63 research outputs found

    Verifiable Sustainability in Data Centers

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    Sustainability is crucial for combating climate change and protecting our planet. While there are various systems that can pose a threat to sustainability, data centers are particularly significant due to their substantial energy consumption and environmental impact. Although data centers are becoming increasingly accountable to be sustainable, the current practice of reporting sustainability data is often mired with simple green-washing. To improve this status quo, users as well as regulators need to verify the data on the sustainability impact reported by data center operators. To do so, data centers must have appropriate infrastructures in place that provide the guarantee that the data on sustainability is collected, stored, aggregated, and converted to metrics in a secure, unforgeable, and privacy-preserving manner. Therefore, this paper first introduces the new security challenges related to such infrastructure, how it affects operators and users, and potential solutions and research directions for addressing the challenges for data centers and other industry segments

    ideal: Inter-router dual-function energy and area-efficient links for network-on-chip (noc) architectures

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    ABSTRACT Network-on-Chip (NoC) architectures have been adopted by a growing number of multi-core designs as a flexible and scalable solution to the increasing wire delay constraints in the deep sub-micron regime. However, the shrinking feature size limits the performance of NoCs due to power and area constraints. Research into the optimization of NoCs has shown that a reduction in the number of buffers in the NoC routers reduces the power and area overhead but degrades the network performance. In this paper, we propose iDEAL, a low-power area-efficient NoC architecture by reducing the number of buffers within the router. To overcome the performance degradation caused by the reduced buffer size, we propose to use adaptive dual-function links capable of data transmission as well as data storage when required. Simulation results for the proposed architecture show that reducing the router buffer size in half and using the adaptive dualfunction links achieves nearly 40% savings in buffer power, 30% savings in overall network power and about 41% savings in the router area, with only a marginal 1-3% drop in performance. Moreover, the performance in iDEAL can be further improved by aggressive and speculative flow control techniques

    ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks: a literature review

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is a complex and vibrant process, one that involves a combination of technological and organizational interactions. Often an ERP implementation project is the single largest IT project that an organization has ever launched and requires a mutual fit of system and organization. Also the concept of an ERP implementation supporting business processes across many different departments is not a generic, rigid and uniform concept and depends on variety of factors. As a result, the issues addressing the ERP implementation process have been one of the major concerns in industry. Therefore ERP implementation receives attention from practitioners and scholars and both, business as well as academic literature is abundant and not always very conclusive or coherent. However, research on ERP systems so far has been mainly focused on diffusion, use and impact issues. Less attention has been given to the methods used during the configuration and the implementation of ERP systems, even though they are commonly used in practice, they still remain largely unexplored and undocumented in Information Systems research. So, the academic relevance of this research is the contribution to the existing body of scientific knowledge. An annotated brief literature review is done in order to evaluate the current state of the existing academic literature. The purpose is to present a systematic overview of relevant ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks as a desire for achieving a better taxonomy of ERP implementation methodologies. This paper is useful to researchers who are interested in ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Results will serve as an input for a classification of the existing ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Also, this paper aims also at the professional ERP community involved in the process of ERP implementation by promoting a better understanding of ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks, its variety and history

