous solutions which belong exactly to the suitable Sobolev space. In order to do so we give two new definitions of nonlinear flux and we introduce fractional BVBV spaces

    On the asymptotic expansion of the solutions of the separated nonlinear Schroedinger equation

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    Nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation (with the Schwarzian initial data) is important in nonlinear optics, Bose condensation and in the theory of strongly correlated electrons. The asymptotic solutions in the region x/t=O(1)x/t={\cal O}(1), tt\to\infty, can be represented as a double series in t1t^{-1} and lnt\ln t. Our current purpose is the description of the asymptotics of the coefficients of the series.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    On non-existence of a one factor interest rate model for volatility averaged generalized Fong-Vasicek term structures

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the generalized Fong--Vasicek two-factor interest rate model with stochastic volatility. In this model the dispersion of the stochastic short rate (square of volatility) is assumed to be stochastic as well and it follows a non-negative process with volatility proportional to the square root of dispersion. The drift of the stochastic process for the dispersion is assumed to be in a rather general form including, in particular, linear function having one root (yielding the original Fong--Vasicek model or a cubic like function having three roots (yielding a generalized Fong--Vasicek model for description of the volatility clustering). We consider averaged bond prices with respect to the limiting distribution of stochastic dispersion. The averaged bond prices depend on time and current level of the short rate like it is the case in many popular one-factor interest rate model including in particular the Vasicek and Cox--Ingersoll-Ross model. However, as a main result of this paper we show that there is no such one-factor model yielding the same bond prices as the averaged values described above