519 research outputs found

    On the suitability of intent spaces for IR diversification

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the International Workshop on Diversity in Document Retrieval (DDR 2012), held in Seattle on 2012Recent developments in Information Retrieval diversity are based on the consideration of a space of information need aspects, a notion which takes different forms in the literature. The choice of a suitable aspect space for diversification is a critical issue when designing an IR diversification strategy, which has not been explicitly addressed to some depth in the literature. This paper aims to identify relevant properties of the aspect space which may help the system designer in making a suitable choice in selecting and configuring this space, and diagnosing malfunctions of the diversification algorithms. In particular, we identify the mutual information between aspects and documents as a meaningful magnitude, in terms of which anomalous cases can be characterized. We further seek to discern favorable cases through a combination of theoretic and empirical analysis.This work is supported by the Spanish Government (TIN2011-28538-C02-01), and the Government of Madrid (S2009TIC-1542)

    Explicit relevance models in intent-oriented information retrieval diversification

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    This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in SIGIR '12 Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2348283.2348297.The intent-oriented search diversification methods developed in the field so far tend to build on generative views of the retrieval system to be diversified. Core algorithm components in particular redundancy assessment are expressed in terms of the probability to observe documents, rather than the probability that the documents be relevant. This has been sometimes described as a view considering the selection of a single document in the underlying task model. In this paper we propose an alternative formulation of aspect-based diversification algorithms which explicitly includes a formal relevance model. We develop means for the effective computation of the new formulation, and we test the resulting algorithm empirically. We report experiments on search and recommendation tasks showing competitive or better performance than the original diversification algorithms. The relevance-based formulation has further interesting properties, such as unifying two well-known state of the art algorithms into a single version. The relevance-based approach opens alternative possibilities for further formal connections and developments as natural extensions of the framework. We illustrate this by modeling tolerance to redundancy as an explicit configurable parameter, which can be set to better suit the characteristics of the IR task, or the evaluation metrics, as we illustrate empirically.This work was supported by the national Spanish projects TIN2011-28538-C02-01 and S2009TIC-1542

    On Unexpectedness in Recommender Systems: Or How to Better Expect the Unexpected

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    Although the broad social and business success of recommender systems has been achieved across several domains, there is still a long way to go in terms of user satisfaction. One of the key dimensions for significant improvement is the concept of unexpectedness. In this paper, we propose a method to improve user satisfaction by generating unexpected recommendations based on the utility theory of economics. In particular, we propose a new concept of unexpectedness as recommending to users those items that depart from what they expect from the system. We define and formalize the concept of unexpectedness and discuss how it differs from the related notions of novelty, serendipity, and diversity. Besides, we suggest several mechanisms for specifying the users’ expectations and propose specific performance metrics to measure the unexpectedness of recommendation lists.We also take into consideration the quality of recommendations using certain utility functions and present an algorithm for providing the users with unexpected recommendations of high quality that are hard to discover but fairly match their interests. Finally, we conduct several experiments on “real-world” data sets to compare our recommendation results with some other standard baseline methods. The proposed approach outperforms these baseline methods in terms of unexpectedness and other important metrics, such as coverage and aggregate diversity, while avoiding any accuracy loss

    A meta-evaluation of evaluation methods for diversified search

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    For the evaluation of diversified search results, a number of different methods have been proposed in the literature. Prior to making use of such evaluation methods, it is important to have a good understanding of how diversity and relevance contribute to the performance metric of each method. In this paper, we use the statistical technique ANOVA to analyse and compare three representative evaluation methods for diversified search, namely alpha-nDCG, MAP-IA, and ERR-IA, on the TREC-2009 Web track dataset. It is shown that the performance scores provided by those evaluation methods can indeed reflect two crucial aspects of diversity --- richness and evenness --- as well as relevance, though to different degrees

    Probabilistic Neighborhood Selection in Collaborative Filtering Systems

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    This paper presents a novel probabilistic method for recommending items in the neighborhood-based collaborative filtering framework. For the probabilistic neighborhood selection phase, we use an efficient method for weighted sampling of k neighbors without replacement that also takes into consideration the similarity levels between the target user and the candidate neighbors. We conduct an empirical study showing that the proposed method alleviates the over-specialization and concentration biases in common recommender systems by generating recommendation lists that are very different from the classical collaborative filtering approach and also increasing the aggregate diversity and mobility of recommendations. We also demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms both the previously proposed user based k-nearest neighbors and k-furthest neighbors collaborative filtering approaches in terms of item prediction accuracy and utility based ranking measures across various experimental settings. This accuracy performance improvement is in accordance with ensemble learning theory.NYU Stern School of Busines

    A ranking framework and evaluation for diversity-based retrieval

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    There has been growing momentum in building information retrieval (IR) systems that consider both relevance and diversity of retrieved information, which together improve the usefulness of search results as perceived by users. Some users may genuinely require a set of multiple results to satisfy their information need as there is no single result that completely fulfils the need. Others may be uncertain about their information need and they may submit ambiguous or broad (faceted) queries, either intentionally or unintentionally. A sensible approach to tackle these problems is to diversify search results to address all possible senses underlying those queries or all possible answers satisfying the information need. In this thesis, we explore three aspects of diversity-based document retrieval: 1) recommender systems, 2) retrieval algorithms, and 3) evaluation measures. This first goal of this thesis is to provide an understanding of the need for diversity in search results from the users’ perspective. We develop an interactive recommender system for the purpose of a user study. Designed to facilitate users engaged in exploratory search, the system is featured with content-based browsing, aspectual interfaces, and diverse recommendations. While the diverse recommendations allow users to discover more and different aspects of a search topic, the aspectual interfaces allow users to manage and structure their own search process and results regarding aspects found during browsing. The recommendation feature mines implicit relevance feedback information extracted from a user’s browsing trails and diversifies recommended results with respect to document contents. The result of our user-centred experiment shows that result diversity is needed in realistic retrieval scenarios. Next, we propose a new ranking framework for promoting diversity in a ranked list. We combine two distinct result diversification patterns; this leads to a general framework that enables the development of a variety of ranking algorithms for diversifying documents. To validate our proposal and to gain more insights into approaches for diversifying documents, we empirically compare our integration framework against a common ranking approach (i.e. the probability ranking principle) as well as several diversity-based ranking strategies. These include maximal marginal relevance, modern portfolio theory, and sub-topic-aware diversification based on sub-topic modelling techniques, e.g. clustering, latent Dirichlet allocation, and probabilistic latent semantic analysis. Our findings show that the two diversification patterns can be employed together to improve the effectiveness of ranking diversification. Furthermore, we find that the effectiveness of our framework mainly depends on the effectiveness of the underlying sub-topic modelling techniques. Finally, we examine evaluation measures for diversity retrieval. We analytically identify an issue affecting the de-facto standard measure, novelty-biased discounted cumulative gain (α-nDCG). This issue prevents the measure from behaving as desired, i.e. assessing the effectiveness of systems that provide complete coverage of sub-topics by avoiding excessive redundancy. We show that this issue is of importance as it highly affects the evaluation of retrieval systems, specifically by overrating top-ranked systems that repeatedly retrieve redundant information. To overcome this issue, we derive a theoretically sound solution by defining a safe threshold on a query-basis. We examine the impact of arbitrary settings of the α-nDCG parameter. We evaluate the intuitiveness and reliability of α-nDCG when using our proposed setting on both real and synthetic rankings. We demonstrate that the diversity of document rankings can be intuitively measured by employing the safe threshold. Moreover, our proposal does not harm, but instead increases the reliability of the measure in terms of discriminative power, stability, and sensitivity