    Vers la Compression à Tous les Niveaux de la Hiérarchie de la Mémoire

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    Hardware compression techniques are typically simplifications of software compression methods. They must, however, comply with area, power and latency constraints. This study unveils the challenges of adopting compression in memory design. The goal of this analysis is not to summarize proposals, but to put in evidence the solutions they employ to handle those challenges. An in-depth description of the main characteristics of multiple methods is provided, as well as criteria that can be used as a basis for the assessment of such schemes.Typically, these schemes are not very efficient, and those that do compress well decompress slowly. This work explores their granularity to redefine their perspectives and improve their efficiency, through a concept called Region-Chunk compression. Its goal is to achieve low (good) compression ratio and fast decompression latency. The key observation is that by further sub-dividing the chunks of data being compressed one can reduce data duplication. This concept can be applied to several previously proposed compressors, resulting in a reduction of their average compressed size. In particular, a single-cycle-decompression compressor is boosted to reach a compressibility level competitive to state-of-the-art proposals.Finally, to increase the probability of successfully co-allocating compressed lines, Pairwise Space Sharing (PSS) is proposed. PSS can be applied orthogonally to compaction methods at no extra latency penalty, and with a cost-effective metadata overhead. The proposed system (Region-Chunk+PSS) further enhances the normalized average cache capacity by 2.7% (geometric mean), while featuring short decompression latency.Les techniques de compression matérielle sont généralement des simplifications des méthodes de compression logicielle. Elles doivent, toutefois, se conformer aux contraintes de surface, de puissance et de latence. Cette étude dévoile les défis de l’adoption de la compression dans la conception de la mémoire. Le but de l’analyse n’est pas de résumer les propositions, mais de mettre en évidence les solutions qu’ils emploient pour relever ces défis. Une description détaillée des principales caractéristiques de plusieurs méthodes est fournie, ainsi que des critères qui peuvent être utilisés comme base pour l’évaluation de ces systèmes.Généralement, ces schémas ne sont pas très efficaces, et les schémas qui compressent bien décompressent lentement. Ce travail explore leur granularité pour redéfinir leurs perspectives et améliorer leur efficacité, à travers un concept appelé compression Region-Chunk. Son objectif est d’obtenir un haut (bon) taux de compression et une latence de décompression rapide. L’observation clé est qu’en subdivisant davantage les blocs de données compressés, on peut réduire la duplication des données. Ce concept peut être appliqué à plusieurs compresseurs précédemment proposés, entraînant une réduction de leur taille moyenne compressée. En particulier, un compresseur à décompression à cycle unique est boosté pour atteindre un niveau de compressibilité compétitif par rapport aux propositions de pointe.Enfin, pour augmenter la probabilité de co-allouer avec succès des lignes compressées, Pairwise Space Sharing (PSS) est proposé. PSS peutêtre appliqué orthogonalement aux méthodes de compactage sans pénalité de latence supplémentaire, et avec une surcharge de métadonnées rentable. Le système proposé (Region-Chunk + PSS) améliore encore la capacité normalisé moyenne du cache de 2,7% (moyenne géométrique), tout en offrant une courte latence de décompression

    Business process modelling in ERP implementation literature review

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    Business processes are the backbone of any Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation. Business process modelling (BPM) has become essential for modern, process driven enterprises due to the vibrant business environments. As a consequence enterprises are dealing with a substantial rate of organizational and business processes change. Business process modelling enables a common understanding and analysis of the business processes, which is the first step in every ERP implementation methodology (blueprint phase). In order to represent enterprise processes models in an accurate manner, it is paramount to choose a right business process modeling technique and tool. The problem of many ERP projects rated as unsuccessful is directly connected to a lack of use of business process models and notations during the blueprint phase. Also, blueprint implementation phase is crucial in order to fit planned processes in an organization with processes implemented in the solution. However, business analysts and ERP implementation professionals have substantial difficulties to navigate through a large number of theoretical models and representational notations that have been proposed for business process modeling (BPM). As the availability of different business process modeling references is huge, it is time consuming to make review and classification of all modeling techniques. Therefor, in reality majority of ERP implementations blueprint documents have no business process modeling included in generating blueprint documents. Choosing the right model comprise the purpose of the analysis and acquaintance of the available process modelling techniques and tools. The number of references on business modelling is quit large, so it is very hard to make a decision which modeling notation or technique to use. The main purpose of this paper is to make a review of business process modelling literature and describe the key process modelling techniques. The focus will be on all business process modeling that could be used in ERP implementations, specifically during the blueprint phase of the implementation process. Detailed review of BPM (Business process modeling) theoretical models and representational notations, should assist decision makers and ERP integrators in comparatively evaluating and selecting suitable modeling approaches

