29 research outputs found

    A Holistic Approach for Trustworthy Distributed Systems with WebAssembly and TEEs

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    Publish/subscribe systems play a key role in enabling communication between numerous devices in distributed and large-scale architectures. While widely adopted, securing such systems often trades portability for additional integrity and attestation guarantees. Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) offer a potential solution with enclaves to enhance security and trust. However, application development for TEEs is complex, and many existing solutions are tied to specific TEE architectures, limiting adaptability. Current communication protocols also inadequately manage attestation proofs or expose essential attestation information. This paper introduces a novel approach using WebAssembly to address these issues, a key enabling technology nowadays capturing academia and industry attention. We present the design of a portable and fully attested publish/subscribe middleware system as a holistic approach for trustworthy and distributed communication between various systems. Based on this proposal, we have implemented and evaluated in-depth a fully-fledged publish/subscribe broker running within Intel SGX, compiled in WebAssembly, and built on top of industry-battled frameworks and standards, i.e., MQTT and TLS protocols. Our extended TLS protocol preserves the privacy of attestation information, among other benefits. Our experimental results showcase most overheads, revealing a 1.55x decrease in message throughput when using a trusted broker. We open-source the contributions of this work to the research community to facilitate experimental reproducibility.Comment: This publication incorporates results from the VEDLIoT project, which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 95719

    Distributed Detection of Cliques in Dynamic Networks

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    This paper provides an in-depth study of the fundamental problems of finding small subgraphs in distributed dynamic networks. While some problems are trivially easy to handle, such as detecting a triangle that emerges after an edge insertion, we show that, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, other problems exhibit a wide range of complexities in terms of the trade-offs between their round and bandwidth complexities. In the case of triangles, which are only affected by the topology of the immediate neighborhood, some end results are: - The bandwidth complexity of 1-round dynamic triangle detection or listing is Theta(1). - The bandwidth complexity of 1-round dynamic triangle membership listing is Theta(1) for node/edge deletions, Theta(n^{1/2}) for edge insertions, and Theta(n) for node insertions. - The bandwidth complexity of 1-round dynamic triangle membership detection is Theta(1) for node/edge deletions, O(log n) for edge insertions, and Theta(n) for node insertions. Most of our upper and lower bounds are tight. Additionally, we provide almost always tight upper and lower bounds for larger cliques

    Sublinear-Time Distributed Algorithms for Detecting Small Cliques and Even Cycles

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    In this paper we give sublinear-time distributed algorithms in the CONGEST model for subgraph detection for two classes of graphs: cliques and even-length cycles. We show for the first time that all copies of 4-cliques and 5-cliques in the network graph can be listed in sublinear time, O(n^{5/6+o(1)}) rounds and O(n^{21/22+o(1)}) rounds, respectively. Prior to our work, it was not known whether it was possible to even check if the network contains a 4-clique or a 5-clique in sublinear time. For even-length cycles, C_{2k}, we give an improved sublinear-time algorithm, which exploits a new connection to extremal combinatorics. For example, for 6-cycles we improve the running time from O~(n^{5/6}) to O~(n^{3/4}) rounds. We also show two obstacles on proving lower bounds for C_{2k}-freeness: First, we use the new connection to extremal combinatorics to show that the current lower bound of Omega~(sqrt{n}) rounds for 6-cycle freeness cannot be improved using partition-based reductions from 2-party communication complexity, the technique by which all known lower bounds on subgraph detection have been proven to date. Second, we show that there is some fixed constant delta in (0,1/2) such that for any k, a Omega(n^{1/2+delta}) lower bound on C_{2k}-freeness implies new lower bounds in circuit complexity. For general subgraphs, it was shown in [Orr Fischer et al., 2018] that for any fixed k, there exists a subgraph H of size k such that H-freeness requires Omega~(n^{2-Theta(1/k)}) rounds. It was left as an open problem whether this is tight, or whether some constant-sized subgraph requires truly quadratic time to detect. We show that in fact, for any subgraph H of constant size k, the H-freeness problem can be solved in O(n^{2 - Theta(1/k)}) rounds, nearly matching the lower bound of [Orr Fischer et al., 2018]

