11 research outputs found

    Fine-tuning U-net for medical image segmentation based on activation function, optimizer and pooling layer

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    U-net convolutional neural network (CNN) is a famous architecture developed to deal with medical images. Fine-tuning CNNs is a common technique used to enhance their performance by selecting the building blocks which can provide the ultimate results. This paper introduces a method for tuning U-net architecture to improve its performance in medical image segmentation. The experiment is conducted using an x-ray image segmentation approach. The performance of U-net CNN in lung x-ray image segmentation is studied with different activation functions, optimizers, and pooling-bottleneck-layers. The analysis focuses on creating a method that can be applied for tuning U-net, like CNNs. It also provides the best activation function, optimizer, and pooling layer to enhance U-net CNN’s performance on x-ray image segmentation. The findings of this research showed that a U-net architecture worked supremely when we used the LeakyReLU activation function and average pooling layer as well as RMSProb optimizer. The U-net model accuracy is raised from 89.59 to 93.81% when trained and tested with lung x-ray images and uses the LeakyReLU activation function, average pooling layer, and RMSProb optimizer. The fine-tuned model also enhanced accuracy results with three other datasets

    Fully Automated Myocardial Strain Estimation from Cardiovascular MRI–tagged Images Using a Deep Learning Framework in the UK Biobank

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    Purpose: To demonstrate the feasibility and performance of a fully automated deep learning framework to estimate myocardial strain from short-axis cardiac magnetic resonance tagged images. Methods and Materials: In this retrospective cross-sectional study, 4508 cases from the UK Biobank were split randomly into 3244 training and 812 validation cases, and 452 test cases. Ground truth myocardial landmarks were defined and tracked by manual initialization and correction of deformable image registration using previously validated software with five readers. The fully automatic framework consisted of 1) a convolutional neural network (CNN) for localization, and 2) a combination of a recurrent neural network (RNN) and a CNN to detect and track the myocardial landmarks through the image sequence for each slice. Radial and circumferential strain were then calculated from the motion of the landmarks and averaged on a slice basis. Results: Within the test set, myocardial end-systolic circumferential Green strain errors were -0.001 +/- 0.025, -0.001 +/- 0.021, and 0.004 +/- 0.035 in basal, mid, and apical slices respectively (mean +/- std. dev. of differences between predicted and manual strain). The framework reproduced significant reductions in circumferential strain in diabetics, hypertensives, and participants with previous heart attack. Typical processing time was ~260 frames (~13 slices) per second on an NVIDIA Tesla K40 with 12GB RAM, compared with 6-8 minutes per slice for the manual analysis. Conclusions: The fully automated RNNCNN framework for analysis of myocardial strain enabled unbiased strain evaluation in a high-throughput workflow, with similar ability to distinguish impairment due to diabetes, hypertension, and previous heart attack.Comment: accepted in Radiology Cardiothoracic Imagin

    A Deep Learning Pipeline for Assessing Ventricular Volumes from a Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Image Registry of Single Ventricle Patients

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    Purpose: To develop an end-to-end deep learning (DL) pipeline for automated ventricular segmentation of cardiac MRI data from a multicenter registry of patients with Fontan circulation (FORCE). / Materials and Methods: This retrospective study used 250 cardiac MRI examinations (November 2007–December 2022) from 13 institutions for training, validation, and testing. The pipeline contained three DL models: a classifier to identify short-axis cine stacks and two UNet 3+ models for image cropping and segmentation. The automated segmentations were evaluated on the test set (n = 50) using the Dice score. Volumetric and functional metrics derived from DL and ground truth manual segmentations were compared using Bland-Altman and intraclass correlation analysis. The pipeline was further qualitatively evaluated on 475 unseen examinations. / Results: There were acceptable limits of agreement (LOA) and minimal biases between the ground truth and DL end-diastolic volume (EDV) (Bias: -0.6 mL/m2, LOA: -20.6–19.5 mL/m2), and end-systolic volume (ESV) (Bias: - 1.1 mL/m2, LOA: -18.1–15.9 mL/m2), with high intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC > 0.97) and Dice scores (EDV, 0.91 and ESV, 0.86). There was moderate agreement for ventricular mass (Bias: -1.9 g/m2, LOA: -17.3–13.5 g/m2) and a ICC (0.94). There was also acceptable agreement for stroke volume (Bias:0.6 mL/m2, LOA: -17.2–18.3 mL/m2) and ejection fraction (Bias:0.6%, LOA: -12.2%–13.4%), with high ICCs (> 0.81). The pipeline achieved satisfactory segmentation in 68% of the 475 unseen examinations, while 26% needed minor adjustments, 5% needed major adjustments, and in 0.4%, the cropping model failed. / Conclusion: The DL pipeline can provide fast standardized segmentation for patients with single ventricle physiology across multiple centers. This pipeline can be applied to all cardiac MRI examinations in the FORCE registry

    Automated Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Diseases from Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Deep Learning Models: A Review

