27 research outputs found

    Weibullova distribucija bure i juga na sjevernom Jadranu

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    Wind data measured at three off-shore stations in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea were considered: the Coastal oceanographic station Piran buoy (COSP), the PALOMA tower (the Gulf of Trieste) and the A. ALTA platform (Venice). Annual wind roses for all stations and additional seasonal wind roses for COSP are presented. The Weibull distribution function was applied to wind speed frequency distribution for winds from all directions and separately for bora and sirocco winds. Wind speed frequency distributions for bora winds measured at COSP and PALOMA are bimodal. One peak of this distribution of speeds belongs to nocturnal land breezes and another to bora winds. The peak separation method based on the difference in potential temperature of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) between two land stations (Udine and Zagreb) enabled the successful separation of the peaks of bora and land breeze winds. The frequency distribution of the wind speeds changed to the usual unimodal distribution when only those episodes were considered in which the potential temperature of ABL above Udine is higher than that above Zagreb.Obrađeni su podaci na tri morske postaje na sjevernom Jadranu: oceanografskoj plutači Obalne oceanografske postaje Piran (COSP), tornju Paloma u Tršćanskom zaljevu i na platformi A.ALTA ispred Venecije. Predstavljene su godišnje ruže vjetrova za sve tri postaje i dodatno sezonske ruže vjetrova za COSP. Weibullova distribucijska funkcija bila je primijenjena na razdiobu čestine brzine vjetra za vjetrove iz svih smjerova i posebno za buru i sirocco. Razdioba čestina brzine vjetra izmjerenog na COSP i PALOMA iz smjerova bure pokazala se kao bimodalna. Jedan vrh u toj distribuciji pripada dnevno-noćnoj cirkulaciji zraka, a drugi buri. Uspješna metoda separacije vrhova temelji se na razlici u potencijalnoj temperaturi zraka u atmosferskom graničnom sloju (AGS) iznad Udina i Zagreba. Razdioba čestina brzine vjetra postaje unimodalna kada se promatraju samo one epizode vjetra kad je potencijalna temperatura AGS iznad Udina viša od potencijalne temperature iznad Zagreba

    Modeliranje neobičnog izranjanja morske vode opaženog duž zapadne obale Jadrana u ljeto 2003. godine

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    The goal of this research was to simulate and analyze the response of the Western Adriatic Current (WAC) to an abnormal event that occurred in the Adriatic Sea in mid-summer of 2003. At this time, a combination of extremely low discharge from the Po River and from other northwestern rivers caused by the prolonged dry season and the dominant Sirocco wind produced an "unusual" upwelling and caused the WAC to reverse along the northern and central Italian coasts. The simulations employed a high-resolution, low dissipative version of the DieCAST circulation model that was initialized with monthly averaged temperature and salinity data and spun up with a use of climatological wind data. Numerical experiments were performed with the use of COAMPS wind stress and heat flux data. The model runs performed under Sirocco wind forcing in combination with low river discharge (a quarter of the climatic mean) revealed that such these conditions do trigger upwelling and the reversal of the WAC along the Italian coast. The upwelling relaxation caused by changes in the wind direction was also studied. Qualitative simulation results were in agreement with the observations by Poulain et al. (2004).Motivacija ove studije je bila da se simulira i analizira odgovor zapadno-jadranske struje (WAC) na izrazito neobičnu dinamičku situaciju koja se dogodila u Jadranu sredinom ljeta 2003. godine. Tada je kombinacija ekstremno niskih protoka rijeke Po i drugih sjeverozapadnih rijeka (kao posljedica dugotrajnog sušnog razdoblja i dominantnog juga) izazvala tzv. "neobično" izranjanje morske vode i promjenu WAC duž sjeverne i centralne talijanske obale. Za simulacije smo koristili DieCAST model male disipativnosti i visoke rezolucije koji je inicijaliziran podacima srednjih mjesečnih temperatura i saliniteta te klimatološkim vjetrom. Numerički eksperimenti su rađeni pomoću napetosti vjetra i tokova topline dobivenih COAMPS modelom. Model je, simulirajući jugo epizodu u kombinaciji s niskim (četvrtinom klimatološkog prosjeka) riječnim protocima, pokazao da takvi uvjeti uzrokuju izranjanje morske vode i obrtanje WAC duž talijanske obale. Također se proučavaju i karakteristike slabljenja izranjanja vode uzrokovanih promjenama u smjeru vjetra. Rezultati simulacije se uspoređuju kvalitativno s opažanjima koje su napravili Poulain i sur. (2004) te daju dobro podudaranje s postojećim mjerenjima

    Procjena metalotioneina u dagnjama (Mytilus galloprovincialis) kao biomarkera žive i kadmija u slovenskim vodama tršćanskog zaljeva: studija dugoročnog istraživanja

