1,244 research outputs found

    Quaker Brotherhood: Interracial Activism and the American Friends Service Committee, 1917–1950

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    Review of: "Quaker Brotherhood: Interracial Activism and the American Friends Service Committee," 1917–1950, by Allan W. Austi

    Letter from Margaret Marshall to Hubert Creekmore

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    Marshall writes from The Nation magazine in New York City to Creekmore in Jackson, Mississippi, to ask if Creekmore would like to review Gleb Struve\u27s Soviet Russian Literature, 1917-1950 and Juri Jelagin\u27s Taming of the Arts. Includes envelopehttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/creekmore/1080/thumbnail.jp


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    A Review of Instruments for Assessing Family History

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    The influence of family history on one\u27s development has long been a focus of psychological theory, research, and practice. In recent years, however, conceptualizations of family influences on development have evolved considerably, and there has also been increased concern about the reliability of individuals\u27 memory for their childhoods in general. Current knowledge regarding these and other issues are applied to reviewing the instruments that have been developed to assess aspects of family history. The complexity of this type of assessment is emphasized, and a variety of problems with the reliability and validity of the currently available instruments are discussed. Suggestions for future research are also offered

    Az Egészségtan tantárgy megjelenése és szerepe az elemi-, a polgári- és az általános iskolában, 1917-1950

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    The importance of a healthy lifestyle and health promotion is increasingly in the spotlight today. The protection of physical and mental health is a defining problem in the 21st century, and counteracting the adverse effects is an important mission. We only need to think about environmental protection, global epidemics, diseases caused by stress, or the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, which is increasingly common with the spread of mass media. These problems do not only affect adults, children also suffer intensely. And the negative effects on children always become problems for the education system. In addition to the fact that education for a healthy lifestyle is an important task of public education, eliminating the harmful effects caused by the world around us, which is often reflected in the behaviour of pupils, is – in part – also the schools’ task. In this study, I present the origins and the first steps of this mission, primarily with regard to schools for 6-14-year-olds (elementary school, civil school and then primary school), that is the appearance of health sciences, health promotion as content, and later as a subject in the Hungarian education system. After the presentation of the first 1917 curriculum supplement related to healthy living, I analyse the curricula of both elementary schools and civil schools between the two world wars, monitor the emergence and then disappearance of the health sciences subject, and then briefly review the new type of school created in 1946, the circumstances of the establishment of the primary school, as well as the curriculum published in 1946 and 1950, of course also searching for content related to health promotion. Tanulmányomban az egészségügyi ismeretek, az egészségtan tantárgy első magyar tantervekben való megjelenését vizsgáltam meg az 1917-ben megjelent első ilyen tartalmú tantervkiegészítéstől az 1946-ban életre hívott általános iskola első tanterveire vonatkozóan

    Mediating Civil Liberties: Liberal and Civil Libertarian Reactions to Father Coughlin

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    Faculty Recital: Anthony di Bonaventura, piano, March 20, 2003

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    This is the concert program of the Faculty Recital: Anthony di Bonaventura, piano performance on Thursday, March 20, 2003 at 8:00 p.m., at the Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Pastorale in F Major for Pedalcembalo BWV 590 By Johann Sebastian Bach, transcribed by Dinu Lipatti, Sonata in A Minor, D. 845 by Franz Schubert, and Ten Pieces from "Romeo and Juliet," Op. 75 by Sergei Prokofiev. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund
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