17 research outputs found

    Defeating classical bit commitments with a quantum computer

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    It has been recently shown by Mayers that no bit commitment scheme is secure if the participants have unlimited computational power and technology. However it was noticed that a secure protocol could be obtained by forcing the cheater to perform a measurement. Similar situations had been encountered previously in the design of Quantum Oblivious Transfer. The question is whether a classical bit commitment could be used for this specific purpose. We demonstrate that, surprisingly, classical unconditionally concealing bit commitments do not help.Comment: 13 pages. Supersedes quant-ph/971202

    Historical Bibliography of Quantum Computing

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    This bibliographic essay reviews seminal papers in quantum computing. Although quantum computing is a young science, its researchers have already published thousands of noteworthy articles, far too many to list here. Therefore, this appendix is not a comprehensive chronicle of the emergence and evolution of the field but rather a guided tour of some of the papers that spurred, formalized, and furthered its study

    Quantum Cryptography Beyond Quantum Key Distribution

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    Quantum cryptography is the art and science of exploiting quantum mechanical effects in order to perform cryptographic tasks. While the most well-known example of this discipline is quantum key distribution (QKD), there exist many other applications such as quantum money, randomness generation, secure two- and multi-party computation and delegated quantum computation. Quantum cryptography also studies the limitations and challenges resulting from quantum adversaries---including the impossibility of quantum bit commitment, the difficulty of quantum rewinding and the definition of quantum security models for classical primitives. In this review article, aimed primarily at cryptographers unfamiliar with the quantum world, we survey the area of theoretical quantum cryptography, with an emphasis on the constructions and limitations beyond the realm of QKD.Comment: 45 pages, over 245 reference

    Quantum oblivious transfer: a short review

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    Quantum cryptography is the field of cryptography that explores the quantum properties of matter. Its aim is to develop primitives beyond the reach of classical cryptography or to improve on existing classical implementations. Although much of the work in this field is dedicated to quantum key distribution (QKD), some important steps were made towards the study and development of quantum oblivious transfer (QOT). It is possible to draw a comparison between the application structure of both QKD and QOT primitives. Just as QKD protocols allow quantum-safe communication, QOT protocols allow quantum-safe computation. However, the conditions under which QOT is actually quantum-safe have been subject to a great amount of scrutiny and study. In this review article, we survey the work developed around the concept of oblivious transfer in the area of theoretical quantum cryptography, with an emphasis on some proposed protocols and their security requirements. We review the impossibility results that daunt this primitive and discuss several quantum security models under which it is possible to prove QOT security.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figure

    Quantum computing modelling on field programmable gate array based on state vector and heisenberg models

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    As current trend of miniaturization in computing technology continues, modern computing devices would start to exhibit the behaviour of nanoscopic quantum objects. Quantum computing, which is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, becomes a promising candidate for future generation computing system. However, modelling quantum computing systems on existing classical computing platforms before the realization of viable large-scale quantum computer remains a major challenge. The exploration on the modelling of quantum computing systems on field programmable gate array (FPGA) platform, which offers the potential of massive parallelism and allows computational optimization at register-transfer level, is crucial. Due to the exponential growth of resource utilization with the increase in the number of quantum bits (qubit), existing works on modelling of quantum systems on FPGA platform are restricted to simple case studies using small qubit sizes. This work explores the modelling of quantum computing for emulation on FPGA platform based on two types of data structure: (a) state vector model and (b) Heisenberg model. For the conventional state vector modelling approach, an efficient datapath design that is based on serial-parallel hardware architecture, which allows resource sharing between unitary transformations, is proposed. Heisenberg model has been proven to be efficient in modelling stabilizer circuits, which are critical in error correction operations. In the effort to include the consideration of vital quantum error correction in practical quantum systems, a novel FPGA emulation framework that is based on the Heisenberg model is proposed. Effective algorithms for accurate global phase maintenance are proposed to facilitate the modelling of quantum systems based on the Heisenberg representation. The feasibility of the proposed state vector and Heisenberg emulation models are demonstrated based on a number of case studies with different characteristics, which include quantum Fourier transform, Grover’s search algorithm, and stabilizer circuits. Based on the state vector approach, this work has demonstrated the advantage of FPGA emulation over software simulation where hardware emulation of 7-qubit Grover’s search is about 3 × 104 times faster than the software simulation performed on Intel Core i7-4790 processor running at 3.6GHz clock rate. In contrast to the 8-qubit implementation based on the state vector model, the proposed FPGA emulation framework based on the Heisenberg model has successfully modelled 120-qubit stabilizer circuits on the Altera Stratix IV FPGA. In summary, the proposed work in this thesis contributes to the formulation of a proof-of-concept of efficient FPGA emulation framework based on the state vector and Heisenberg models