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    In order to assess the spatial distribution and temporal trends of pollution with metals in the coastal sea of Slovenia, the level of metallothioneins (MT) was determined in blue mussels from three sampling locations, twice per year for a period of 10 years. MT concentrations ranged from 45 to 163 μg g-1 w.w. in March, and from 46 to 144 μg g-1 w.w. in the September sampling. The metals content was determined in whole mussel tissue once per year at two stations. The cadmium (Cd) concentration was in the range from 0.50 to 1.11 mg kg-1, while the concentration of mercury (Hg) was in the range from 0.70 to 0.237 mg kg-1. Results revealed no significant seasonal differences or differences between sampling sites in MT content, as well as variations in the content of Cd and Hg in mussels’ tissue during the examined period. The MT and metal content in mussels are not well correlated and other factors may have caused the fluctuations observed in MT content between years. This supports the notion that biomonitoring data have to be interpreted cautiously, taking into account various other factors that may influence MT induction.Kako bi se mogao ocijeniti prostorni raspored i vremenski trendovi onečišćenja metalima u priobalnom moru Slovenije, razina metalotioneina (MT) utvrđena je u dagnjama na tri mjesta uzorkovanja, dva puta godišnje za razdoblje od 10 godina. Koncentracije MT kretale su se od 45 do 163 μg g-1 mokre težine u ožujku, te od 47 do 144 μg g-1 mokre težine u rujanskom uzorkovanju. Sadržaj metala utvrđen je u cijelom tkivu dagnji na dvjema postajama, jednom godišnje. Koncentracija kadmija (Cd) kretala se u rasponu od 0,50 do 1,11 mg kg-1, dok je koncentracija žive (Hg) kolebala u rasponu od 0,70 do 0,237 mg kg-1. Rezultati nisu pokazali značajne sezonske razlike ili razliku između postaja glede sadržaja metalotioneina tijekom uzorkovanja, dok se sadržaj kadmija i žive u tkivu školjki mijenjao tijekom promatranog razdoblja. Prisutnost metalotioneina i metala u dagnjama nije usko povezana što ukazuje na druge moguće čimbenike kao uzroke fluktuacija promatranih tijekom godina. To podržava ideju da se podaci iz biomonitoringa moraju tumačiti oprezno, uzimajući u obzir razne druge čimbenike koji mogu utjecati na indukciju metalotioneina (MT)

    Recent Trends Towards Oligotrophication of the Northern Adriatic: Evidence from Chlorophyll a Time Series

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    Abstract The results of the updated and quality-checked data base of field observations on chlorophyll a (Chl a) collected in the period 1970-2007 in the Northern Adriatic Sea are presented. From the last decade, SeaWiFS satellite information was also considered. Results demonstrate a global tendency towards Chl a reduction in the period of investigation, which is more marked in the eutrophic area under the influence of the Po River. In the rest of the basin, which presents meso- or oligotrophic characteristics, long-term changes are more difficult to detect. The long-term field dataset can be divided into two periods: the last decade characterized by the strong decrease observed in the whole northern Adriatic and the earlier period with no or slight increase. The recent substantial reduction of Chl a concentrations is confirmed all over the basin (−0.11 mg m−3 year−1) from satellite-derived information. Results are consistent with recently evidenced decrease in concentrations of phosphate and ammonia and point to the existence of oligotrophication in the Northern Adriatic. Results indicate forcefully that the still common perception of the Adriatic Sea as a very eutrophic basin is no longer appropriate, at least for its northern part and in recent years

    High-resolution mapping of Bora winds in the northern Adriatic Sea using synthetic aperture radar

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 115 (2010): C04020, doi:10.1029/2009JC005524.The Adriatic Sea is regularly subjected to strong Bora wind events from the northeast during winter. The events have a strong effect on the oceanography in the Adriatic, driving basin-scale gyres that determine the transport of biogeochemical material and extracting large amounts of heat. The Bora is known to have multiple surface wind jets linked to the surrounding orography and have been the focus of many studies, but it has not been possible to describe the detailed spatial structure of these jets by in situ observations. Using high-resolution spaceborne RADARSAT-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images collected during an active Bora period (23 January–16 February 2003), we created a series of high-resolution (300 m) maps of the wind field. The obtained winds show reasonable agreement with several in situ wind observations, with an RMS wind speed error of 3.6 m/s, slightly higher than the 2–3 m/s errors reported in previous studies. These SAR images reveal the spatial structure of the Bora wind in unprecedented detail, showing several new features. In the Senj region of Croatia, several images show rhythmic structure with wavelengths of 2–3 km that may reflect Bora pulsation seen at fixed locations by previous investigators. Along the Italian coast, several images show a wide (20–30 km) band of northwesterly winds that abruptly change to the northeasterly Bora winds further offshore. Meteorological model results suggest that these northwesterly winds are consistent with those of a barrier jet forming along the Italian Apennine mountain chain

