3 research outputs found

    NUMA Time Warp

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    It is well known that Time Warp may suffer from large usage of memory, which may hamper the efficiency of the memory hierarchy. To cope with this issue, several approaches have been devised, mostly based on the reduction of the amount of used virtual memory, e.g., by the avoidance of checkpointing and the exploitation of reverse computing. In this article we present an orthogonal solution aimed at optimizing the latency for memory access operations when running Time Warp systems on Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) multi-processor/multi-core computing systems. More in detail, we provide an innovative Linux-based architecture allowing per simulation-object management of memory segments made up by disjoint sets of pages, and supporting both static and dynamic binding of the memory pages reserved for an individual object to the different NUMA nodes, depending on what worker thread is in charge of running that simulation object along a given wall-clock-time window. Our proposal not only manages the virtual pages used for the live state image of the simulation object, rather, it also copes with memory pages destined to keep the simulation object's event buffers and any recoverability data. Further, the architecture allows memory access optimization for data (messages) exchanged across the different simulation objects running on the NUMA machine. Our proposal is fully transparent to the application code, thus operating in a seamless manner. Also, a free software release of our NUMA memory manager for Time Warp has been made available within the open source ROOT-Sim simulation platform. Experimental data for an assessment of our innovative proposal are also provided in this article

    A Scalable GVT Estimation Algorithm for PDES: Using Lower Bound of Event-Bulk-Time

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    Global Virtual Time computation of Parallel Discrete Event Simulation is crucial for conducting fossil collection and detecting the termination of simulation. The triggering condition of GVT computation in typical approaches is generally based on the wall-clock time or logical time intervals. However, the GVT value depends on the timestamps of events rather than the wall-clock time or logical time intervals. Therefore, it is difficult for the existing approaches to select appropriate time intervals to compute the GVT value. In this study, we propose a scalable GVT estimation algorithm based on Lower Bound of Event-Bulk-Time, which triggers the computation of the GVT value according to the number of processed events. In order to calculate the number of transient messages, our algorithm employs Event-Bulk to record the messages sent and received by Logical Processes. To eliminate the performance bottleneck, we adopt an overlapping computation approach to distribute the workload of GVT computation to all worker-threads. We compare our algorithm with the fast asynchronous GVT algorithm using PHOLD benchmark on the shared memory machine. Experimental results indicate that our algorithm has a light overhead and shows higher speedup and accuracy of GVT computation than the fast asynchronous GVT algorithm

    Toward Distributed At-scale Hybrid Network Test with Emulation and Simulation Symbiosis

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    In the past decade or so, significant advances were made in the field of Future Internet Architecture (FIA) design. Undoubtedly, the size of Future Internet will increase tremendously, and so will the complexity of its users’ behaviors. This advancement means most of future Internet applications and services can only achieve and demonstrate full potential on a large-scale basis. The development of network testbeds that can validate key design decisions and expose operational issues at scale is essential to FIA research. In conjunction with the development and advancement of FIA, cyber-infrastructure testbeds have also achieved remarkable progress. For meaningful network studies, it is indispensable to utilize cyber-infrastructure testbeds appropriately in order to obtain accurate experiment results. That said, existing current network experimentation is intrinsically deficient. The existing testbeds do not offer scalability, flexibility, and realism at the same time. This dissertation aims to construct a hybrid system of conducting at-scale network studies and experiments by exploiting the distributed computing ability of current testbeds. First, this work presents a synchronization of parallel discrete event simulation that offers the simulation with transparent scalability and performance on various high-end computing platforms. The parallel simulator that we implement is configured so that it can self-adapt for the performance while running on supercomputers with disparate architectures. The simulator could be used to handle models of different sizes, varying modeling details, and different complexity levels. Second, this works addresses the issue of researching network design and implementation realistically at scale, through the use of distributed cyber-infrastructure testbeds. An existing symbiotic approach is applied to integrate emulation with simulation so that they can overcome the limitations of physical setup. The symbiotic method is used to improve the capabilities of a specific emulator, Mininet. In this case, Mininet can be used to run applications directly on the virtual machines and software switches, with network connectivity represented by detailed simulation at scale. We also propose a method for using the symbiotic approach to coordinate separate Mininet instances, each representing a different set of the overlapping network flows. This approach provides a significant improvement to the scalability of the network experiments