311 research outputs found

    A model for mobile content filtering on non-interactive recommendation systems

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    To overcome the problem of information overloading in mobile communication, a recommendation system can be used to help mobile device users. However, there are problems relating to sparsity of information from a first-time user in regard to initial rating of the content and the retrieval of relevant items. In order for the user to experience personalized content delivery via the mobile recommendation system, content filtering is necessary. This paper proposes an integrated method by using classification and association rule techniques for extracting knowledge from mobile content in a user's profile. The knowledge can be used to establish a model for new users and first rater on mobile content. The model recommends relevant content in the early stage during the connection based on the user's profile. The proposed method also facilitates association to be generated to link the first rater items to the top items identified from the outcomes of the classification and clustering processes. This can address the problem of sparsity in initial rating and new user's connection for non-interactive recommendation systems

    Sparse Reject Option Classifier Using Successive Linear Programming

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    In this paper, we propose an approach for learning sparse reject option classifiers using double ramp loss LdrL_{dr}. We use DC programming to find the risk minimizer. The algorithm solves a sequence of linear programs to learn the reject option classifier. We show that the loss LdrL_{dr} is Fisher consistent. We also show that the excess risk of loss LdL_d is upper bounded by the excess risk of LdrL_{dr}. We derive the generalization error bounds for the proposed approach. We show the effectiveness of the proposed approach by experimenting it on several real world datasets. The proposed approach not only performs comparable to the state of the art but it also successfully learns sparse classifiers

    Pulmonary nodule classification aided by clustering

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    Lung nodules can be detected through examining CT scans. An automated lung nodule classification system is presented in this paper. The system employs random forests as it base classifier. A unique architecture for classification-aided-by-clustering is presented. Four experiments are conducted to study the performance of the developed system. 5721 CT lung image slices from the LIDC database are employed in the experiments. According to the experimental results, the highest sensitivity of 97.92%, and specificty of 96.28% are achieved by the system. The results demonstrate that the system has improved the performances of its tested counterparts

    Detecting Land Cover Change over a 20 Year Time Period in the Niagara Escarpment Plan Using Satellite Remote Sensing

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    The Niagara Escarpment is one of Southern Ontario’s most important landscapes. Due to the nature of the landform and its location, the Escarpment is subject to various development pressures including urban expansion, mineral resource extraction, agricultural practices and recreation. In 1985, Canada’s first large scale environmentally based land use plan was put in place to ensure that only development that is compatible with the Escarpment occurred within the Niagara Escarpment Plan (NEP). The southern extent of the NEP is of particular interest in this study, since a portion of the Plan is located within the rapidly expanding Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The Plan area located in the Regional Municipalities of Hamilton and Halton represent both urban and rural geographical areas respectively, and are both experiencing development pressures and subsequent changes in land cover. Monitoring initiatives on the NEP have been established, but have done little to identify consistent techniques for monitoring land cover on the Niagara Escarpment. Land cover information is an important part of planning and environmental monitoring initiatives. Remote sensing has the potential to provide frequent and accurate land cover information over various spatial scales. The goal of this research was to examine land cover change in the Regional Municipalities of Hamilton and Halton portions of the NEP. This was achieved through the creation of land cover maps for each region using Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) remotely sensed data. These maps aided in determining the qualitative and quantitative changes that had occurred in the Plan area over a 20 year time period from 1986 to 2006. Change was also examined based on the NEP’s land use designations, to determine if the Plan policy has been effective in protecting the Escarpment. To obtain land cover maps, five different supervised classification methods were explored: Minimum Distance, Mahalanobis Distance, Maximum Likelihood, Object-oriented and Support Vector Machine. Seven land cover classes were mapped (forest, water, recreation, bare agricultural fields, vegetated agricultural fields, urban and mineral resource extraction areas) at a regional scale. SVM proved most successful at mapping land cover on the Escarpment, providing classification maps with an average accuracy of 86.7%. Land cover change analysis showed promising results with an increase in the forested class and only slight increases to the urban and mineral resource extraction classes. Negatively, there was a decrease in agricultural land overall. An examination of land cover change based on the NEP land use designations showed little change, other than change that is regulated under Plan policies, proving the success of the NEP for protecting vital Escarpment lands insofar as this can be revealed through remote sensing. Land cover should be monitored in the NEP consistently over time to ensure changes in the Plan area are compatible with the Niagara Escarpment. Remote sensing is a tool that can provide this information to the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) in a timely, comprehensive and cost-effective way. The information gained from remotely sensed data can aid in environmental monitoring and policy planning into the future

    Evaluating Hamming Distance as a Metric for the Detection of CRC-based Side-channel Communications in MANETs