    New alien mediterranean biodiversity records (March 2020)

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    The current article presents 18 new records from seven Mediterranean countries. These records include one rhodophyte, four nudibranchs, two crustaceans, one stingray and 10 bony fishes. They are grouped by country as follows: Lebanon - first record of the Striped bass Morone saxatilis, the stingray Himantura leoparda, the Areolate grouper Epinephelusareolatusand theSpot-fin porcupinefish Diodon hystrix from various parts of the country; Turkey - first record of the invasive red alga Grateloupia turuturufrom the sea of Marmara (region of Bandırma), the sea slug Goniobranchus obsoletus and the crab Arcania brevifrons from the Gulf of Antalya and the cladoceran Pleopis schmackeri from several locations along the Aegean Sea; Cyprus - first record of the alien sea slug Berthellina citrina from the region of Cape Greco and an observation of a butterflyfishHeniochussp. from the north-eastern side of the island; Greece - first record of the alien sea slug Anteaeolidiella lurana from the region of Heraklion in Crete and the record of the Atlantic spadefish Chaetodipterus faber and the Black surgeonfish Acanthurus cfr gahhmfrom Salamina Island; Slovenia - first record of the alien sea slug Thecacera pennigera from Izola; Italy - first record of the hybrid Striped bass (Morone saxatilis × Morone chrysops) from the northern Tyrrhenian Sea and a first record of the goldfish Carassius auratus from the region of Apulia; Libya - first record of the Red Sea goatfish Parupeneus forsskali and the African surgeonfish Acanthurus monroviae, respectively from the eastern (Al-Tamimi area) and the western shore (Al-Khums area).University Research Board of the American University of Beirut. DDF 103367/23927 y AUB 513071TÜBİTAK (Consejo de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica de Turquía) 114Y238Programa de Investigación e innovación de Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea. 730984Ministero dell'Istruzione de Italia (MIUR)ImPrEco Project de la Unión Europea. Interreg ADRION Programme 2014–2020 CUP C69H1800025000

    New alien mediterranean biodiversity records (March 2020)

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    none26siThe current article presents 18 new records from seven Mediterranean countries. These records include one rhodophyte, four nudibranchs, two crustaceans, one stingray and 10 bony fishes. They are grouped by country as follows: Lebanon-first record of the Striped bass Morone saxatilis, the stingray Himantura leoparda, the Areolate grouper Epinephelus areolatus and the Spot-fin porcupinefish Diodon hystrix from various parts of the country; Turkey-first record of the invasive red alga Grateloupia turuturu from the sea of Marmara (region of Bandirma), the sea slug Goniobranchus obsoletus and the crab Arcania brevifrons from the Gulf of Antalya and the cladoceran Pleopis schmackeri from several locations along the Aegean Sea; Cyprus-first record of the alien sea slug Berthellina citrina from the region of Cape Greco and an observation of a butterflyfish Heniochus sp. from the northeastern side of the island; Greece-first record of the alien sea slug Anteaeolidiella lurana from the region of Heraklion in Crete and the record of the Atlantic spadefish Chaetodipterus faber and the Black surgeonfish Acanthurus cfr gahhm from Salamina Island; Slovenia-first record of the alien sea slug Thecacera pennigera from Izola; Italy-first record of the hybrid Striped bass (Morone saxatilis x Morone chrysops) from the northern Tyrrhenian Sea and a first record of the goldfish Carassius auratus from the region of Apulia; Libya-first record of the Red Sea goatfish Parupeneus forsskali and the African surgeonfish Acanthurus monroviae, respectively from the eastern (Al-Tamimi area) and the western shore (Al-Khums area).openBariche M.; Al-Mabruk S.A.A.; Ates M.A.; Buyuk A.; Crocetta F.; Dritsas M.; Edde D.; Fortic A.; Gavriil E.; Gerovasileiou V.; Gokoglu M.; Huseyinoglu M.F.; Karachle P.K.; Kleitou P.; Kurt T.T.; Langeneck J.; Lardicci C.; Lipej L.; Pavloudi C.; Pinna M.; Rizgalla J.; Ozen M.R.; Sedano F.; Taskin E.; Yildiz G.; Zangaro F.Bariche, M.; Al-Mabruk, S. A. A.; Ates, M. A.; Buyuk, A.; Crocetta, F.; Dritsas, M.; Edde, D.; Fortic, A.; Gavriil, E.; Gerovasileiou, V.; Gokoglu, M.; Huseyinoglu, M. F.; Karachle, P. K.; Kleitou, P.; Kurt, T. T.; Langeneck, J.; Lardicci, C.; Lipej, L.; Pavloudi, C.; Pinna, M.; Rizgalla, J.; Ozen, M. R.; Sedano, F.; Taskin, E.; Yildiz, G.; Zangaro, F