    A conceptual framework for capability sourcing modeling

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    Companies need to acquire the right capabilities from the right source, and the right shore, at the right cost to improve their competitive position. Capability sourcing is an organizing process to gain access to best-in-class capabilities for all activities in a firm's value chain to ensure long-term competitive advantage. Capability sourcing modeling is a technique that helps investigating sourcing alternative solutions to facilitate strategic sourcing decision making. Our position is applying conceptual models as intermediate artifacts which are schematic descriptions of sourcing alternatives based on organization's capabilities. The contribution of this paper is introducing a conceptual framework in the form of five views (to organize all perspectives) and a conceptualisation (to formulate a language) for capability sourcing modelling

    The creation of business architecture heat maps to support strategy-aligned organizational decisions

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    The realization of strategic alignment within the business architecture has become increasingly important for companies. Indeed, it facilitates business-IT alignment as a well-designed business architecture helps both to identify the appropriate requirements for IT systems and to discover new business opportunities that can be realized by IT. However, there is a lack of alignment techniques that support organizational (re) design decisions during the operation phase as the actual performance of business architecture elements is neglected. Capability heat maps provide a useful starting point in this respect as they focus on the creation of a hierarchy of prioritized capabilities, which are characterized by a performance measure. In this paper, these techniques will be extended to support strategy-aligned decisions within the business architecture. The identification of the relevant business architecture elements is based on state-of-the-art enterprise modelling languages, which enable the development of enterprise models on distinct layers of the business architecture. Strategic alignment between these elements will be realized by using prioritization according to the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), while performance measurement will enable the creation of a proper decision support system. Afterwards, the proposed heat map will be applied on a case example to illustrate its potential use. This results in the completion of a first build-and-evaluate loop within the Design Science methodology

    From strategy to operations and vice-versa: a bridge that needs an Island

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    The Information Systems support particularly for Tactical Management is not an explicit or distinct term. There are many concepts and artifacts that are providing contemporary foundations for Information systems in the companies, both in theory and in practice. We tried to analyze different approaches, in order to determine their support specifically for tactical management. Out of this attempt, the realization is that these seemingly overarching bridges from Operations to Strategy and vice-versa appear to be overshooting an important island - the tactical management level, particularly in recognizing its distinct characteristics to be served with adjusted concepts and solutions. We see tactical management as the managerial function that implements strategies, by deploying and utilizing specific resources from the operational level in order to gain that specific competitive advantage prescribed in the strategy. The diversity of approaches and tools is provided for the strategic and overwhelmingly for operational management issues. This theoretical research is analyzing the specifics of the Sense-and-Respond Framework on a tactical level towards perfecting the sensing part of it (in terms of sustaining "low latency" (instead of operational "no latency") and striving for tactical need for "right-time" (instead of the current and hot operational "real-time") information), and how it is being closed in theory and practice on a strategic, tactical and operational level with 'endings'. Also, the tactical management characteristic of working in unpredicted environment and needing high adaptability, requires involvement of concepts and approaches that provide adaptability such as, in our opinion, the Sense-and-Respond managerial concept and the SIDA loop. To some extent, tactical management is being assimilated either by strategy or by operations, as this research confirms. Hopefully, we will result with increased perceptiveness that tactical management needs special theoretical and practical focus and output propositions. The specific sensing and interpreting, deciding and acting, in the role of a tactical manager is neither only automatic, data-capturing process nor a person-independent or company-independent one. If, and after this viewpoint is shared, much more efforts will be streamlined in the tactical management "how" to do "what" is expected, on theoretical and on practical level

    Meeting point of strategy and operations: tactical management sense and response framework enhancement