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    AbstractSide-channel communication is a form of traffic in which malicious parties communicate secretly over a wireless network. This is often established through the modification of Ethernet frame header fields, such as the Frame Check Sequence (FCS). The FCS is responsible for determining whether or not a frame has been corrupted in transmission, and contains a value calculated through the use of a predetermined polynomial. A malicious party may send messages that appear as nothing more than naturally corrupted noise on a network to those who are not the intended recipient. We use a metric known as Hamming distance in an attempt to differentiate purposely corrupted frames from naturally corrupted ones. In theory, it should be possible to recognize purposely corrupted frames based on how high this Hamming distance value is, as it signifies how many bits are different between the expected and the received FCS values. It is hypothesized that a range of threshold values based off of this metric exist, which may allow for the detection of side-channel communication across all scenarios. We ran an experiment with human subjects in a foot platoon formation and analyzed the data using a support vector machine. Our results show promise on the use of Hamming distance for side-channel detection in MANETs

    A Random Forest Based Method for Urban Land Cover Classification using LiDAR Data and Aerial Imagery

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    Urban land cover classification has always been crucial due to its ability to link many elements of human and physical environments. Timely, accurate, and detailed knowledge of the urban land cover information derived from remote sensing data is increasingly required among a wide variety of communities. This surge of interest has been predominately driven by the recent innovations in data, technologies, and theories in urban remote sensing. The development of light detection and ranging (LiDAR) systems, especially incorporated with high-resolution camera component, has shown great potential for urban classification. However, the performance of traditional and widely used classification methods is limited in this context, due to image interpretation complexity. On the other hand, random forests (RF), a newly developed machine learning algorithm, is receiving considerable attention in the field of image classification and pattern recognition. Several studies have shown the advantages of RF in land cover classification. However, few have focused on urban areas by fusion of LiDAR data and aerial images. The performance of the RF based feature selection and classification methods for urban areas was explored and compared to other popular feature selection approach and classifiers. Evaluation was based on several criteria: classification accuracy, impact of different training sample size, and computational speed. LiDAR data and aerial imagery with 0.5-m resolution were used to classify four land categories in the study area located in the City of Niagara Falls (ON, Canada). The results clearly demonstrate that the use of RF improved the classification performance in terms of accuracy and speed. Support vector machines (SVM) based and RF based classifiers showed similar accuracies. However, RF based classifiers were much quicker than SVM based methods. Based on the results from this work, it can be concluded that the RF based method holds great potential for recent and future urban land cover classification problem with LiDAR data and aerial images


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    Extreme Learning machine (ELM) a widely adopted algorithm in machine learning field is proposed for the use of pattern classification model using 3D MRI images for identifying tissue abnormalities in brain histology. The four class classification includes gray matter, white matter, cerebrospinal-fluid and tumor. The 3D MRI assessed by a pathologist indicates the ROI and the images are normalized. Texture features for each of the sub-regions is based on the Run-length Matrix, Co-occurence Matrix, Intensity, Euclidean distance, Gradient vector and neighbourhood statistics. Genetic Algorithm is custom designed to extract and sub-select a decisive optimal bank of features which are then used to model the ELM classifier and best selection of ELM algorithm parameters to handle sparse image data. The algorithm is explored using different activation function and the effect of number of neurons in the hidden layer by using different ratios of the number of features in the training and test data. The ELM classification outperformed in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity as 93.20 %, 91.6 %, and 97.98% for discrimination of brain and pathological tumor tissue classification against state-of-the-art feature extraction methods and classifiers in the literature for publicly available SPL dataset.ELM, široko prihvaćen algoritam strojnog učenja se predlaže za korištenje u uzorkovanju pomoću klasifikacijskog modela 3D MRI slika za identifikaciju abnormalnosti tkiva u histologiji mozga. Četiri klase obuhvaćaju sive, bijele tvari, cerebrospinalne tekućine-i tumore. 3D MRI koji ocjenjuje patolog, ukazuje na ROI, a slike su normalizirane. Značajke tekstura za svaku od podregija se temelje na Run-length matrici, ponovnom pojavljivanju matrice, intenzitet, euklidska udaljenost, gradijent vektora i statistike susjedstva. Genetski algoritam je obično dizajniran za izdvajanje i sub-optimalan odabir odlučujući o značajkama koje se onda koriste za model ELM klasifikatora i najbolji izbor ELM parametra algoritama za obradu rijetkih slikovnih podataka. Algoritam se istražuje koristeći različite aktivacijske funkcije i utjecaj broja neurona u skrivenom sloju pomoću različitih omjera broja značajki kod trening i test podataka. ELM klasifikacija je nadmašila u smislu točnosti, osjetljivosti i specifičnosti, kao 93,20%, 91,6% i 97,98% za diskriminaciju mozga i patološki kod tumora i sistematizacije metode za prikupljanje podataka i klasifikatore u literaturi za javno dostupne SPL skup podataka