7 research outputs found

    Trans-co-design in systemic approach to architectural performance: The multi-layered media and agency in creative design and its processes

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    Based on several research by design cases, the paper aims to conclude the mix of diverse media in reference to diverse generative agency in Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance design field. In this field, the design processes and design’s performances are seen as the ‘resulting design objects’. Therefore, the agency involved in both is merged and proceeds parallel within one co-performative eco-system in its fight for Post-Anthropocene. SAAP is a fusion of several process based fields and their media, involving namely: • ‘Systems Oriented Design’ • ‘Performance Oriented Architecture’ • ‘Prototypical Urban Interventions’ • ‘Time-Based Design’ • ‘Service Design’ • ‘Co-Design, Co-Creation and DIY’ The direction of media mix and time-based design in creative digital design techniques was suggested by Sevaldson already in 2005 (Sevaldson, 2005). However, this new approach contributes to the field by assigning the diverse media to particular biotic and abiotic agency, including trans-disciplinary human co-design participation. This involves: a) the complexity diagramming – a manual analogue and digital tool from Systems Oriented Design (SOD) called GIGA-Mapping, the most designerly way to deal with systems (Sevaldson, 2013), b) digital modelling and c) its full scale prototyping and namely, d) all the performances of all the above mentioned, generated in time. The last ones appear through i.e. airflow, relative humidity, temperature; species such as algae, lichen, butterflies or bumblebees; material properties; or through human trans-disciplinary co-designers, such as general public, landscape ecologists, coders, architects and so on. Therefore, there is a shift from what architectural profession used to be perceived. As a designer, you can only interact with the system, not designing it. Through this interaction, you can co-design and therefore re-design the (eco)system. Through the properties of the active agency within the co-design are also defined their creative design tools. Therefore, the performances take multiple layers, such as synergy of natural, social and cultural defined in Performance Oriented Architecture by Hensel (Hensel, 2010). Here it involves namely creative trans-disciplinary and trans-social, biological, material, climatic, mechanical or digital performances. For example, within human speculative co-design some disciplines or public relate better to drawing or image relations’ connections, the others to physical modelling or prototyping or combinations of all. This needs to be at first point grounded by physical GIGA-Mapping to find the relations of the natural, social and cultural data, thoughts, understandings and speculations. The physical maps can be further on translated to digital maps and digital modelling simulations and afterwards printed and fabricated to meet physical interaction again. This feedback looping interaction is however simultaneously co-designed with the other kinds of agency. The prototype’s performance is co-generated by i.e. relative humidity, temperature, their material properties and organisms that appear in its adjacent environment or directly settles on prototypes. Therefore, the design processes appear to be multi-layered in relation with multiple agency and mixing digital with analogue, biotic with abiotic. The paper exemplifies these processes on several different cases of ‘responsive wood’ (Hensel & Menges, 2006) projects. The projects focus on trans-disciplinary multi-layered, analogue and digital, collaborative design processes grounded in GIGA-Mapping for prototypes generation. The two are placed to public and natural environment complexity for its interaction. This interaction is engaging co-living and co-creation across the particular urban landscape eco-system and interpretation through multi-genre performers and visitors of its festival EnviroCity. While doing so, the real time performance and its reflection for future project’s stages is co-designed. Though the GIGA-Map serves as a complexity and present prototype’s observation discussion board for reflection, the prototypes serve for environmental material embodied tacit interaction, experience and observation. Being inside these design processes, this project represents Sweeting’s discussion on what can design research practice give to second order cybernetics (Sweeting, 2016). Some of the prototyping and mapping projects focus more on detailed, other than