63 research outputs found

    Design of a Wearable Healthcare Emergency Detection Device for Elder Persons

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    Improving quality of life in geriatric patients is related to constant physical activity and fall prevention. In this paper, we propose a wearable system that takes advantage of sensors embedded in a smart device to collect data for movement identification (running, walking, falling and daily activities) of an elderly user in real-time. To provide high efficiency in fall detection, the sensor’s readings are analysed using a neural network. If a fall is detected, an alert is sent though a smartphone connected via Bluetooth. We conducted an experimental session using an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board in inside and outside environments. The results of the experiment have shown that the system is extremely portable and provides high success rates in fall detection in terms of accuracy and loss. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    An AI based digital-twin for prioritising pneumonia patient treatment

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    A digital-twin based three-tiered system is proposed to prioritise patients for urgent intensive care and ventilator support. The deep learning methods are used to build patient-specific digital-twins to identify and prioritise critical cases amongst severe pneumonia patients. The three-tiered strategy is proposed to generate severity indices to: (1) identify urgent cases, (2) assign critical care and mechanical ventilation, and (3) discontinue mechanical ventilation and critical care at the optimal time. The severity indices calculated in the present study are the probability of death and the probability of requiring mechanical ventilation. These enable the generation of patient prioritisation lists and facilitates the smooth flow of patients in and out of Intensive Therapy Units (ITUs). The proposed digital-twin is built on pre-trained deep learning models using data from more than 1895 pneumonia patients. The severity indices calculated in the present study are assessed using the standard benchmark of Area Under Receiving Operating Characteristic Curve (AUROC). The results indicate that the ITU and mechanical ventilation can be prioritised correctly to an AUROC value as high as 0.89. This model may be employed in its current form to COVID-19 patients, but transfer learning with COVID-19 patient data will improve the predictions. The digital-twin model developed and tested is available via accompanying Supplemental material

    Assessment of Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Prediction from PPG and rPPG Signals Using Deep Learning

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    Exploiting photoplethysmography signals (PPG) for non-invasive blood pressure (BP) measurement is interesting for various reasons. First, PPG can easily be measured using fingerclip sensors. Second, camera based approaches allow to derive remote PPG (rPPG) signals similar to PPG and therefore provide the opportunity for non-invasive measurements of BP. Various methods relying on machine learning techniques have recently been published. Performances are often reported as the mean average error (MAE) on the data which is problematic. This work aims to analyze the PPG- and rPPG based BP prediction error with respect to the underlying data distribution. First, we train established neural network (NN) architectures and derive an appropriate parameterization of input segments drawn from continuous PPG signals. Second, we use this parameterization to train NNs with a larger PPG dataset and carry out a systematic evaluation of the predicted blood pressure. The analysis revealed a strong systematic increase of the prediction error towards less frequent BP values across NN architectures. Moreover, we tested different train/test set split configurations which underpin the importance of a careful subject-aware dataset assignment to prevent overly optimistic results. Third, we use transfer learning to train the NNs for rPPG based BP prediction. The resulting performances are similar to the PPG-only case. Finally, we apply different personalization techniques and retrain our NNs with subject-specific data for both the PPG-only and rPPG case. Whilst the particular technique is less important, personalization reduces the prediction errors significantly

    Premature Atrial and Ventricular Contraction Detection using Photoplethysmographic Data from a Smartwatch

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    We developed an algorithm to detect premature atrial contraction (PAC) and premature ventricular contraction (PVC) using photoplethysmographic (PPG) data acquired from a smartwatch. Our PAC/PVC detection algorithm is composed of a sequence of algorithms that are combined to discriminate various arrhythmias. A novel vector resemblance method is used to enhance the PAC/PVC detection results of the Poincare plot method. The new PAC/PVC detection algorithm with our automated motion and noise artifact detection approach yielded a sensitivity of 86% for atrial fibrillation (AF) subjects while the overall sensitivity was 67% when normal sinus rhythm (NSR) subjects were also included. The specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and accuracy values for the combined data consisting of both NSR and AF subjects were 97%, 81%, 94% and 92%, respectively, for PAC/PVC detection combined with our automated motion and noise artifact detection approach. Moreover, when AF detection was compared with and without PAC/PVC, the sensitivity and specificity increased from 94.55% to 98.18% and from 95.75% to 97.90%, respectively. For additional independent testing data, we used two datasets: a smartwatch PPG dataset that was collected in our ongoing clinical study, and a pulse oximetry PPG dataset from the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III database. The PAC/PVC classification results of the independent testing on these two other datasets are all above 92% for sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and accuracy. The proposed combined approach to detect PAC and PVC can ultimately lead to better accuracy in AF detection. This is one of the first studies involving detection of PAC and PVC using PPG recordings from a smartwatch. The proposed method can potentially be of clinical importance as this enhanced capability can lead to fewer false positive detections of AF, especially for those NSR subjects with frequent episodes of PAC/PVC

