8 research outputs found

    Foundational Ontologies meet Ontology Matching: A Survey

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    Ontology matching is a research area aimed at finding ways to make different ontologies interoperable. Solutions to the problem have been proposed from different disciplines, including databases, natural language processing, and machine learning. The role of foundational ontologies for ontology matching is an important one. It is multifaceted and with room for development. This paper presents an overview of the different tasks involved in ontology matching that consider foundational ontologies. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of existing proposals and highlight the challenges to be addressed in the future

    SAT-based Analysis, (Re-)Configuration & Optimization in the Context of Automotive Product documentation

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    Es gibt einen steigenden Trend hin zu kundenindividueller Massenproduktion (mass customization), insbesondere im Bereich der Automobilkonfiguration. Kundenindividuelle Massenproduktion führt zu einem enormen Anstieg der Komplexität. Es gibt Hunderte von Ausstattungsoptionen aus denen ein Kunde wählen kann um sich sein persönliches Auto zusammenzustellen. Die Anzahl der unterschiedlichen konfigurierbaren Autos eines deutschen Premium-Herstellers liegt für ein Fahrzeugmodell bei bis zu 10^80. SAT-basierte Methoden haben sich zur Verifikation der Stückliste (bill of materials) von Automobilkonfigurationen etabliert. Carsten Sinz hat Mitte der 90er im Bereich der SAT-basierten Verifikationsmethoden für die Daimler AG Pionierarbeit geleistet. Darauf aufbauend wurde nach 2005 ein produktives Software System bei der Daimler AG installiert. Später folgten weitere deutsche Automobilhersteller und installierten ebenfalls SAT-basierte Systeme zur Verifikation ihrer Stücklisten. Die vorliegende Arbeit besteht aus zwei Hauptteilen. Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung weiterer SAT-basierter Methoden für Automobilkonfigurationen. Wir zeigen, dass sich SAT-basierte Methoden für interaktive Automobilkonfiguration eignen. Wir behandeln unterschiedliche Aspekte der interaktiven Konfiguration. Darunter Konsistenzprüfung, Generierung von Beispielen, Erklärungen und die Vermeidung von Fehlkonfigurationen. Außerdem entwickeln wir SAT-basierte Methoden zur Verifikation von dynamischen Zusammenbauten. Ein dynamischer Zusammenbau repräsentiert die chronologische Zusammenbau-Reihenfolge komplexer Teile. Der zweite Teil beschäftigt sich mit der Optimierung von Automobilkonfigurationen. Wir erläutern und vergleichen unterschiedliche Optimierungsprobleme der Aussagenlogik sowie deren algorithmische Lösungsansätze. Wir beschreiben Anwendungsfälle aus der Automobilkonfiguration und zeigen wie diese als aussagenlogisches Optimierungsproblem formalisiert werden können. Beispielsweise möchte man zu einer Menge an Ausstattungswünschen ein Test-Fahrzeug mit minimaler Ergänzung weiterer Ausstattungen berechnen um Kosten zu sparen. DesWeiteren beschäftigen wir uns mit der Problemstellung eine kleinste Menge an Fahrzeugen zu berechnen um eine Testmenge abzudecken. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit haben wir einen Prototypen eines (Re-)Konfigurators, genannt AutoConfig, entwickelt. Unser (Re-)Konfigurator verwendet im Kern SAT-basierte Methoden und besitzt eine grafische Benutzeroberfläche, welche interaktive Konfiguration erlaubt. AutoConfig kann mit Instanzen von drei großen deutschen Automobilherstellern umgehen, aber ist nicht alleine darauf beschränkt. Mit Hilfe dieses Prototyps wollen wir die Anwendbarkeit unserer Methoden demonstrieren

    Modelo fuzzy para recuperação da informação utilizando múltiplas ontologias relacionadas.

