6 research outputs found

    Fitting 3D Morphable Models using Local Features

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    In this paper, we propose a novel fitting method that uses local image features to fit a 3D Morphable Model to 2D images. To overcome the obstacle of optimising a cost function that contains a non-differentiable feature extraction operator, we use a learning-based cascaded regression method that learns the gradient direction from data. The method allows to simultaneously solve for shape and pose parameters. Our method is thoroughly evaluated on Morphable Model generated data and first results on real data are presented. Compared to traditional fitting methods, which use simple raw features like pixel colour or edge maps, local features have been shown to be much more robust against variations in imaging conditions. Our approach is unique in that we are the first to use local features to fit a Morphable Model. Because of the speed of our method, it is applicable for realtime applications. Our cascaded regression framework is available as an open source library (https://github.com/patrikhuber).Comment: Submitted to ICIP 2015; 4 pages, 4 figure

    A 3D Face Modelling Approach for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition in a Human-Robot Environment

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    Face analysis techniques have become a crucial component of human-machine interaction in the fields of assistive and humanoid robotics. However, the variations in head-pose that arise naturally in these environments are still a great challenge. In this paper, we present a real-time capable 3D face modelling framework for 2D in-the-wild images that is applicable for robotics. The fitting of the 3D Morphable Model is based exclusively on automatically detected landmarks. After fitting, the face can be corrected in pose and transformed back to a frontal 2D representation that is more suitable for face recognition. We conduct face recognition experiments with non-frontal images from the MUCT database and uncontrolled, in the wild images from the PaSC database, the most challenging face recognition database to date, showing an improved performance. Finally, we present our SCITOS G5 robot system, which incorporates our framework as a means of image pre-processing for face analysis

    2D face pose normalisation using a 3D morphable model

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    {3D} Morphable Face Models -- Past, Present and Future

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    In this paper, we provide a detailed survey of 3D Morphable Face Models over the 20 years since they were first proposed. The challenges in building and applying these models, namely capture, modeling, image formation, and image analysis, are still active research topics, and we review the state-of-the-art in each of these areas. We also look ahead, identifying unsolved challenges, proposing directions for future research and highlighting the broad range of current and future applications

    Angular feature extraction and ensemble classification method for 2D, 2.5D and 3D face recognition.

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    It has been recognised that, within the context of face recognition, angular separation between centred feature vectors is a useful measure of dissimilarity. In this thesis we explore this observation in more detail and compare and contrast angular separation with the Euclidean, Manhattan and Mahalonobis distance metrics. This is applied to 2D, 2.5D and 3D face images and the investigation is done in conjunction with various feature extraction techniques such as local binary patterns (LBP) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). We also employ error-correcting output code (ECOC) ensembles of support vector machines (SVMs) to project feature vectors non-linearly into a new and more discriminative feature space. It is shown that, for both face verification and face recognition tasks, angular separation is a more discerning dissimilarity measure than the others. It is also shown that the effect of applying the feature extraction algorithms described above is to considerably sharpen and enhance the ability of all metrics, but in particular angular separation, to distinguish inter-personal from extra-personal face image differences. A novel technique, known as angularisation, is introduced by which a data set that is well separated in the angular sense can be mapped into a new feature space in which other metrics are equally discriminative. This operation can be performed separately or it can be incorporated into an SVM kernel. The benefit of angularisation is that it allows strong classification methods to take advantage of angular separation without explicitly incorporating it into their construction. It is shown that the accuracy of ECOC ensembles can be improved in this way. A further aspect of the research is to compare the effectiveness of the ECOC approach to constructing ensembles of SVM base classifiers with that of binary hierarchical classifiers (BHC). Experiments are performed which lead to the conclusion that, for face recognition problems, ECOC yields greater classification accuracy than the BHC method. This is attributed primarily to the fact that the size of the training set decreases along a path from the root node to a leaf node of the BHC tree and this leads to great difficulties in constructing accurate base classifiers at the lower nodes