12 research outputs found

    Modélisation du problème du contact lors du choc à faible énergie sur les composites stratifiés en graphite/époxy

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    Contraintes et déformations -- Endommagement et critères de rupture -- Approche expérimentale -- Corrélation entre les comportemetns statique et dynamique -- Essais quasi-statiques -- Essais de choc simple -- Corrélation entre les chargements quasi-statique et dynamique -- Problème du contact -- Réponse globale de la plaque -- Constribution de la fonction de Green -- Formulation du problème de contact -- Prédiction de l'état du dommage critique -- Détermination de la force critique -- Corrélation entre les comportements statique et dynamique -- Essais quasi-statiques -- Essais de choc simple -- Corrélation entre les chargements quasi-statistique et dynamique -- Problème du contact -- Réponse globale de la plaque -- Construction de la fonction de Green -- Formulation du problème de contact -- Prédiction de l'état du dommage critique -- Détermination de la force critique -- Extrapolation au choc simple -- Extrapolation aux chocs répétés -- Variation des paramètres de contacts à l'EDC

    Numerical modeling of petroleum contamination in the subsurface soil layer

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    Experimental models -- Analytical and numerical models -- Mathematical description of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) movement in porous media -- Saturation-pressure relations -- Permeability-saturation relations -- Mass transfer processes -- Gas compressibility -- Numerical analysis -- Method of support-operators -- Grid in two dimensions -- Difference operators -- Boundary conditions -- Method of solution -- Model validation and verification -- Analytical solutions -- One dimensional unsaturated flow experiment -- Two-dimensional LNAPL spill -- Laboratory experiments -- Capillary pressure-water content relationships -- Saturated hydraulic conductivity test -- Experimental setup and procedure -- Sensitivity analysis -- Hydraulic conductivity -- Porosity -- Van genuchten parameters -- NAPL hydraulic head in infiltration area

    Effect of conflicting advice on return to work in patients with low back pain

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Ellipsometric characterization of gold/dielectric nanocomposite films

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    Optimal properties of metal particles -- Experimental methodology -- Film deposition -- Optical characterization using ellipsometry -- Additional characterization techniques -- Au/fluoropolymer films -- Au/SiO[indice inférieur 2] films -- Au/SiO[indice inférieur 2] films at high temperature -- Discontinuous Au films -- XPS analysis

    Pratiques halieutiques Ă  la station 4 de la Pointe-du-Buisson (BhFl-1) au Sylvicole Moyen tardif (920-940 AD)

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    "De tout avec ben de la sauce" : community organizing for social housing in an immigrant neighbourhood

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Is Biodiversity Attractive?

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    Urban and near-urban green spaces tend to be the main venues for human leisure and recreational activities, given their multifunctional potential, restorative effect and proximity to large numbers of people. Urban green spaces also provide significant ecological resources, not only in contrast to the rest of the urban matrix, but also as a unique part of a greater network of ecosystems. Urban areas have been proven to harbor large numbers of plant and animal species and green spaces are their primary habitats. As global biodiversity is declining and urban populations are growing, urban green spaces play an important role in promoting both biodiversity and human recreation, thus raising the question of how to best combine these functions. It is therefore crucial to understand if and how humans perceive and appreciate biodiversity in a recreational context. Three different types of on-site studies were conducted in an urban park with a wide range of green space typologies. The first study was an inventory and assessment of biodiversity values at the study site, which resulted in a number of zones of varying habitat quality. The other two studies were perception studies, each employing one group of laypersons and one group of landscape/ecology experts. In one of these studies, the participants were asked to photograph features that they liked and disliked along a marked trail. In the other study, the participants instead photographed features of high and low perceived species richness. The photographs and accompanying written motivations were then analyzed based on their spatial distribution and on thematic categories developed from photograph content and motivations. The relationship between the three studies is the primary focus of the thesis. The results suggest a general ability among both experts and laypersons to perceive differences in habitat quality, although their preferences do not necessarily relate positively to high biodiversity values. Further is indicated a strong influence of individual green space elements and details on both species richness perception and preference. The participants appeared to find the study site especially sensitive to human-related elements, which had a significant impact on preference

