372,764 research outputs found

    The superwind mass-loss rate of the metal-poor carbon star LI-LMC 1813 in the LMC cluster KMHK 1603

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    LI-LMC 1813 is a dust-enshrouded Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) star, located in the small open cluster KMHK 1603 near the rim of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Optical and infrared photometry between 0.5 and 60 micron is obtained to constrain the spectral energy distribution of LI-LMC 1813. Near-infrared spectra unambiguously show it to be a carbon star. Modelling with the radiation transfer code Dusty yields accurate values for the bolometric luminosity, L=1.5 x 10^4 Lsun, and mass-loss rate, Mdot=3.7(+/-1.2) x 10^-5 Msun/yr. On the basis of colour-magnitude diagrams, the age of the cluster KMHK 1603 is estimated to be t=0.9-1.0 Gyr, which implies a Zero-Age Main Sequence mass for LI-LMC 1813 of M(ZAMS)=2.2+/-0.1 Msun. This makes LI-LMC 1813 arguably the object with the most accurately and reliably determined (circum)stellar parameters amongst all carbon stars in the superwind phase.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (better quality figure 1 on request from jacco

    A top hat for Moser's four mathemagical rabbits

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    If the equation 1^k+2^k+...+(m-2)^k+(m-1)^k=m^k has an integer solution with k>1, then m>10^{10^6}. Leo Moser showed this in 1953 by remarkably elementary methods. His proof rests on four identities he derives separately. It is shown here that Moser's result can be derived from a von Staudt-Clausen type theorem (an easy proof of which is also presented here). In this approach the four identities can be derived uniformly. The mathematical arguments used in the proofs were already available during the lifetime of Lagrange (1736-1813).Comment: 7 pages. Meanwhile MacMillan and Sondow showed that Lagrange (1736-1813). can be replaced by Pascal (1623-1662

    Liquid acrobatics

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    We experiment with injecting a continuous stream of gas into a shallow liquid, similar to how one might blow into a straw placed at the bottom of a near-empty drink. By varying the angle of the straw (here a metal needle), we observe a variety of dynamics, which we film using a high-speed camera. Most noteworthy is an intermediate regime in which cyclical jets erupt from the air-liquid interface and breakup into air-born droplets. These droplets trace out a parabolic trajectory and bounce on the air-liquid interface before eventually coalescing. The shape of each jet, as well as the time between jets, is remarkably similar and leads to droplets with nearly identical trajectories. The following article accompanies the linked fluid dynamics video submitted to the Gallery of Fluid Motion in 2008.Comment: Accompanies video submission to APS DFD 2008 Gallery of Fluid Motion, low http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/bitstream/1813/11469/3/Bird_DFD2008_mpeg1.mpg , and high resolution http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/bitstream/1813/11469/2/Bird_DFD2008_mpeg2.mp

    LES of an Inclined Jet into a Supersonic Turbulent Crossflow

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    This short article describes flow parameters, numerical method, and animations of the fluid dynamics video "LES of an Inclined Jet into a Supersonic Turbulent Crossflow" (http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/bitstream/1813/14073/3/GFM-2009.mpg [high-resolution] and http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/bitstream/1813/14073/2/GFM-2009-web.m1v [low-resolution] video). We performed large-eddy simulation with the sub-grid scale (LES-SGS) stretched-vortex model of momentum and scalar transport to study the gas-dynamics interactions of a helium inclined round jet into a supersonic (M=3.6M=3.6) turbulent (\Reth=13×103 =13\times10^3) air flow over a flat surface. The video shows the temporal development of Mach-number and magnitude of density-gradient in the mid-span plane, and isosurface of helium mass-fraction and \lam_2 (vortical structures). The identified vortical structures are sheets, tilted tubes, and discontinuous rings. The vortical structures are shown to be well correlated in space and time with helium mass-fraction isosurface (YHe=0.25Y_{\rm He}=0.25).Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, article describing fluid dynamics video submitted to Gallery of Fluid Motion, APS-DFD 200

    Документи Держархіву Чернігівської області про військовополонених Великої армії в Чернігівській губернії

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    Публікуються архівні джерела, які розкривають різноманітні аспекти перебування військовополонених Великої армії Наполеона в Чернігівській губернії в 1813 – 1815 рр.Публикуются архивные источники, раскрывающие разнообразные аспекты пребывания военнопленных Великой армии Наполеона в Черниговской губернии в 1813 – 1815 гг.The archival sources exposing the different aspects of stay of prisoners of war of the Great army of Napoleon in Chernihiv Province in 1813 – 1815 are published

    Legislative Alert: Brown/Merkley Amendment to the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP 21) (S. 1813)

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    [Excerpt] On behalf of the AFL-CIO, I am writing to urge you to support an amendment offered by Senators Brown and Merkley to the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century Act, or Map 21 (S. 1813). The Brown/Merkley amendment would close loopholes in current law that allow federally assisted projects to avoid Buy America requirements to procure foreign iron, steel, and manufactured goods

    Sample path properties of stochastic processes represented as multiple stable integrals

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    Originally published as a technical report no. 871, October 1989 for Cornell University Operations Research and Industrial Engineering. Available online: http://hdl.handle.net/1813/8754This paper studies the sample path properties of stochastic processes represented by multiple symmetric α-stable integrals. It relates the “smoothness” of the sample paths to the “smoothness” of the (non-random) integrand. It also contains results about the behavior of the distribution of suprema and zero-one laws

    Реконструкция национального имиджа как поведенческая и литературная тактика

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    В статье на примере русско-французских отношений в 1813-1814 гг. выявляется, каким образом историческая ситуация влияет на структуру межнациональных отношений и посредством этого предопределяет специфику национального взаимовосприятия в литературе.У статтi на прикладi росiйсько-французьких вiдносин у 1813-1814 рр. з'ясовується, яким чином iсторична ситуацiя впливає на структуру мiжнацiональних вiдносин Завдяки цьому передбачає специфiку взаємосприйняття в лiтературi.Іn the article using the example of Russian-French negotiations in 1813-1814 we can see in what way the historical situation influences the structure of international relationships and by means of it foretells the specific of the national mutual perception in literature