417,347 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic Observations of Fe XVIII in Solar Active Regions

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    The large uncertainties associated with measuring the amount of high temperature emission in solar active regions represents a significant impediment to making progress on the coronal heating problem. Most current observations at temperatures of 3 MK and above are taken with broad band soft X-ray instruments. Such measurements have proven difficult to interpret unambiguously. Here we present the first spectroscopic observations of the Fe XVIII 974.86 AA emission line in an on-disk active region taken with then SUMER instrument on SOHO. Fe XVIII has a peak formation temperature of 7.1 MK and provides important constraints on the amount of impulsive heating in the corona. Detailed evaluation of the spectra and comparison of the SUMER data with soft X-ray images from the XRT on Hinode confirm that this line is unblended. We also compare the spectroscopic data with observations from the AIA 94 AA channel on SDO. The AIA 94 AA channel also contains Fe XVIII, but is blended with emission formed at lower temperatures. We find that is possible to remove the contaminating blends and form relatively pure Fe XVIII images that are consistent with the spectroscopic observations from SUMER. The observed spectra also contain the Ca XIV 943.63 AA line that, although a factor 2 to 6 weaker than the Fe XVIII 974.86 AA line, allows us to probe the plasma around 3.5 MK. The observed ratio between the two lines indicates (isothermal approximation) that most of the plasma in the brighter Fe XVIII active region loops is at temperatures between 3.5 and 4 MK.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Submitted as letter to Ap

    The Structure of Stellar Coronae in Active Binary Systems

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    A survey of 28 stars using EUV spectra has been conducted to establish the structure of stellar coronae in active binary systems from the EMD, electron densities, and scale sizes. Observations obtained by the EUVE during 9 years of operation are included for the stars in the sample. EUVE data allow a continuous EMD to be constructed in the range log T~5.6-7.4, using iron emission lines. These data are complemented with IUE observations to model the lower temperature range. Inspection of the EMD shows an outstanding narrow enhancement, or ``bump'' peaking around log T~6.9 in 25 of the stars, defining a fundamental coronal structure. The emission measure per unit stellar area decreases with increasing orbital (or photometric) periods of the target stars; stars in binaries generally have more material at coronal temperatures than slowly rotating single stars. High electron densities (Ne>10^12 cm^-3) are derived at ~10 MK for some targets, implying small emitting volumes. The observations suggest the magnetic stellar coronae of these stars are consistent with two basic classes of magnetic loops: solar-like loops with maximum temperature around log T~6.3 and lower electron densities (Ne>10^9-10.5), and hotter loops peaking around log T~6.9 with higher electron densities (Ne>10^12). For the most active stars, material exists at much higher temperatures (log T>6.9) as well. However, current ab initio stellar loop models cannot reproduce such a configuration. Analysis of the light curves of these systems reveals signatures of rotation of coronal material, as well as apparent seasonal changes in the activity levels.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figures (with 20 eps files). Accepted for its publication in ApJ

    Solar microflares: a case study on temperatures and the Fe XVIII emission

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    In this paper, we discuss the temperature distribution and evolution of a microflare, simultaneously observed by Hinode XRT, EIS, and SDO AIA. We find using EIS lines that during peak emission the distribution is nearly isothermal and peaked around 4.5 MK. This temperature is in good agreement with that obtained from the XRT filter ratio, validating the use of XRT to study these small events, invisible by full-Sun X-ray monitors such as GOES. The increase in the estimated Fe XVIII emission in the AIA 94 {\AA} band can mostly be explained with the small temperature increase from the background temperatures. The presence of Fe XVIII emission does not guarantee that temperatures of 7 MK are reached, as is often assumed. We also revisit with new atomic data the temperatures measured by a SoHO SUMER observation of an active region which produced microflares, also finding low temperatures (3 - 4 MK) from an Fe XVIII / Ca XIV ratio.Comment: 12-13 pages, 17 figures (22 eps-files), 4 tables, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Abundance variations and first ionization potential trends during large stellar flares

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    The Solar First Ionization Potential (FIP) effect, where low-FIP elements are enriched in the corona relative to the photosphere, while high-FIP abundances remain unchanged, has been known for a long while. High resolution X-ray spectroscopy has revealed that active stellar coronae show an opposite effect, which was labeled the Inverse-FIP (IFIP) effect. The correlation found between coronal activity and the FIP/IFIP bias suggested perhaps that flaring activity is involved in switching from FIP to IFIP. This work aims at a more systematic understanding of the FIP trends during stellar flares and complements an earlier study based on Chandra alone. The eight brightest X-ray flares observed with XMM-Newton are analyzed and compared with their respective quiescence states. Together with six previous flares observed with Chandra, this establishes the best currently available sample of flares. We look for abundance variations during the flare and their correlation with FIP. For that purpose, we define a new FIP bias measure. A trend is found where coronae that are IFIP biased in quiescence, during flares show a FIP bias with respect to their quiescence composition. This effect is reversed for coronae that are FIP biased in quiescence. The observed trend is thus consistent with chromospheric evaporation rather than with a FIP mechanism operating during flares. It also suggests that the quiescent IFIP bias is real and that the large flares are not the direct cause of the IFIP effect in stellar coronae.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, submitted to A&