    Mitigating Hard Capacity Constraints in Facility Location Modeling

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    In many real-world settings, the capacity of processing centers is flexible due to a variety of operational tools (such as overtime, outsourcing, and backlogging demand) available to managers that allow the facility to accept demands in excess of the capacity constraint for short periods of time. However, most capacitated facility location models in the literature today impose hard capacity constraints that don’t capture this short term flexibility. Thus, current capacitated facility location models do not account for the operational costs associated with accepting excess daily demand, which can lead to suboptimal facility location and demand allocation decisions. To address this discrepancy, we consider a processing distribution system in which demand generated on a daily basis by a set of demand sites is satisfied by a set of capacitated processing facilities. At each demand site, daily demands for the entirety of the planning horizon are sampled from a known demand distribution. Thus, the day to day demand fluctuations may result in some days for which the total demand arriving at a processing facility exceeds the processing capacity, even if the average daily demand arriving at the processing facility is less than the daily processing capacity. We allow each processing facility the ability to hold excess demand in backlog to be processed at a later date and assess a corresponding backlog penalty in the objective function for each day a unit of demand is backlogged. This dissertation primarily focuses on three methods of modelling the aforementioned processing distribution system. The first model is the Inventory Modulated Capacitated Location Problem (IMCLP), which utilizes disaggregated daily demand parameters to determine the subset of processing facilities to establish, the allocation of demand sites to processing facilities, and the magnitude of backlog at each facility on each day that minimizes location, travel, and backlogging costs. Whereas the IMCLP assumes each demand site must be allocated to exactly one processing facility, the second model relaxes this assumption and allows demand sites to be allocated to different processing facilities on various days of the week. We show that such a cyclic allocation scheme can further reduce the system costs and improve service metrics as compared to the IMCLP. Finally, while the first two models incorporate daily fluctuations in demand over an extended time horizon, the problems remain deterministic in the sense that only one realization of demand is considered for each day of the planning horizon. As such, our final model presents a stochastic version of the IMCLP in which we assume a known demand distribution but assume the realization of daily demand is uncertain. In addition to assessing a penalty cost, we consider three types of chance constraints to restrict the amount of backlogged demand to a predetermined threshold. Using finite samples of random demand, we propose two multi-stage decomposition schemes and solve the mixed-integer programming reformulations with cutting-plane algorithms. In summary, this dissertation mitigates hard capacity constraints commonly found in facility location models by allowing incoming demand to exceed the processing capacity for short periods of time. In each of the modelling contexts presented, we show that the location and allocation decisions obtained from our models can result in significantly reduced costs and improved service metrics when compared to models that do not account for the likelihood that demands may exceed capacity on some days.PHDIndustrial & Operations EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137042/1/leekayse_1.pd

    Análisis del español de los estudiantes francófonos de ELE : el caso del sistema preposicional