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    We recognize a problem of work overload in every managerial position nowadays. This is complemented with data overload, and still somehow, information inadequacy. We recognize the problem of rather clear strategic or business plan expectations and inability to meet them. We also recognize the problem of complexity of issues every manager has to deal with in all of their diversity. All of these elements persisting in an uncertain and unpredictable environment of today's business, technology and economy, where planning is trading places with structuring, modularizing and preparing oneself in being adaptive to any given circumstances, especially in terms of tactics, denote longing for multidimensional support. There are various efforts and products to automatize and enrich the data in order to give basis for better decision-making and problem solving. Also, there are frameworks to formalize and verbalize the strategic or business plan expectations and targets with respective performance measurement in order to point out the direction where a business unit/company should be headed. And quite a lot is being done on a subject-specific areas such as: Alignment of IT and Strategy, Business Operations and Strategy,. But the perceived "boiling" zone of tactical management is somehow un-addressed, both in theory and with feasible artifacts. Tactical Management as the managerial function that implements strategies and deploys and utilizes specific resources from the operational level in order to gain that specific advantage prescribed in the strategy has both differentiating and uniting characteristics when compared to operations and strategy. Furthermore, if standing in the shoes of a tactical manager, what one will see as work description, will be overwhelming crossroads of unmatched information flows in structure, depths, sources, manners, complexity, timings, and expectations. How to perceive, organize, handle and utilize all that landscape with what is given, and be able to handle it dynamically, appropriately and with least expenditures, is what we are aiming for. It's neither straightforward, nor an easy, automated task. For anyone. It is both company-and person-dependent task. This research focuses on tactical management, from the perspective of the individual manager. We believe that by Enhancing the Sense-and-Respond Framework on a tactical level we will assist the individual tactical manager with increased adaptability and handling complexity

    Designing Flexible, Energy Efficient and Secure Wireless Solutions for the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging concept where ubiquitous physical objects (things) consisting of sensor, transceiver, processing hardware and software are interconnected via the Internet. The information collected by individual IoT nodes is shared among other often heterogeneous devices and over the Internet. This dissertation presents flexible, energy efficient and secure wireless solutions in the IoT application domain. System design and architecture designs are discussed envisioning a near-future world where wireless communication among heterogeneous IoT devices are seamlessly enabled. Firstly, an energy-autonomous wireless communication system for ultra-small, ultra-low power IoT platforms is presented. To achieve orders of magnitude energy efficiency improvement, a comprehensive system-level framework that jointly optimizes various system parameters is developed. A new synchronization protocol and modulation schemes are specified for energy-scarce ultra-small IoT nodes. The dynamic link adaptation is proposed to guarantee the ultra-small node to always operate in the most energy efficiency mode, given an operating scenario. The outcome is a truly energy-optimized wireless communication system to enable various new applications such as implanted smart-dust devices. Secondly, a configurable Software Defined Radio (SDR) baseband processor is designed and shown to be an efficient platform on which to execute several IoT wireless standards. It is a custom SIMD execution model coupled with a scalar unit and several architectural optimizations: streaming registers, variable bitwidth, dedicated ALUs, and an optimized reduction network. Voltage scaling and clock gating are employed to further reduce the power, with a more than a 100% time margin reserved for reliable operation in the near-threshold region. Two upper bound systems are evaluated. A comprehensive power/area estimation indicates that the overhead of realizing SDR flexibility is insignificant. The benefit of baseband SDR is quantified and evaluated. To further augment the benefits of a flexible baseband solution and to address the security issue of IoT connectivity, a light-weight Galois Field (GF) processor is proposed. This processor enables both energy-efficient block coding and symmetric/asymmetric cryptography kernel processing for a wide range of GF sizes (2^m, m = 2, 3, ..., 233) and arbitrary irreducible polynomials. Program directed connections among primitive GF arithmetic units enable dynamically configured parallelism to efficiently perform either four-way SIMD GF operations, including multiplicative inverse, or a long bit-width GF product in a single cycle. This demonstrates the feasibility of a unified architecture to enable error correction coding flexibility and secure wireless communication in the low power IoT domain.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137164/1/yajchen_1.pd
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