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    In recent years, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have become one of the leading causes of mortality globally. CVDs appear with minor symptoms and progressively get worse. The majority of people experience symptoms such as exhaustion, shortness of breath, ankle swelling, fluid retention, and other symptoms when starting CVD. Coronary artery disease (CAD), arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart defect (CHD), mitral regurgitation, and angina are the most common CVDs. Clinical methods such as blood tests, electrocardiography (ECG) signals, and medical imaging are the most effective methods used for the detection of CVDs. Among the diagnostic methods, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) is increasingly used to diagnose, monitor the disease, plan treatment and predict CVDs. Coupled with all the advantages of CMR data, CVDs diagnosis is challenging for physicians due to many slices of data, low contrast, etc. To address these issues, deep learning (DL) techniques have been employed to the diagnosis of CVDs using CMR data, and much research is currently being conducted in this field. This review provides an overview of the studies performed in CVDs detection using CMR images and DL techniques. The introduction section examined CVDs types, diagnostic methods, and the most important medical imaging techniques. In the following, investigations to detect CVDs using CMR images and the most significant DL methods are presented. Another section discussed the challenges in diagnosing CVDs from CMR data. Next, the discussion section discusses the results of this review, and future work in CVDs diagnosis from CMR images and DL techniques are outlined. The most important findings of this study are presented in the conclusion section

    Contribuciones de las técnicas machine learning a la cardiología. Predicción de reestenosis tras implante de stent coronario

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    [ES]Antecedentes: Existen pocos temas de actualidad equiparables a la posibilidad de la tecnología actual para desarrollar las mismas capacidades que el ser humano, incluso en medicina. Esta capacidad de simular los procesos de inteligencia humana por parte de máquinas o sistemas informáticos es lo que conocemos hoy en día como inteligencia artificial. Uno de los campos de la inteligencia artificial con mayor aplicación a día de hoy en medicina es el de la predicción, recomendación o diagnóstico, donde se aplican las técnicas machine learning. Asimismo, existe un creciente interés en las técnicas de medicina de precisión, donde las técnicas machine learning pueden ofrecer atención médica individualizada a cada paciente. El intervencionismo coronario percutáneo (ICP) con stent se ha convertido en una práctica habitual en la revascularización de los vasos coronarios con enfermedad aterosclerótica obstructiva significativa. El ICP es asimismo patrón oro de tratamiento en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio; reduciendo las tasas de muerte e isquemia recurrente en comparación con el tratamiento médico. El éxito a largo plazo del procedimiento está limitado por la reestenosis del stent, un proceso patológico que provoca un estrechamiento arterial recurrente en el sitio de la ICP. Identificar qué pacientes harán reestenosis es un desafío clínico importante; ya que puede manifestarse como un nuevo infarto agudo de miocardio o forzar una nueva resvascularización del vaso afectado, y que en casos de reestenosis recurrente representa un reto terapéutico. Objetivos: Después de realizar una revisión de las técnicas de inteligencia artificial aplicadas a la medicina y con mayor profundidad, de las técnicas machine learning aplicadas a la cardiología, el objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral ha sido desarrollar un modelo machine learning para predecir la aparición de reestenosis en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio sometidos a ICP con implante de un stent. Asimismo, han sido objetivos secundarios comparar el modelo desarrollado con machine learning con los scores clásicos de riesgo de reestenosis utilizados hasta la fecha; y desarrollar un software que permita trasladar esta contribución a la práctica clínica diaria de forma sencilla. Para desarrollar un modelo fácilmente aplicable, realizamos nuestras predicciones sin variables adicionales a las obtenidas en la práctica rutinaria. Material: El conjunto de datos, obtenido del ensayo GRACIA-3, consistió en 263 pacientes con características demográficas, clínicas y angiográficas; 23 de ellos presentaron reestenosis a los 12 meses después de la implantación del stent. Todos los desarrollos llevados a cabo se han hecho en Python y se ha utilizado computación en la nube, en concreto AWS (Amazon Web Services). Metodología: Se ha utilizado una metodología para trabajar con conjuntos de datos pequeños y no balanceados, siendo importante el esquema de validación cruzada anidada utilizado, así como la utilización de las curvas PR (precision-recall, exhaustividad-sensibilidad), además de las curvas ROC, para la interpretación de los modelos. Se han entrenado los algoritmos más habituales en la literatura para elegir el que mejor comportamiento ha presentado. Resultados: El modelo con mejores resultados ha sido el desarrollado con un clasificador extremely randomized trees; que superó significativamente (0,77; área bajo la curva ROC a los tres scores clínicos clásicos; PRESTO-1 (0,58), PRESTO-2 (0,58) y TLR (0,62). Las curvas exhaustividad sensibilidad ofrecieron una imagen más precisa del rendimiento del modelo extremely randomized trees que muestra un algoritmo eficiente (0,96) para no reestenosis, con alta exhaustividad y alta sensibilidad. Para un umbral considerado óptimo, de 1,000 pacientes sometidos a implante de stent, nuestro modelo machine learning predeciría correctamente 181 (18%) más casos en comparación con el mejor score de riesgo clásico (TLR). Las variables más importantes clasificadas según su contribución a las predicciones fueron diabetes, enfermedad coronaria en 2 ó más vasos, flujo TIMI post-ICP, plaquetas anormales, trombo post-ICP y colesterol anormal. Finalmente, se ha desarrollado una calculadora para trasladar el modelo a la práctica clínica. La calculadora permite estimar el riesgo individual de cada paciente y situarlo en una zona de riesgo, facilitando la toma de decisión al médico en cuanto al seguimiento adecuado para el mismo. Conclusiones: Aplicado inmediatamente después de la implantación del stent, un modelo machine learning diferencia mejor a aquellos pacientes que presentarán o no reestenosis respecto a los discriminadores clásicos actuales