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    Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le domaine de la linguistique appliquée à l'apprentissage des langues et se concentre sur l'usage des prépositions par des apprenants francophones de l’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE). Plus précisément, le travail visait à caractériser l'utilisation du système prépositionnel à différentes étapes de l'apprentissage et à s'enquérir des processus sous-jacents aux usages de prépositions documentés. La matière première pour mener à bien cette recherche est composée d'un corpus de productions écrites rédigées par des participants ayant une compétence communicative correspondant au niveau A1, A2, B1 ou B2, selon l'échelle proposée par le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues. Tous les participants avaient le français comme langue maternelle ou langue dominante. Les données obtenues à travers le corpus ont été abordées à partir de la perspective du paradigme connu sous le nom d'analyse de la performance. Ce travail décrit à la fois les utilisations normatives et non normatives des prépositions de contenu lexical (spatial, temporel ou notionnel) et celles qui ont une valeur principalement grammaticale. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que ce dernier type de prépositions pose un plus grand défi pour les apprenants, un effet qui tend à persister même à des niveaux plus avancés. En ce qui concerne les processus sous-jacents aux usages des prépositions, il a été observé comment le transfert de la L1 facilite l'utilisation normative de certaines prépositions lorsqu’il y a convergence entre les marques et notions prépositionnelles exprimées en français et en espagnol. En revanche, lorsque les marques prépositionnelles dans les deux langues coïncident, mais pas les valeurs qu'elles expriment, une augmentation des utilisations inappropriées des prépositions a été identifiée en raison, en partie, d'un processus de transfert négatif ou d'interférence de la L1. Comme nous le verrons au cours de ce travail, ce processus d'interférence ou de transfert négatif de la L1 interagit souvent avec les interférences d'une autre L2 (anglais) et avec des processus intralinguistiques, tels que la surgénéralisation des règles de la langue cible (espagnol). Pour finir, cette thèse souligne que les processus linguistiques mentionnés ci-dessus se voient renforcés par un processus pédagogique, autrement dit, par la manière dont le matériel didactique utilisé par les participants approche l’enseignement du système prépositionnel de l’espagnol. Mots-clés : Espagnol langue étrangère (ELE), Linguistique appliquée, Interlangue, Analyse de l’interlangue, Analyse d’erreurs, prépositions, apprenants francophones.This thesis, within the field of applied linguistics, focuses on the usage of prepositions by French-speaking learners of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE). Particularly, this study aims to characterize the use of the Spanish prepositional system throughout different stages of learning and to shed light on the processes that underlie the observed phenomena. The source material for this research came from a corpus composed of texts written by four groups of participants of levels A1 trough B2, as proposed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages scale. All participants’ native or dominant language was French. The data obtained through the corpus were approached from the perspective of the L2 language research paradigm known as performance analysis. This study describes both normative and non-normative uses of prepositions of lexical content (spatial, temporal or notional), as well as those that carry primarily grammatical value. The results obtained suggest that the latter type of prepositions posed a greater challenge for the learners, which proved to be an area of difficulty that tended to persist, even at more advanced levels. With regard to the processes underlying the usage of prepositions, our findings support the idea that language transfer from the participants’ L1 facilitated the appropriate use of certain prepositions in those cases in which the prepositional marks and notions expressed by these in French and in Spanish converged. In contrast, an increase in inappropriate uses of the prepositions was identified when the prepositional marks in both languages coincided, but not the values they expressed. In part, this was due to a process of negative transfer from the students’ L1. It also became apparent that this process of interference from the L1 often interacted with interference from another L2 (English) and with intralinguistic processes, such as the overgeneralization of rules appertaining the target language (Spanish). Last but not least, this research also found evidence that the aforementioned linguistic mechanisms were reinforced by instruction, that is to say, the way in which the textbook used by the students approached the teaching of the Spanish prepositional system. Keywords: Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE), Applied linguistics, Interlanguage, Interlanguage Analysis, Performance Analysis, Error Analysis, Prepositions, French-speaking learners.La presente investigación, enmarcada en la lingüística aplicada al aprendizaje de lenguas, se centra en el uso de las preposiciones por parte de un grupo de estudiantes francófonos de español como lengua extranjera (ELE). En concreto, el trabajo se trazó como objetivo caracterizar el uso del sistema preposicional en diferentes etapas del aprendizaje e indagar acerca de los procesos que subyacen a los usos preposicionales documentados. La materia prima para llevar a cabo esta investigación está compuesta de un corpus de producciones escritas redactadas por participantes con niveles de competencia comunicativa A1, A2, B1 y B2, según la escala propuesta por el Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas. La totalidad de participantes tenía el francés como lengua materna o dominante. Los datos obtenidos a través del corpus se abordaron desde la perspectiva del paradigma conocido como análisis de la actuación. Este trabajo describe los usos tanto normativos como no normativos de las preposiciones de contenido léxico (espaciales, temporales o nocionales) y las que comportan un valor primordialmente gramatical. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que este último tipo de preposiciones supone un mayor desafío para los aprendientes y muestran una tendencia hacia la persistencia en niveles más avanzados. En lo que concierne a los procesos que subyacen a los usos preposicionales, se observó cómo la transferencia a partir de la L1 facilitó la utilización de ciertas preposiciones en conformidad con la norma en determinados casos en los cuales las marcas preposicionales y nociones expresadas por estas convergen en francés y en español. En contraste, cuando coinciden las marcas preposicionales en ambos idiomas, mas no los valores que expresan, se identificó un incremento de usos inadecuados de las preposiciones debido, en parte, a un proceso de transferencia negativa o interferencia de la L1. Como veremos en el transcurso del trabajo, este proceso de interferencia o transferencia negativa de la L1 interactúa, a menudo, con la interferencia proveniente de otra L2 (inglés) y con procesos intralingüísticos, tales como la sobregeneralización de reglas de la lengua meta (español). Por último, la tesis pone de relieve que los procesos lingüísticos antes mencionados vienen a ser reforzados a través de un proceso de instrucción, dicho de otra forma, la manera como se aborda la enseñanza del sistema preposicional del español en el material didáctico empleado por los participantes. Palabras clave: Español lengua extranjera (ELE), Lingüística aplicada, Interlengua, Análisis de la interlengua, análisis de la actuación, análisis de errores, preposiciones, aprendices francófonos