    Development of washable silver printed textile electrodes for long-term ECG monitoring

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    Long-term electrocardiography (ECG) monitoring is very essential for the early detection and treatment of cardiovascular disorders. However, commercially used silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) electrodes have drawbacks, and these become more obvious during long-term signal monitoring, making them inconvenient for this use. In this study, we developed silver printed textile electrodes from knitted cotton and polyester fabric for ECG monitoring. The surface resistance of printed electrodes was 1.64 Ω/sq for cotton and 1.78 Ω/sq for polyester electrodes. The ECG detection performance of the electrodes was studied by placing three electrodes around the wrist where the electrodes were embedded on an elastic strap with Velcro. The ECG signals collected using textile electrodes had a comparable waveform to those acquired using standard Ag/AgCl electrodes with a signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 33.10, 30.17, and 33.52 dB for signals collected from cotton, polyester, and Ag/AgCl electrodes, respectively. The signal quality increased as the tightness of the elastic strap increased. Signals acquired at 15 mmHg pressure level with the textile electrodes provided a similar quality to those acquired using standard electrodes. Interestingly, the textile electrodes gave acceptable signal quality even after ten washing cycles

    A Review of Atrial Fibrillation Detection Methods as a Service

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    Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is a common heart arrhythmia that often goes undetected, and even if it is detected, managing the condition may be challenging. In this paper, we review how the RR interval and Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals, incorporated into a monitoring system, can be useful to track AF events. Were such an automated system to be implemented, it could be used to help manage AF and thereby reduce patient morbidity and mortality. The main impetus behind the idea of developing a service is that a greater data volume analyzed can lead to better patient outcomes. Based on the literature review, which we present herein, we introduce the methods that can be used to detect AF efficiently and automatically via the RR interval and ECG signals. A cardiovascular disease monitoring service that incorporates one or multiple of these detection methods could extend event observation to all times, and could therefore become useful to establish any AF occurrence. The development of an automated and efficient method that monitors AF in real time would likely become a key component for meeting public health goals regarding the reduction of fatalities caused by the disease. Yet, at present, significant technological and regulatory obstacles remain, which prevent the development of any proposed system. Establishment of the scientific foundation for monitoring is important to provide effective service to patients and healthcare professionals

    Wearable smart textiles for long-term electrocardiography monitoring : a review

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    The continuous and long-term measurement and monitoring of physiological signals such as electrocardiography (ECG) are very important for the early detection and treatment of heart disorders at an early stage prior to a serious condition occurring. The increasing demand for the continuous monitoring of the ECG signal needs the rapid development of wearable electronic technology. During wearable ECG monitoring, the electrodes are the main components that affect the signal quality and comfort of the user. This review assesses the application of textile electrodes for ECG monitoring from the fundamentals to the latest developments and prospects for their future fate. The fabrication techniques of textile electrodes and their performance in terms of skin–electrode contact impedance, motion artifacts and signal quality are also reviewed and discussed. Textile electrodes can be fabricated by integrating thin metal fiber during the manufacturing stage of textile products or by coating textiles with conductive materials like metal inks, carbon mate-rials, or conductive polymers. The review also discusses how textile electrodes for ECG function via direct skin contact or via a non-contact capacitive coupling. Finally, the current intensive and promising research towards finding textile-based ECG electrodes with better comfort and signal quality in the fields of textile, material, medical and electrical engineering are presented as a perspective
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