human, environmental interaction development and its prototypical observation. This is followed by architectural application speculations and its referential studies on traditional architectures (see Figure 1). While the development of the first and very early research stage prototype is followed by GIGA-Mapping of its environmental interactions speculations supported by sampling, the prototyping research takes four feedback-looping paths that are however interconnected with the other two projects: a) long term first prototype observations when exposed to environmental settings; b) observations of related traditional architectures; c) the new prototype development based on condemned weaknesses of the first prototype d) observations of related traditional architectures and both of the prototypes for planned practice application. Through the long-term prototypical observation, the development of climate-material interaction and related biotic agency is taking place in time when it is co-designed by the mentioned. In the same time, the new prototype that is trying to answer firstly observed weaknesses is built and observed again. This is within the same time confronted with related historical references of possible applications (see Figure 1) to lead to the planned use in practice. This ‘bottom up approach’ of prototyping is followed by ‘top down’ practice applications speculations and traditional architecture references from extreme climates observations in reference to ‘adaptation to climate change in our location’ (Czech Republic Ministry of the Environment & Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, 2015). The studies led to focus on eco-systemic service design through performative eco-systemic ‘prototypical urban interventions’ (Doherty, 2005). Such approach is gaining from collective trans-disciplinary knowledge gathered through multiple stakeholders with co-design GIGA-Mapping. One of the key intervention is responsive wood insect hotel TreeHugger, parasitting on a tree trunk in the middle of a central urban eco-top. TreeHugger is a small object. However, it is applying detailed climate moderation solution through responsive wood concept for variety of insect species’ needs to create their liveable and/or preferred environment. These, in reference to the larger eco-systemic chain are to generate ‘edible landscape’ (Creasy, 2004) for i.e. bats and birds, while another fast food of blossoming plants seed bombs is generated for these insects to become a food. All this is integrated through the multi-genre festival EnviroCity, representing the synergy of natural, social and cultural environment with its generative agendas of recipes for DIY. Therefore, the project on architectural sustainable solution has transformed to the sustainable solution for eco-systems. It is not only bringing solutions through habitation but also through sustainable eco-system of co-living with nutrients resources, the environment of ‘flourishing for all’ (Ehrenfeld & Hoffman, 2013). The full scale prototyping in reference to co-design process was largely discussed by Capjon (Capjon, 2005). However here, these processes are perceived as a ‘results’ that are co-designed with overall eco-system in time. The field calls for the shift from ‘Cities for People’ (Gehl, 2010) towards the participation of both, biotic and abiotic agency into one co-performative eco-system, the ‘Real Life Laboratory’ (Davidová, Pánek, & Pánková, 2018). This is supported through using the key concept SOD tools such as ‘Rich Design Research Space’, discussing the social and spatial parameters (Sevaldson, 2008) and GIGA-Mapping, that in this case, serves as a co-design communication and complexity relations mapping tool that is indivisible from prototypical performance and ‘resulting’ observations, reflections and co-design. The paper concludes with that there is a necessity of mixing analogue and digital processes based on the involved agency and its position in time and these need to be multi-layered. This is mainly achieved through hands on reflective Research by Design, investigating the ‘eco-systemic prototypical urban interventions’(Davidová & Prokop, 2018), their related historical prototypes studies and their DIY iterations. Therefore, within the field of ‘Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance’ (Davidová, 2017), the design management, the methodology, the collaborative design processes, the design’s physical results and their collaborative performances are fused in one Time Based Eco-systemic Trans-Co-Design. These processes therefore generate the concept of ‘ecological urbanism’ defined by Mostafavi and Doherty (Mostafavi & Doherty, 2016)

