799 research outputs found

    Security and risk

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    Security and risk

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    Heldinnen mit Kameras — Über Bilder vom Krieg

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    Slam Poetry in sprachlich und kulturell heterogenen Lerngruppen — Didaktische Ideen und Impulse in Bezug auf inter- und transkulturelle Reflexionen

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    Slam Poetry und Poetry Slams bieten interessante Möglichkeiten, sich mit sprachlichen, landeskundlichen sowie inter- und transkulturellen Aspekten im Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprachunterricht auseinanderzusetzen und dabei die produktiven und performativen Kompetenzen der Lernenden auszubauen. Der Beitrag stellt eine Reihe von mehrsprachigen Künstlern und Künstlerinnen aus der aktuellen Slam-Szene mit ausgewählten Texten zu den Themen Sprache, kulturelle Identität und Zugehörigkeit, Transkulturalität, Stereotype und Vorurteile sowie Mehrsprachigkeit vor. Im Anschluss an die Analyse der Texte und deren Bühnenpräsentation wird gezeigt, wie Slam Poetry im Bereich Deutsch als Zweitsprache zur Reflexion über inter- und transkulturelle Fragestellungen sowie sprachliche Aspekte genutzt und dadurch in methodisch vielfältiger Weise kreative Schreibprozesse initiiert werden können

    "Alert for the neighbours": negotiating Muslim (non‐)representations in an East German city

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    When it comes to Muslim representational practices in European cities, fears, criticism and scepticism emerge in the public discourse. The aim of this paper is to investigate how Muslim places of prayer are negotiated. By means of a multi-method approach we investigate how Muslim places of prayer in Leipzig become visible. We further question the media's role in local negotiation processes. The analysis shows that the diverse Muslim places of prayer rather resemble as 'backyard mosques' due to financial and structural hurdles as well as conflict avoidance. However, some interviewees explain their satisfaction with the places of prayer, which are places of migration and thus social networks, especially for the first generation. Due to its East German past, Leipzig is experiencing a partly catch-up debate regarding the arrival of Islam through migration. However, religion as culture is giving-way to individual local practices of representation of diverse Muslim people that could be picked up more strongly by the media

    Transports of Imagination: Poetry and the Rehabilitation of Experience, 1830–1860

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    This dissertation examines how poets of the German late romantic and restoration periods between 1830 and 1860 disrupt the systematizing drive of technological, cultural, and industrial advancements during the nineteenth century in Germany by establishing connections with the past: both a large-scale geological past and discrete historical moments. My dissertation focuses on the lyric works of Joseph von Eichendorff, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, and Eduard Mörike. Often read as nostalgic, quietist, or political conservatives, I argue that their works enact in their readers an experiential, temporal expansion in contact with modes of "pastness" that can in turn serve as a normative standpoint of critique and explore alternative forms of experience.The first chapter examines how Eichendorff’s transformative poetic practice that at once emphasizes the disruptive and connective potential of acts of "transcription." Transcription involves writing that crosses boundaries: from nature to text (in lyric); from life to text (in autobiography); or from text to text (in translation). In these different domains, I show how Eichendorff' creates texts that at once transcend the life and context of their creator and bear his unmistakable character. The second chapter locates in Droste-Hülshoff’s lyric works what I call uncanny animation, an imaginative strangeness that repurposes the contemporaneous technical advancements of the daguerreotype and the railway in order to disrupt their respective logics of reproducibility and temporal acceleration. In her lyric works, Droste-Hülshoff disrupts the tight fit between subject and technology to reincorporate the reader into a more imaginatively expansive world. She performs an analogous operation in lyric works that focus on more abject aspects of nature—dust, earth, and bones, for example—which are animated in order to challenge dominant patterns of intelligibility. In the final chapter, I show how Mörike mobilizes play as an aesthetic operation responding to the temporally inflected traumas of modernity that prioritize the present's relentless drive to produce a future. I argue that Mörike develops a concept of poetic play with forms in which the past is conserved—such as the fossil and the elegy—to loosen potentially constraining frameworks of time, space, and genre associated with industrialization and modernization.Doctor of Philosoph