    The Hardness of Optimization Problems on the Weighted Massively Parallel Computation Model

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    The topology-aware Massively Parallel Computation (MPC) model is proposed and studied recently, which enhances the classical MPC model by the awareness of network topology. The work of Hu et al. on topology-aware MPC model considers only the tree topology. In this paper a more general case is considered, where the underlying network is a weighted complete graph. We then call this model as Weighted Massively Parallel Computation (WMPC) model, and study the problem of minimizing communication cost under it. Two communication cost minimization problems are defined based on different pattern of communication, which are the Data Redistribution Problem and Data Allocation Problem. We also define four kinds of objective functions for communication cost, which consider the total cost, bottleneck cost, maximum of send and receive cost, and summation of send and receive cost, respectively. Combining the two problems in different communication pattern with the four kinds of objective cost functions, 8 problems are obtained. The hardness results of the 8 problems make up the content of this paper. With rigorous proof, we prove that some of the 8 problems are in P, some FPT, some NP-complete, and some W[1]-complete

    Rational Behavior in Committee-Based Blockchains

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    We study the rational behaviors of participants in committee-based blockchains. Committee-based blockchains rely on specific blockchain consensus that must be guaranteed in presence of rational participants. We consider a simplified blockchain consensus algorithm based on existing or proposed committee-based blockchains that encapsulates the main actions of the participants: voting for a block, and checking its validity. Knowing that those actions have costs, and achieving the consensus gives rewards to committee members, we study using game theory how strategic players behave while trying to maximizing their gains. We consider different reward schemes, and found that in each setting, there exist equilibria where blockchain consensus is guaranteed; in some settings however, there can be coordination failures hindering consensus. Moreover, we study equilibria with trembling participants, which is a novelty in the context of committee-based blockchains. Trembling participants are rational that can do unintended actions with a low probability. We found that in presence of trembling participants, there exist equilibria where blockchain consensus is guaranteed; however, when only voters are rewarded, there also exist equilibria where validity can be violated

    Multi-Round Cooperative Search Games with Multiple Players

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    Assume that a treasure is placed in one of M boxes according to a known distribution and that k searchers are searching for it in parallel during T rounds. We study the question of how to incentivize selfish players so that group performance would be maximized. Here, this is measured by the success probability, namely, the probability that at least one player finds the treasure. We focus on congestion policies C(l) that specify the reward that a player receives if it is one of l players that (simultaneously) find the treasure for the first time. Our main technical contribution is proving that the exclusive policy, in which C(1)=1 and C(l)=0 for l>1, yields a price of anarchy of (1-(1-{1}/{k})^{k})^{-1}, and that this is the best possible price among all symmetric reward mechanisms. For this policy we also have an explicit description of a symmetric equilibrium, which is in some sense unique, and moreover enjoys the best success probability among all symmetric profiles. For general congestion policies, we show how to polynomially find, for any theta>0, a symmetric multiplicative (1+theta)(1+C(k))-equilibrium. Together with an appropriate reward policy, a central entity can suggest players to play a particular profile at equilibrium. As our main conceptual contribution, we advocate the use of symmetric equilibria for such purposes. Besides being fair, we argue that symmetric equilibria can also become highly robust to crashes of players. Indeed, in many cases, despite the fact that some small fraction of players crash (or refuse to participate), symmetric equilibria remain efficient in terms of their group performances and, at the same time, serve as approximate equilibria. We show that this principle holds for a class of games, which we call monotonously scalable games. This applies in particular to our search game, assuming the natural sharing policy, in which C(l)=1/l. For the exclusive policy, this general result does not hold, but we show that the symmetric equilibrium is nevertheless robust under mild assumptions