    De la conception prospective et innovante dans les organisations municipales québécoises : vers une régénération des routines en urbanisme ?

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    Les transitions écologiques et numériques, ainsi que les préoccupations relatives aux inégalités sociales, signalent l’avènement de nouveaux défis complexes pour les villes contemporaines. Ces changements soulèvent la question de la capacité dynamique des urbanistes, plus précisément leur capacité à revoir leurs outils et leurs routines de planification dans les projets urbains afin d’explorer le potentiel des nouveaux paradigmes d’action collective et de favoriser des voies de transition innovantes pour les villes. Les entreprises européennes, en particulier dans le domaine des transports publics, ont relevé ce défi, avec des résultats convaincants, en développant des outils basés sur des théories de conception innovante. L’un de ces outils méthodologiques, le processus Définition-Connaissance-Concept-Proposition (DKCP), a été utilisé pour générer une nouvelle gamme d’options de planification dans trois recherches-interventions à Montréal, au Canada. La routine traditionnelle du planificateur se concentre généralement sur une seule activité du processus, la formulation de propositions (phase P), en adaptant légèrement les anciens projets au contexte et aux règles locales. Cependant, la routine des futurs urbanistes devrait inclure de nouvelles capacités de gestion des étapes en amont des projets sous la forme d’une succession de phases DKCP. La nécessité de relever les défis complexes de la ville du XXIe siècle ouvre la voie à une nouvelle identité professionnelle : celle de « l’urbaniste innovant ».Ecological and digital transitions, along with concerns over social inequalities, signal the advent of complex new challenges for contemporary cities. These changes raise the issue of the dynamic capability of urban planners: more specifically, their ability to review their tools and planning routines in urban projects in order to explore the potential of new paradigms of collective action and foster innovative transition paths for cities. European companies, especially in public transportation, have responded to this challenge, with convincing results, by developing tools based on innovative design theories. One of these methodological tools, the Definition-Knowledge-Concept-Proposition (DKCP) process, was used to generate a new range of planning options for three urban districts in Montreal, Canada. The traditional planner’s routine generally focuses on a single activity in the process, the formulation of propositions (Phase P), by slightly adapting former projects to the local context and rules. However, the future urban planners’ routine should include new capabilities for managing upstream stages of projects in the form of a succession of DKCP phases. The need to tackle the complex challenges of the 21st century city opens the way to a new professional identity: the “innovative urban planner”