    Ferramentas CAD/CAM e a arquitectura Digital

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    A evolução tecnológica vivida ao longo dos séculos marca definitivamenteo papel do arquiteto na sociedade. As grandes revoluções na área da tecnologiapermitem-lhe atingir novos patamares de liberdade criativa e criar novos paradigmas,apenas possíveis de entender na época em que estão inseridos.Com a Era Digital, o potencial gerador de criatividade das ferramentasdigitais, em conjunto com os avanços já alcançados na indústria aeroespacial,naval e automóvel, permitiu descobrir novas dimensões de concepção arquitetónicae desenvolver uma construção mais complexa. Estas ferramentas também seapresentam como mecanismos que permitem converter modelos digitais em artefatosarquitetónicos à escala real, sendo que o projecto desenvolvido no computador resultadiretamente na sua realização material, alterando por completo a metodologia daatividade arquitetónica.O processo de fabricação através dos sistemas CAD/CAM depende de trêsetapas: em primeiro lugar, a utilização de um software que permita explorar a ideiado projeto; em segundo lugar, a obtenção de um modelo digital que permita convertero projeto num conjunto de instruções, para possibilitar, em terceiro lugar, a utilizaçãodas máquinas de fabricação CAM que interpretam e executam o objeto. Um modelobem construído é uma ferramenta funcional e informativa, que se destina a rever etomar todas as decisões antes da fase de construção começar.Através do estudo e observação do trabalho de alguns dos arquitetos contemporâneos,foi possível concluir que as ferramentas digitais introduziram alteraçõessignificativas na concepção do objeto arquitetónico, ao permitir novos caminhos paraa exploração da sua forma. No entanto, e ao contrário do que é normal na Históriada Arquitetura, não é possível associar uma linguagem específica a este momento, oque torna difícil assumila como uma corrente. De qualquer forma, é indiscutível que aalteração do panorama metodológico iniciou o que podemos chamar de arquiteturadigital.Technological developments over the centuries lived definitely marks the role ofthe architect in society. The great revolutions in technology allow you to achieve newlevels of creative freedom and creating new paradigms only possible to understand atthe time they are inserted.With the digital age, the potential generator of creative digital tools, togetherwith previous advances in aerospace, marine and automotive, allowed to discovernew dimensions of architectural design and develop a more sophisticated construction.These tools are also seen as mechanisms for converting digital models in real scalearchitectural artifacts, and the project developed on the computer results directly in itsmaterial realization, completely changing the methodology of architectural activity.The manufacturing process through the CAD / CAM systems depends on threesteps: first, the use of software that let you explore the idea of the project, and secondly,to obtain a digital model that allows the project to convert a set of instructions, to,thirdly, the machinery manufacturing CAM interpret and implement the object. A wellbuiltmodel is a functional and informative tool, which is intended to review and makeall the decisions before construction phase starts.By observing the work of some contemporary architects, can be consideredthat the introduction of digital tools allowed the reinvention of tectonics in shaping thearchitectural object, by allowing the exploration of form and greater attention to detail.However, contrary to what is normal in the history of architecture, it is not possible toassociate a specific language to this moment, making it difficult to take it like a chain.Anyway, it is undisputed that the methodological change the landscape began what wecall digital architecture

    O uso da materialização digital para a valorização das edificações de interesse histórico e cultural da cidade de Frederico Westphalen, RS, Brasil

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Florianópolis, 2016.A história e a cultura de um povo podem ser reconhecidas pelas edificações presentes na paisagem e entendidas como representações físicas da identidade da cidade e de seus habitantes. A cidade de Frederico Westphalen, na Região do Médio Alto Uruguai, no Rio Grande do Sul, foi utilizada para a aplicação deste estudo, por ser o exemplar que se destacava na última região do estado a ser colonizada. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi o de compreender como a materialização da forma, pela prototipagem digital, pode instigar a busca pelo conhecimento da história e, consequentemente, a conservação do patrimônio edificado pela população local. Transformar, com isso, o próprio modo de perceber o edifício antigo, motivando-se à conscientização e uma futura valorização para a preservação dos edifícios de interesse histórico e cultural. A pesquisa deu-se em quatro etapas: revisão bibliográfica da literatura local e internacional, questionário, seguida da materialização das edificações identificadas durante a etapa anterior e um workshop. A última etapa teve como foco a interação dos modelos prototipados com a população, a fim de se verificar a percepção a respeito dos edifícios de interesse histórico e cultural utilizados neste estudo, com o auxílio de diferentes técnicas digitais de materialização da forma. Os modelos fabricados, quando utilizados com a percepção de um grupo de pessoas, concretizaram-se como uma maneira de poder auxiliar a visualização e internalização das edificações de interesse histórico e cultural por uma população. A ferramenta digital auxilia o resgate da história, para informar essa população sobre a importância da valorização do patrimônio edificado, por meio da busca pelo conhecimento, numa forma de preservar a cidade de forma constante. É nesse aspecto que este estudo propõe a utilização da materialização da forma, para a população em contato diariamente com o bem histórico conhecer seu local de origem para valorizar e preservar.Abstract : People's history and the culture can be recognized by the buildings present in the landscape and understood as physical representations of the identity of the city and its inhabitants. The city of Frederico Westphalen, located in the region of Middle High Uruguay in the Rio Grande do Sul state, was used for the application of this study by being the specimen that stood out in the last region of the state to be colonized. The main goal of this study was to understand how the form materialization by digital prototyping can instigate the search for history knowledge and, consequently, conservation of the patrimony built by the local population. To transform, thereat, the very way of perceiving the antique building, motivating itself to the awareness and a future valorization for the preservation of the buildings of historical and cultural interest. The research was carried out in four stages: bibliographical review of the local and international literature, questionnaire, followed by the materialization of the buildings identified during the previous stage and a workshop. The last stage focused on the interaction of the prototyped models with the population to verify the perception about the buildings of historical and cultural interest used in this study, with the aid of different digital techniques of form materialization. The manufactured models, when used with the perception of a group of people, materialized as a way of being able to help the visualization and internalization of the buildings of historical and cultural interest by a population. The digital tool assists the rescue of history, to inform this people about the importance of valuing the built heritage, through the search for knowledge, in a way to preserve the city in a constant way. It is in this aspect that this study proposes the use of form materialization for the population in daily contact with the historical good to know its place of origin to valorize and preserve it

