176 research outputs found

    The temporal value of information to network protocols: an analytical framework

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    Network protocol performance is closely related to the available information about the network state. However, acquiring such information expends network bandwidth resource. Thus a trade-off exists between the amount of information collected about the network state, and the improved protocol performance due to this information. A framework has been developed to study the optimal trade-off between the amount of collected information and network performance. However, the effect of information delay is not considered. In this paper, we extend the framework to study the impact of information delay on the value of network state information to network protocols, based on which optimal periodic information update policies could be obtained. The framework is illustrated by an example of multiuser scheduling, and observations about the impact of information delay on network protocols are obtained. © 2015 IEEE.postprin

    Performance Analysis of 5G Transmission over Fading Channels with Random IG Distributed LOS Components

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    Mathematical modelling of the behavior of the radio propagation at mmWave bands is crucial to the development of transmission and reception algorithms of new 5G systems. In this study we will model 5G propagation in nondeterministic line-of-sight (LOS) conditions, when the random nature of LOS component ratio will be observed as Inverse Gamma (IG) distributed process. Closed-form expressions will be presented for the probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of such random process. Further, closed-form expressions will be provided for important performance measures such as level crossing rate (LCR) and average fade duration (AFD). Capitalizing on proposed expressions, LCR and AFD will be discussed in the function of transmission parameters

    Area under ROC curve of energy detection over generalized fading channels

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    A fast and reliable detection scheme is essential in several wireless applications such as radar and cognitive radio systems. Energy detection is such a method as it does not require a priori information of the received signal while it exhibits low implementation complexity and costs. Since the detection capability of ED is largely affected by the effects of multipath fading, this paper is devoted to a thorough analysis of energy detection based spectrum sensing over generalized fading conditions. To this end, analytical expressions are firstly derived using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) under additive white Gaussian noise. This analysis is subsequently extended to the case of generalized fading conditions characterized by k - μ and η - μ fading distributions. The offered results are novel and are employed in analyzing the corresponding performance. It is shown that fading phenomena result to detrimental effects on the performance of spectrum sensing since the deviation between severe and non-severe conditions is rather substantial
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