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    Com a crescente popularidade da World Wide Web mais pessoas têm acesso à informação cujo volume vem expandindo ao longo do tempo. A área de recuperação de informação ganhou um novo desafio visando buscar os recursos pelo significado da informação neles contida. Uma forma de recuperar a informação, pelo seu significado, é pelo uso de uma base de conhecimento que modela os conceitos de um domínio e seus relacionamentos. Atualmente, ontologias têm sido utilizadas para modelar bases de conhecimento. Para tratar com a imprecisão e a incerteza, presentes no conhecimento e no processo de recuperação de informação, são empregadas técnicas da teoria de conjuntos fuzzy. Trabalhos precedentes codificam a base de conhecimento utilizando apenas uma ontologia. Entretanto, uma coleção de documentos pode tratar temas pertencentes a domínios diferentes, expressos por ontologias distintas, que podem estar relacionados. Neste trabalho, uma forma de organização e representação do conhecimento em múltiplas ontologias relacionadas foi investigada e um novo método de expansão de consulta foi desenvolvido. A organização do conhecimento e o método de expansão de consulta foram integrados no modelo fuzzy para recuperação de informação utilizando múltiplas ontologias relacionadas. O desempenho do modelo foi comparado com outro modelo fuzzy para recuperação de informação e com a máquina de busca Lucene do projeto Apache. Em ambos os casos o modelo proposto apresentou uma melhora nas medidas de precisão e cobertura. Palavras-chave: Recuperação de informação fuzzy, Representação do conhecimento, Expansão da consulta, Ontologia.Tese (Doutorado) - Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e Computação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas

    Investigation of service selection algorithms for grid services

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    Grid computing has emerged as a global platform to support organizations for coordinated sharing of distributed data, applications, and processes. Additionally, Grid computing has also leveraged web services to define standard interfaces for Grid services adopting the service-oriented view. Consequently, there have been significant efforts to enable applications capable of tackling computationally intensive problems as services on the Grid. In order to ensure that the available services are assigned to the high volume of incoming requests efficiently, it is important to have a robust service selection algorithm. The selection algorithm should not only increase access to the distributed services, promoting operational flexibility and collaboration, but should also allow service providers to scale efficiently to meet a variety of demands while adhering to certain current Quality of Service (QoS) standards. In this research, two service selection algorithms, namely the Particle Swarm Intelligence based Service Selection Algorithm (PSI Selection Algorithm) based on the Multiple Objective Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm using Crowding Distance technique, and the Constraint Satisfaction based Selection (CSS) algorithm, are proposed. The proposed selection algorithms are designed to achieve the following goals: handling large number of incoming requests simultaneously; achieving high match scores in the case of competitive matching of similar types of incoming requests; assigning each services efficiently to all the incoming requests; providing the service requesters the flexibility to provide multiple service selection criteria based on a QoS metric; selecting the appropriate services for the incoming requests within a reasonable time. Next, the two algorithms are verified by a standard assignment problem algorithm called the Munkres algorithm. The feasibility and the accuracy of the proposed algorithms are then tested using various evaluation methods. These evaluations are based on various real world scenarios to check the accuracy of the algorithm, which is primarily based on how closely the requests are being matched to the available services based on the QoS parameters provided by the requesters

    Investigation of service selection algorithms for grid services

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    Grid computing has emerged as a global platform to support organizations for coordinated sharing of distributed data, applications, and processes. Additionally, Grid computing has also leveraged web services to define standard interfaces for Grid services adopting the service-oriented view. Consequently, there have been significant efforts to enable applications capable of tackling computationally intensive problems as services on the Grid. In order to ensure that the available services are assigned to the high volume of incoming requests efficiently, it is important to have a robust service selection algorithm. The selection algorithm should not only increase access to the distributed services, promoting operational flexibility and collaboration, but should also allow service providers to scale efficiently to meet a variety of demands while adhering to certain current Quality of Service (QoS) standards. In this research, two service selection algorithms, namely the Particle Swarm Intelligence based Service Selection Algorithm (PSI Selection Algorithm) based on the Multiple Objective Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm using Crowding Distance technique, and the Constraint Satisfaction based Selection (CSS) algorithm, are proposed. The proposed selection algorithms are designed to achieve the following goals: handling large number of incoming requests simultaneously; achieving high match scores in the case of competitive matching of similar types of incoming requests; assigning each services efficiently to all the incoming requests; providing the service requesters the flexibility to provide multiple service selection criteria based on a QoS metric; selecting the appropriate services for the incoming requests within a reasonable time. Next, the two algorithms are verified by a standard assignment problem algorithm called the Munkres algorithm. The feasibility and the accuracy of the proposed algorithms are then tested using various evaluation methods. These evaluations are based on various real world scenarios to check the accuracy of the algorithm, which is primarily based on how closely the requests are being matched to the available services based on the QoS parameters provided by the requesters

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, junio de 201