    Estudo e aplicação do design paramétrico à superfície da malha de trama

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Design e MarketingA presente dissertação propõe a criação de modelos de superfícies em software de modelação digital paramétrica para desenvolvimento de malhas de trama com um sistema de agulhas, com o intuito de obter malhas com estruturas tridimensionais. A modelação digital paramétrica é uma ferramenta que estimula a criatividade pelo potencial de gerar variações de produtos através da modificação de parâmetros, o que significa a diminuição de tempo de trabalho, uma vez que a mudança dos parâmetros gera novos objetos automaticamente. A abordagem metodológica deste trabalho orienta-se pela pesquisa exploratória, pela contextualização entre o conceito de design digital e o estudo das formas e estruturas de malhas tridimensionais. A prototipagem digital, outra característica dos softwares de modelação digital, foi explorada nos desenhos tridimensionais gerados no software Rhinoceros. A multidisciplinaridade entre Design e Engenharia Têxtil contribuiu para o desenvolvimento e caracterização de estruturas volumétricas concebidas no software de modelação digital e aplicadas no tear de malha de trama com um sistema de agulhas, que conforme sua capacidade de tricotagem, teve como resultado superfícies tridimensionais que apresentam semelhança com as formas que foram virtualmente projetadas. Alguns ensaios de caracterização física foram importantes para determinar algumas das propriedades das malhas desenvolvidas sob os mesmos parâmetros, mas que apresentam alterações causadas pelas diferentes estruturas. Pelos resultados obtidos, verifica-se que essas estruturas têm potencial de aplicação em segmentos de mercado diferenciados, como o vestuário e os têxteis de interior.The digital parametric modelling is a tool that stimulates creativity due to its potential of generating product variations by modifying the parameters that build up the object, meaning a reduction of working time, since the change of the parameters automatically generates new objects. This thesis proposes the creation of models of surfaces in parametric computer modelling software in order to obtain three-dimensional structures in weft knitted fabrics made with a needle system. The methodological approach of this work is guided by exploratory research, the contextualisation between the concept of digital design and the study of shapes, and three-dimensional weft knitted structures. Digital prototyping, another feature of digital modelling software, was explored in three-dimensional drawings generated in Rhinoceros software. The multidisciplinary between Design and Textile Engineering contributed to the development and characterization of volumetric structures designed with the computer modelling software and afterwards applied in the weft knitting machine with a needle system, which according to its knitting capacity, resulted in three-dimensional surfaces presenting resemblances to the forms that were virtually designed. Physical characterization tests are important in determining some of the weft knitted structures’ properties which were developed with the same parameters, but showing changes caused by different structures. From the obtained results, it appears that these structures have potential applications in different market segments, such as clothing and interior textiles