5 research outputs found

    Towards a human eye behavior model by applying Data Mining Techniques on Gaze Information from IEC

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    In this paper, we firstly present what is Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC) and rapidly how we have combined this artificial intelligence technique with an eye-tracker for visual optimization. Next, in order to correctly parameterize our application, we present results from applying data mining techniques on gaze information coming from experiments conducted on about 80 human individuals

    Applying lean principles and set-based approaches in product development

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    The research described in this thesis addresses the problem of transformation to lean product development (LPD) and how to introduce and support the use of set-based design (SBD) in the concept development process. The original description of SBD does not define how to generate, evaluate and reduce a set of design solutions. Evaluation of solution candidates, which are too complex to be analytically verified, or are driven by qualitative criteria, has here been given special attention, particularly in cases when methods utilising human judgment may be needed. For some products, the solution space can consist of both principally different alternatives and parameterised variants of these. The question here is if established methods can be combined and introduced in an efficient way to support an SBD process for development of such products, when driven by both quantitative and qualitative criteria.The research approaches used are:-\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0 a two-case study (Yin, 2009), -\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0 the design research methodology (Blessing and Chakrabarti, 2009), and -\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0 the scientific work paradigm (J\uf8rgensen, 1992), the last two combined with multiple case studies. Also, elements of action research (Oosthuizen, 2002) are used. The results show that the principles and introduction of LPD were experienced as positive by participating practitioners in the conducted case studies. It was furthermore shown that SBD can be introduced and applied in a workshop at team level within a time frame of one or two working days if the design problem at hand is not too complex. Another result is that SBD can be combined with and supported by established methods such as creative and systematic methods for synthesis, enhanced function-means modelling, axiomatic design, extended causal diagrammes, interactive evolutionary algorithms (IEA) and Pugh matrices for generation, analysis, evaluation and reduction of a solution space of design alternatives and variants of these. Both qualitative and quantitative requirements can be handled. The conclusions are that a transformation to LPD is facilitated by information about good examples and internal support by management. Also, the existence of a lean enthusiast in the organization and an appropriate implementation plan supports a transformation to LPD. A function to maintain the LPD system as well as influence of the lean principles are valuable guides on how to use LPD.\ua0 Also concluded is that a seamless, efficient process, applying set-based principles, for synthesis, evaluation, and reduction of a solution space of design alternatives can be created by combining enhanced function-means modelling, morphological matrices, axiomatic design, causal diagrammes and Pugh matrices. Such a compound of methods can be introduced and applied in a workshop at team level within a time frame of one to two days when solving well-known and not too complex design problems. The workshop should be facilitated by an expert on the methods used and initiated and surveyed by a team manager. Furthermore, a solution space of parameterised design variants, with criteria that are either qualitative or too complicated to be numerically defined, can be generated, evaluated and reduced in such a process. By using a defined set of functional and constraining criteria, and applying axiomatic design and IEA, a variant solution space can be generated and refined. A set-up of the IEA that does not overburden the user should be preferred

    IGATY: an archetype-based interactive generative abstraction system focusing on museum interior archetypes

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    Archetype in Greek means an original model that prevails in all later forms of variations, combinations, and transformations. In the field of design, types and archetypes have been used as an analytical tool; unfortunately, archetypes have not been perceived as promising prospects in the search for creative ideas, and the dynamic transformative quality embedded in archetypes has not been fully utilized among students and designers. Despite its inherent potential as sources of ideas for future invention, a number of scholars have criticized the typological approach to design for its exclusive nature primarily due to a misunderstanding of its fundamental structure. This dissertation aims at clarifying this misconception and explores a method that involves taking advantage of the malleable structure of archetypes. In Part 1 of this dissertation, I redefine the malleable structure of archetypes as a dual structure in which two contrasting yet equally crucial elements coexist: a core signal and a set of peripherals. The study focuses on verification of this dual structure and identification of core signals and peripherals in the six selected museum interior archetypes as a test set. In Part 2 I explore the archetype’s transformative quality using the interactive genetic algorithm (IGA). The dual structure of museum interior archetypes defined in Part 1 was mapped into the genetic algorithms to design an archetype-based generative abstraction system integrated with the Unity game engine, named IGATY-beta. The focus was to develop a system that would serve as an interactive ideation partner, not as a single-solution-oriented optimization tool. In Part 3 a quasi-experiment was conducted to examine the proposed IGATY-beta system’s educational potential in enhancing creativity in the ideation process. Three teaching scenarios based on three instructional materials were compared: (a) manual sketch-based archetypes exercise; (b) archetypes exercise using the IGATY-beta system displayed on a computer screen; and (c) archetypes exercise using the IGATY-beta system with an opportunity of viewing design in a virtual environment via a HMD. The results suggest the proposed archetype-based generative abstraction system’s positive educational potentials in enhancing creativity in the ideation process. Finally, the implications of the proposed generative abstraction system in the field of design are discussed

