119 research outputs found

    Online communities of payments and consumer behaviour

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    This paper asserts that the online communities of electronic money (e-money) users affect the traditional mechanisms of price determination by introducing anonymity in money payments. By studying the Second Life case it is possible to show the main characteristics of such a communities and raise new questions linked to the online behaviours of the consumers. In the aim of shedding light on the online consumer behaviour we turn to Thorstein Veblen works and to network externalities concepts.CONSUMER BEHAVIOURS;SECOND LIFE;NETWORKS EXTERNALITIES;Virtual Money;Thorstein Veblen

    Page-Level Main Content Extraction from Heterogeneous Webpages

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    [EN] The main content of a webpage is often surrounded by other boilerplate elements related to the template, such as menus, advertisements, copyright notices, and comments. For crawlers and indexers, isolating the main content from the template and other noisy information is an essential task, because processing and storing noisy information produce a waste of resources such as bandwidth, storage space, and computing time. Besides, the detection and extraction of the main content is useful in different areas, such as data mining, web summarization, and content adaptation to low resolutions. This work introduces a new technique for main content extraction. In contrast to most techniques, this technique not only extracts text, but also other types of content, such as images, and animations. It is a Document Object Model-based page-level technique, thus it only needs to load one single webpage to extract the main content. As a consequence, it is efficient enough as to be used online (in real-time). We have empirically evaluated the technique using a suite of real heterogeneous benchmarks producing very good results compared with other well-known content extraction techniques.This work has been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish MCI/AEI under grants TIN2016-76843-C4-1-R and PID2019-104735RB-C41, by the Generalitat Valenciana under grant Prometeo/2019/098 (DeepTrust), and by TAILOR, a project funded by EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 952215.Alarte, J.; Silva, J. (2021). Page-Level Main Content Extraction from Heterogeneous Webpages. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data. 15(6):1-21. https://doi.org/10.1145/3451168S12115

    Development of a Refactoring Learning Environment

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    This paper describes a Refactoring Learning Environment, which is intended to analyze and assess programming code, based on refactoring rules. The Refactoring Learning Environment architecture includes an intelligent assistant – Refactoring Agent, which is responsible for analysis and assessment of the code, written by students in real time by using a set of refactoring methods. According to the situation and based on the refactoring method, which should be applied, the agent could react in different ways. Its goal is to show the student, as much as possible, the weak places of his programming code and the possible ways to makes it better

    Semantics for incident identification and resolution reports

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    In order to achieve a safe and systematic treatment of security protocols, organizations release a number of technical briefings describing how to detect and manage security incidents. A critical issue is that this document set may suffer from semantic deficiencies, mainly due to ambiguity or different granularity levels of description and analysis. An approach to face this problem is the use of semantic methodologies in order to provide better Knowledge Externalization from incident protocols management. In this article, we propose a method based on semantic techniques for both, analyzing and specifying (meta)security requirements on protocols used for solving security incidents. This would allow specialist getting better documentation on their intangible knowledge about them.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad TIN2013-41086-

    Towards Normalizing the Edit Distance Using a Genetic Algorithms Based Scheme

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    The normalized edit distance is one of the distances derived from the edit distance. It is useful in some applications because it takes into account the lengths of the two strings compared. The normalized edit distance is not defined in terms of edit operations but rather in terms of the edit path. In this paper we propose a new derivative of the edit distance that also takes into consideration the lengths of the two strings, but the new distance is related directly to the edit distance. The particularity of the new distance is that it uses the genetic algorithms to set the values of the parameters it uses. We conduct experiments to test the new distance and we obtain promising results.Comment: The 8th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2012

    E-Learning And Instructional Management System Based On Local Computer Networks And Internet

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    This article describes the educational efforts invested at Wasit University (WU), in Wasit, Iraq, in order to make WU the first university in that country to implement campus-wide e-learning, which is essential for any country aiming for progress through the essential goal of “Education For All”; e-learning being economic, far-reaching, and relatively simple to implement. These efforts have materialized in an integral e-system that performs and manages a complete educational process that can be used by any educational organization (schools, colleges, or continuing education centers) in a highly flexible, reliable, and secure manner. The e-learning management system architecture consists of three layers: user’s interface layer, middle layer, and server layer. The user interface layer is composed of four modules: user interface module, teacher module, student module, and administrator module. Each module has several sub-modules that are described in detail throughout the paper. Our proposed e-learning system has been successfully tested on some courses in the Electrical Engineering Department at WU. Our primary objective is to implement it department-wide, evaluate it, and refine it. Once satisfactory and efficient, the goal is to expand its use throughout WU, and eventually to all other institutions of learning in Iraq

    Antecedents and Consequences of Mobile Advertising Intrusiveness

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    Consumers’ negative perceptions toward mobile advertising have been a major impediment to its wider acceptance. This study examines the effects of perceived value of the mobile advertising and consumer privacy violation would have on consumers’ perceived mobile advertising intrusiveness, as well as the relationships of intrusiveness with perceived ad irritation and ad avoidance behavior. Results from a survey of 103 Chinese mobile consumers suggest that informativeness of mobile advertising reduces perceived intrusiveness, consumer privacy concern positively affects intrusiveness, while a higher level of perceived intrusiveness positively impacts ad irritation and ad avoidance behavior

    Rural Sense: Value, Heritage, and Sensory Landscapes: Developing a Design-oriented Approach to Mapping for Healthier Landscapes

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    Landscape design needs a novel value system centred on human experience of the landscape rather than simply on economic value. Design-oriented research allows us to shift the focus from mechanistic paradigms towards new sense-making approaches that value both the sensual and the cognitive in human experience. To move in this direction, we investigate cultural and natural aspects of sensory experience in rural landscapes, arguing that: (1) rural (non-urban) regions offer diverse sensory experiences for optimising human health; and (2) spatial interconnectedness between rural and urban areas means that healthy rural regions are critical for urban development. Our key argument is that many rural landscapes contain intrinsically valuable traditional practices that create multisensory experiences with untapped benefits for human wellbeing, particularly in the auditory and olfactory realms, and thus a mapping system that accounts for sensory experience is required

    Rural Sense: Value, Heritage, and Sensory Landscapes: Developing a Design-oriented Approach to Mapping for Healthier Landscapes

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    Landscape design needs a novel value system centred on human experience of the landscape rather than simply on economic value. Design-oriented research allows us to shift the focus from mechanistic paradigms towards new sensemaking approaches that value both the sensual and the cognitive in human experience. To move in this direction, we investigate cultural and natural aspects of sensory experience in rural landscapes, arguing that: (1) rural (non-urban) regions offer diverse sensory experiences for optimising human health; and (2) spatial interconnectedness between rural and urban areas means that healthy rural regions are critical for urban development. Our key argument is that many rural landscapes contain intrinsically valuable traditional practices that create multisensory experiences with untapped benefits for human well-being, particularly in the auditory and olfactory realms, and thus a mapping system that accounts for sensory experience is required
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