392 research outputs found

    Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems with Robustness-Guided Black-Box Checking

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    For exhaustive formal verification, industrial-scale cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are often too large and complex, and lightweight alternatives (e.g., monitoring and testing) have attracted the attention of both industrial practitioners and academic researchers. Falsification is one popular testing method of CPSs utilizing stochastic optimization. In state-of-the-art falsification methods, the result of the previous falsification trials is discarded, and we always try to falsify without any prior knowledge. To concisely memorize such prior information on the CPS model and exploit it, we employ Black-box checking (BBC), which is a combination of automata learning and model checking. Moreover, we enhance BBC using the robust semantics of STL formulas, which is the essential gadget in falsification. Our experiment results suggest that our robustness-guided BBC outperforms a state-of-the-art falsification tool.Comment: Accepted to HSCC 202

    Sharper and Simpler Nonlinear Interpolants for Program Verification

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    Interpolation of jointly infeasible predicates plays important roles in various program verification techniques such as invariant synthesis and CEGAR. Intrigued by the recent result by Dai et al.\ that combines real algebraic geometry and SDP optimization in synthesis of polynomial interpolants, the current paper contributes its enhancement that yields sharper and simpler interpolants. The enhancement is made possible by: theoretical observations in real algebraic geometry; and our continued fraction-based algorithm that rounds off (potentially erroneous) numerical solutions of SDP solvers. Experiment results support our tool's effectiveness; we also demonstrate the benefit of sharp and simple interpolants in program verification examples

    Optimistic Non-repudiation Protocol Analysis

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com ; ISBN 978-3-540-72353-0 (Pring) 0302-9743 (Online) 1611-3349International audienceNon-repudiation protocols with session labels have a number of vulnerabilities. Recently Cederquist, Corin and Dashti have proposed an optimistic non-repudiation protocol that avoids altogether the use of session labels. We have specified and analysed this protocol using an extended version of the AVISPA Tool and one important fault has been discovered. We describe the protocol, the analysis method, show two attack traces that exploit the fault and propose a correction to the protocol

    Incremental and Modular Context-sensitive Analysis

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    Context-sensitive global analysis of large code bases can be expensive, which can make its use impractical during software development. However, there are many situations in which modifications are small and isolated within a few components, and it is desirable to reuse as much as possible previous analysis results. This has been achieved to date through incremental global analysis fixpoint algorithms that achieve cost reductions at fine levels of granularity, such as changes in program lines. However, these fine-grained techniques are not directly applicable to modular programs, nor are they designed to take advantage of modular structures. This paper describes, implements, and evaluates an algorithm that performs efficient context-sensitive analysis incrementally on modular partitions of programs. The experimental results show that the proposed modular algorithm shows significant improvements, in both time and memory consumption, when compared to existing non-modular, fine-grain incremental analysis techniques. Furthermore, thanks to the proposed inter-modular propagation of analysis information, our algorithm also outperforms traditional modular analysis even when analyzing from scratch.Comment: 56 pages, 27 figures. To be published in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. v3 corresponds to the extended version of the ICLP2018 Technical Communication. v4 is the revised version submitted to Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. v5 (this one) is the final author version to be published in TPL

    A template-based approach for the generation of abstractable and reducible models of featured networks

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    We investigate the relationship between symmetry reduction and inductive reasoning when applied to model checking networks of featured components. Popular reduction techniques for combatting state space explosion in model checking, like abstraction and symmetry reduction, can only be applied effectively when the natural symmetry of a system is not destroyed during specification. We introduce a property which ensures this is preserved, open symmetry. We describe a template-based approach for the construction of open symmetric Promela specifications of featured systems. For certain systems (safely featured parameterised systems) our generated specifications are suitable for conversion to abstract specifications representing any size of network. This enables feature interaction analysis to be carried out, via model checking and induction, for systems of any number of featured components. In addition, we show how, for any balanced network of components, by using a graphical representation of the features and the process communication structure, a group of permutations of the underlying state space of the generated specification can be determined easily. Due to the open symmetry of our Promela specifications, this group of permutations can be used directly for symmetry reduced model checking. The main contributions of this paper are an automatic method for developing open symmetric specifications which can be used for generic feature interaction analysis, and the novel application of symmetry detection and reduction in the context of model checking featured networks. We apply our techniques to a well known example of a featured network – an email system

    Automatic Methods for Analyzing Non-repudiation Protocole with an Active Intruder

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    International audienceNon-repudiation protocols have an important role in many areas where secured transactions with proofs of participation are necessary. Formal methods are clever and without error, therefore using them for verifying such protocols is crucial. In this purpose, we show how to partially represent non-repudiation as a combination of authentications on the Fair Zhou-Gollmann protocol. After discussing the limitations of this method, we define a new one based on the handling of the knowledge of protocol participants. This second method is general and of natural use, as it consists in adding simple annotations in the protocol specification. It is very easy to implement in tools able to handle participants knowledge. We have implemented it in the AVISPA Tool and analyzed the optimistic Cederquist-Corin-Dashti protocol, discovering two attacks. This extension of the AVISPA Tool for handling non-repudiation opens a highway to the specification of many other properties, without any more change in the tool itself
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