    3-D CG Lighting with an Interactive GA

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    This paper applies an interactive GA technique to support lighting design of 3-D CG. Five amateur CG designers decide the best types, ON/OFF, color attributions, and positions of three lights in 3-D CG for a given object to match different two given motives. They make the lighting by hand and by using the lighting support system based on the interactive GA. 20 subjects compare their lighting arts, and a subjective test is conducted to evaluate how the interactive GA is useful. From the subjective test, it has been shown that the CG lighting support system especially helps lighting designers who are beginners.1997 First International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Electronic Systems : KES '97 : 21-23 May 1997 : Adelaid, South Australi

    A study of current and possible future industrial engineering methodologies used to increase energy effieciency

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    Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Energy-related costs are increasing steadily. This is especially true in South Africa where we have been dealing with an energy crisis during the past couple of years. The increase in energy-related costs puts energy dependent industries under financial pressure. It is therefore imperative to find ways to improve the efficiency with which energy is being consumed in order to decrease the amount of money that has to be allocated to energy costs. The efficient consumption of energy at a facility is crucial and to increase that efficiency, Energy Management Programs (EMPs) should be implemented. An important component of EMPs is ascertaining the current energy consumption of a facility in order to identify areas where possible improvements can be made. This is done by completing an energy audit at the facility. After the energy audit has been completed and Energy Conservation Methods (ECMs) have been identified, the implementation of these methods should commence. The aim of this study is to determine how Industrial Engineering (IE) methods can play a more integral role in making South Africa more energy efficient. As part of this study, research was done to identify current EMCs being implemented in different areas and for different equipment in facilities. This information was compared to IE methods to identify the possible relationship between the ECMs and IE methods. Content analyses were completed on both IE and energy efficiency corpora using the Content Analysis Toolkit (CAT) program. These analyses identified important topics in these corpora and correlations between these topics in order to show correlations between the IE and energy efficiency fields. The most significant correlations identified, were between statistical methods and various energy efficiency topics. A case study was completed at a company in the Western Cape that manufactures electronic and integrated circuit products to implement the relevant ECMs. As part of the case study, an energy audit was completed at the facility. The implementation of a number of the ECMs has shown reductions in the daily kilowatt hours (kWh) consumptions. These reductions were obtained through the implementation of a Shut Down Management program, which highlights the importance of management in an energy conservation project. The application of optimisation algorithms for energy efficient design was examined through the optimisation of lighting design, using a Genetic Algorithm. It was found that a Genetic Algorithm is applicable to lighting design but requires further refinement in order to generate the most optimal design solutions.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kostes verbonde aan energieverbruik is voortdurend besig om toe te neem.Dit is veral relevant in Suid-Afrika waar ons tans ’n energiekrisis beleef. Hierdie toename in energieverwante kostes plaas energie-afhanklike industrieë onder groot finansiële druk. Dit is daarom belangrik om maniere te vind om energieverbruik meer effektief te maak sodat die bedrag geld wat aan energieverwante kostes toegestaan word, verminder kan word. Effektiewe energieverbruik by ’n fasiliteit is kritiek en om hierdie effektiwiteit te verbeter behoort ’n energiebestuursprogram by die fasiliteit geïmplimenteer te word. ’n Belangrike komponent van energiebestuursprogramme is die bepaling van die huidige energieverbruik en dit word gebruik om die areas te identifiseer waar moontlike verbeteringe aangebring kan word. Die energieverbruik word bepaal deur ’n energie-oudit. Nadat die energie-oudit voltooi en die energiebesparingsmetodes bepaal is, moet hierdie metodes by die fasiliteit geïmplementeer word. Hierdie studie probeer vasstel hoe bedryfsingenieurswesemetodes ‘n groter rol kan speel in die proses om Suid-Afrika meer energie-effektief te maak. Navorsing is gedoen oor energiebesparingsmetodes wat in verskillende areas en vir verskillende toerusting in fasiliteite geïmplementeer word. Hierdie inligting is daarna vergelyk met bedryfsingenieurswesemetodes om juis die moontlike verhouding tussen hierdie twee tipe metodes te identifiseer. Analises was gedoen in bedryfsingenieurswese en energie-effektiwiteitskorpusse met die gebruik van die ‘Content Analysis Toolkit’ program. Belangrike onderwerpe en verwantskappe tussen hierdie onderwerpe in die korpusse is identifiseer om sodoende korrelasies tussen die bedryfsingenieurswese- en energie-effektiwiteitsveld uit te lig. Die mees betekenisvolle korrelasies was tussen statistiese metodes en verskeie energieeffektiwiteitsonderwerpe identifiseer. ’n Gevallestudie is by ’n maatskappy in die Wes-Kaap wat geïntegreerde elektroniese stroombane vervaardig gedoen, om die relevante energiebesparingsmetodes te implementeer. ’n Energie-oudit is as deel van die gevallestudie by die fasiliteit gedoen. Die aantal energiebesparingsmetodes wat wel geïmplementeer is, het ’n verlaging in die kilowatture (kWh) teweeggebring. Hierdie verlagings is verkry deur die implementering van ’n afskakelingsbestuursprogram wat die belangrikheid van bestuur in ’n energiebesparingsprogram uitlig. Die toepaslikheid van optimiseringsalgoritmes vir energie-effektiewe ontwerp is getoets deur die optimisering van ’n liguitlegontwerp met behulp van ’n genetiese algoritme. Daar is gevind dat ’n genetiese algoritme wel toegepas kan word, maar dat dit verbeteringe benodig