4 research outputs found

    Técnicas de agrupamento de trajetórias com aplicação à recomendação de percursos

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaO uso generalizado de dispositivos capazes de obter e transmitir dados sobre a localização de objetos ao longo do tempo tem permitido recolher grandes volumes de dados espácio-temporais. Por isso, tem-se assistido a uma procura crescente de técnicas e ferramentas para a análise de grandes volumes de dados espácio-temporais com o intuito de disponibilizar uma gama variada de serviços baseados na localização. Esta dissertação centra-se no desenvolvimento de um sistema para recomendaSr trajetos com base em dados históricos sobre a localização de objetos móveis ao longo do tempo. O principal problema estudado neste trabalho consiste no agrupamento de trajetórias e na extração de informação a partir dos grupos de trajetórias. Este estudo, não se restringe a dados provenientes apenas de veículos, podendo ser aplicado a outros tipos de trajetórias, por exemplo, percursos realizados por pessoas a pé ou de bicicleta. O agrupamento baseia-se numa medida de similaridade. A extração de informação consiste em criar uma trajetória representativa para cada grupo de trajetórias. As trajetórias representativas podem ser visualizadas usando uma aplicação web, sendo também possível configurar cada módulo do sistema com parâmetros desejáveis, na sua maioria distâncias limiares. Por fim, são apresentados casos de teste para avaliar o desempenho global do sistema desenvolvido.The widespread use of devices to capture and transmit data about the location of objects over time allows collecting large volumes of spatio-temporal data. Consequently, there has been in recent years a growing demand for tools and techniques to analyze large volumes of spatio-temporal data aiming at providing a wide range of location-based services. This dissertation focuses on the development of a system for recommendation of trajectories based on historical data about the location of moving objects over time. The main issues covered in this work are trajectory clustering and extracting information from trajectory clusters. This study is not restricted to data from vehicles and can also be applied to other kinds of trajectories, for example, the movement of runners or bikes. The clustering is based on a similarity measure. The information extraction consists in creating a representative trajectory for the trajectories clusters. Finally, representative trajectories are displayed using a web application and it is also possible to configure each system module with desired parameters, mostly distance thresholds. Finally, case studies are presented to evaluate the developed system

    Offline printed Arabic character recognition

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    Optical Character Recognition (OCR) shows great potential for rapid data entry, but has limited success when applied to the Arabic language. Normal OCR problems are compounded by the right-to-left nature of Arabic and because the script is largely connected. This research investigates current approaches to the Arabic character recognition problem and innovates a new approach. The main work involves a Haar-Cascade Classifier (HCC) approach modified for the first time for Arabic character recognition. This technique eliminates the problematic steps in the pre-processing and recognition phases in additional to the character segmentation stage. A classifier was produced for each of the 61 Arabic glyphs that exist after the removal of diacritical marks. These 61 classifiers were trained and tested on an average of about 2,000 images each. A Multi-Modal Arabic Corpus (MMAC) has also been developed to support this work. MMAC makes innovative use of the new concept of connected segments of Arabic words (PAWs) with and without diacritics marks. These new tokens have significance for linguistic as well as OCR research and applications and have been applied here in the post-processing phase. A complete Arabic OCR application has been developed to manipulate the scanned images and extract a list of detected words. It consists of the HCC to extract glyphs, systems for parsing and correcting these glyphs and the MMAC to apply linguistic constrains. The HCC produces a recognition rate for Arabic glyphs of 87%. MMAC is based on 6 million words, is published on the web and has been applied and validated both in research and commercial use