2 research outputs found

    Long-range navigation in complex and dynamic environments with Full-Stack S-DOVS

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    Robotic autonomous navigation in dynamic environments is a complex problem, as traditional planners may fail to take dynamic obstacles and their variables into account. The Strategy-based Dynamic Object Velocity Space (S-DOVS) planner has been proposed as a solution to navigate in such scenarios. However, it has a number of limitations, such as inability to reach a goal in a large known map, avoid convex objects, or handle trap situations. In this article, we present a modified version of the S-DOVS planner that is integrated into a full navigation stack, which includes a localization system, obstacle tracker, and novel waypoint generator. The complete system takes into account robot kinodynamic constraints and is capable of navigating through large scenarios with known map information in the presence of dynamic obstacles. Extensive simulation and ground robot experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our system even in environments with dynamic obstacles and replanning requirements, and show that our waypoint generator outperforms other approaches in terms of success rate and time to reach the goal when combined with the S-DOVS planner. Overall, our work represents a step forward in the development of robust and reliable autonomous navigation systems for real-world scenarios

    Development and implementation of a B-Spline motion planning framework for autonomous mobile robots

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    O projeto enquadra-se na área da robótica. A ideia deste projeto é utilizar as propriedades das curvas b-spline para resolver problemas de otimização de motion planning. Esta abordagem permite desviar dos tradicionais motion planning algorithms que são normalmente utilizados. Devido á sua natureza matemática, esta abordagem permite a utilização de teoremas como o Separating Hyperplane Thereoem para realizar o desvio de obstáculos. Um aspecto importante a ter em conta é que este projeto irá ser integrado com os projetos desenvolvidos por outros alunos de modo a participar na competição The Autonomous Ship Challenge, a ser realizada na Noruega.This project fits within the area of robotics. The main idea is to utilize the properties of b-splines curves in order to solve motion planning optimization problems. This approach allows to deviate from the traditional motion planning algorithms, that are usually used. Due to its mathematical nature, this approach allows the use of theorems like the Separating Hyperplane Theorem for the obstacle avoidance problem. An important aspect to notice is that this project will be integrated with the other projects developed by other students in order to participate in "The Autonomous Ship Challenge" competition to be held in Norway