3 research outputs found

    Analysis of time delay between bioimpedance and respiratory volume signals under inspiratory loaded breathing

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksBioimpedance is known for its linear relation with volume during normal breathing. For that reason, bioimpedance can be used as a noninvasive and comfortable technique for measuring respiration. The goal of this study is to analyze the temporal behavior of bioimpedance measured in four different electrode configurations during inspiratory loaded breathing. We measured four bioimpedance channels and airflow simultaneously in 10 healthy subjects while incremental inspiratory loads were imposed. Inspiratory loading threshold protocols are associated with breathing pattern changes and were used in respiratory mechanics studies. Consequently, this respiratory protocol allowed us to induce breathing pattern changes and evaluate the temporal relationship of bioimpedance with volume. We estimated the temporal delay between bioimpedance and volume respiratory cycles to evaluate the differences in their temporal behavior. The delays were computed as the lag which maximize the cross-correlation of the signals cycle by cycle. Six of the ten subjects showed delays in at least two different inspiratory loads. The delays were dependent on electrode configuration, hence the appearance of the delays between bioimpedance and volume were conditioned to the location and geometry of the electrode configuration. In conclusion, the delays between these signals could provide information about breathing pattern when breathing conditions change.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Wearable bioimpedance measurement for respiratory monitoring during inspiratory loading

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    Bioimpedance is an unobtrusive noninvasive technique to measure respiration and has a linear relation with volume during normal breathing. The objective of this paper was to assess this linear relation during inspiratory loading protocol and determine the best electrode configuration for bioimpedance measurement. The inspiratory load is a way to estimate inspiratory muscle function and has been widely used in studies of respiratory mechanics. Therefore, this protocol permitted us to evaluate bioimpedance performance under breathing pattern changes. We measured four electrode configurations of bioimpedance and airflow simultaneously in ten healthy subjects using a wearable device and a standard wired laboratory acquisition system, respectively. The subjects were asked to perform an incremental inspiratory threshold loading protocol during the measurements. The load values were selected to increase progressively until the 60% of the subject's maximal inspiratory pressure. The linear relation of the signals was assessed by Pearson correlation (r) and the waveform agreement by the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), both computed cycle by cycle. The results showed a median greater than 0.965 in r coefficients and lower than 11 % in the MAPE values for the entire population in all loads and configurations. Thus, a strong linear relation was found during all loaded breathing and configurations. However, one out of the four electrode configurations showed robust results in terms of agreement with volume during the highest load. In conclusion, bioimpedance measurement using a wearable device is a noninvasive and a comfortable alternative to classical methods for monitoring respiratory diseases in normal and restrictive breathing.Postprint (published version

    Chest movement and respiratory volume both contribute to thoracic bioimpedance during loaded breathing

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    Bioimpedance has been widely studied as alternative to respiratory monitoring methods because of its linear relationship with respiratory volume during normal breathing. However, other body tissues and fluids contribute to the bioimpedance measurement. The objective of this study is to investigate the relevance of chest movement in thoracic bioimpedance contributions to evaluate the applicability of bioimpedance for respiratory monitoring. We measured airflow, bioimpedance at four electrode configurations and thoracic accelerometer data in 10 healthy subjects during inspiratory loading. This protocol permitted us to study the contributions during different levels of inspiratory muscle activity. We used chest movement and volume signals to characterize the bioimpedance signal using linear mixed-effect models and neural networks for each subject and level of muscle activity. The performance was evaluated using the Mean Average Percentage Errors for each respiratory cycle. The lowest errors corresponded to the combination of chest movement and volume for both linear models and neural networks. Particularly, neural networks presented lower errors (median below 4.29%). At high levels of muscle activity, the differences in model performance indicated an increased contribution of chest movement to the bioimpedance signal. Accordingly, chest movement contributed substantially to bioimpedance measurement and more notably at high muscle activity levels.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version