78 research outputs found

    3-Dimensional Tuning of an Atomically Defined Silicon Tunnel Junction

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    A requirement for quantum information processors is the in-situ tunability of the tunnel rates and the exchange interaction energy within the device. The large energy level separation for atom qubits in silicon is well suited for qubit operation but limits device tunability using in-plane gate architectures, requiring vertically separated top-gates to control tunnelling within the device. In this paper we address control of the simplest tunnelling device in Si:P, the tunnel junction. Here we demonstrate that we can tune its conductance by using a vertically separated top-gate aligned with +-5nm precision to the junction. We show that a monolithic 3D epitaxial top-gate increases the capacitive coupling by a factor of 3 compared to in-plane gates, resulting in a tunnel barrier height tunability of 0-186meV. By combining multiple gated junctions in series we extend our monolithic 3D gating technology to implement nanoscale logic circuits including AND and OR gates

    Single-photon detection and cryogenic reconfigurability in Lithium Niobate nanophotonic circuits

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    Lithium-Niobate-On-Insulator (LNOI) is emerging as a promising platform for integrated quantum photonic technologies because of its high second-order nonlinearity and compact waveguide footprint. Importantly, LNOI allows for creating electro-optically reconfigurable circuits, which can be efficiently operated at cryogenic temperature. Their integration with superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) paves the way for realizing scalable photonic devices for active manipulation and detection of quantum states of light. Here we report the first demonstration of these two key components integrated in a low loss (0.2 dB/cm) LNOI waveguide network. As an experimental showcase of our technology, we demonstrate the combined operation of an electrically tunable Mach-Zehnder interferometer and two waveguide-integrated SNSPDs at its outputs. We show static reconfigurability of our system with a bias-drift-free operation over a time of 12 hours, as well as high-speed modulation at a frequency up to 1 GHz. Our results provide blueprints for implementing complex quantum photonic devices on the LNOI platform

    Using SiGe HBTs for quantum science at deep cryogenic temperatures

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    The objective of this research is to investigate the feasibility of using BiCMOS technology for these quantum science applications and clear some major roadblocks. The requirement for these applications is detailed, and the research is conducted in a systematic way targeting four important aspects of SiGe HBTs, namely, cryogenic characterizations, device physics, compact modeling, and circuit designs.Ph.D

    Quantum Correlations using Classical Detectors

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    Single photons are vital to quantum computing, information processing, and transportation. Popular single-photon experiments are one or two-photon interference, classification of the light source, and characterization of detectors. Currently, the most efficient detector in the telecom wavelength is the Superconducting Nanowire detector. How- ever, experiments have been successful in demonstrating single-photon measurements can be done with unconventional detectors. One such method employed an EMCCD camera to observe spatial correlations between pixels with single photons. This thesis aims to test non-single photon-counting PIN photodetectors to observe time-correlation measurement. The improved detection model uses a high-resolution 2GHz oscilloscope and a cross-correlation algorithm. Results were compared with coincidence measurements using an SNSPD and TAC module. Previous PIN-related single- photon experiments mainly used PIN avalanche detectors. We aim to accomplish the same task with Thorlabs PDA-CF 10 amplified detectors

    GigaHertz Symposium 2010

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    Program Annual Technology Report: Cosmic Origins Program Office

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    What is the Cosmic Origins (COR) Program? From ancient times, humans have looked up at the night sky and wondered: Are we alone? How did the universe come to be? How does the universe work? COR focuses on the second question. Scientists investigating this broad theme seek to understand the origin and evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to the present day, determining how the expanding universe grew into a grand cosmic web of dark matter enmeshed with galaxies and pristine gas, forming, merging, and evolving over time. COR also seeks to understand how stars and planets form from clouds in these galaxies to create the heavy elements that are essential to life, starting with the first generation of stars to seed the universe, and continuing through the birth and eventual death of all subsequent generations of stars. The COR Programs purview includes the majority of the field known as astronomy