41 research outputs found

    Work Discipline and Competency of the Democracy Volunteer of Makassar City in General Election 2019

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    Every organization expects its people resources to perform well in order to accomplish organizational goals. Similarly, expectations for the Makassar City Volunteer Democracy's performance in the 2019 General Election. The relationship between work discipline and the performance of the Makassar City Volunteer Democracy is positive and substantial, as evidenced by the value of Unstandardized Coefficients beta () of 0.262. (26.2 percent ). This suggests that the contribution of work discipline to performance is 26.2 percent. There is a positive and strong relationship between competences and their performance, as evidenced by the value of Unstandardized Coefficients beta () of 0.579. (57.9 percent ). This suggests that the contribution of competence to performance is 56.9 percent. There is an influence of work discipline and competence on their performance concurrently (concurrently). As seen by the R-Square value of 0.574, the extent of the effect of work discipline and competence on performance is that the remaining 57.4 percent is explained or affected by other factors not included in this study

    The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Grace Indonesia-Russia Diplomacy Relations

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    Indonesia's relations with Russia-Ukraine have been very cordial, especially with Russia, both in terms of economic relations as well as defense and security, where Indonesia often buys weapons and combat equipment from Russia. The Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on the Friendship of Indonesia-Russia Diplomatic Relations. Data analysis was carried out using an analysis of the Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on the Friendship of Indonesia-Russia Diplomatic Relations. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on the Friendly Relations of Indonesia-Russia Diplomatic Relations. As for the benefits of this research Academically, this research is useful regarding the Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on the Peace of Indonesia-Russia Diplomatic Relations, while theoretically, this research can enrich the repertoire of literature in terms of the study of the Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on the Peace of Diplomatic Relations between Indonesia and Russia

    The Implementation of E-Governance Initiatives Plays a Crucial Role in Ensuring the Realization of a Digital Bangladesh

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    The ideas of e-governance and Digital Bangladesh are intricately interconnected. E-governance pertains to the utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) with the aim of enhancing the provision of government services to the general populace. Digital Bangladesh, on the other hand, is a vision for a technologically advanced society where ICT is used to foster a knowledge-based environment and improve the lives of all citizens. The implementation of e-governance initiatives plays a crucial role in ensuring the realization of a Digital Bangladesh. By providing citizens with convenient and efficient access to government services online, e-governance can help to reduce corruption, improve transparency, and promote accountability. It can also help to bridge the digital divide and make government services more accessible to all citizens, regardless of their location or socioeconomic status. In order to realize Digital Bangladesh, the government of Bangladesh is dedicated to e-governance. A number of e-governance initiatives have already been implemented, such as the National Portal, the Digital Center Network, and the One Stop Service (OSS) Centers. These initiatives have made it easier for citizens to access a wide range of government services online, such as paying taxes, applying for passports, and registering businesses. Nevertheless, certain obstacles must be confronted to effectively achieve the goal of Digital Bangladesh. One challenge is the lack of digital literacy among a large section of the population. Another challenge is the need to improve the reliability and affordability of internet access. Furthermore, it is essential to devise and execute e-governance initiatives that are customized to cater to the distinct requirements of various segments of the population, including those experiencing poverty, the elderly, and those with disabilities. Despite the challenges, the government of Bangladesh is making significant progress in the implementation of e-governance and the realization of Digital Bangladesh. The adoption and execution of e-governance projects are significantly benefiting both individuals and companies across the nation. The primary objective of this study is to examine the many programs and efforts implemented by the Government of Bangladesh in its pursuit of establishing Digital Bangladesh. To conduct a comprehensive and thorough study, the following goals have been identified: To get information about the initiatives. To analyze the roles of the programs

    Exploring the Role of Public Policy in Adapting to the Challenges and Opportunities of Emerging Technologies

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    This research paper investigates how government policy can be modified to meet the opportunities and threats posed by rapidly developing technologies. This article focuses on Examine how emerging technologies are affecting our democracy, personal lives, economy, and culture. New technology potential benefits and drawbacks are compared, and policy shortcomings and roadblocks are identified. The thesis also examines policy options for regulating emerging technologies like blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and the Internet of Things. The effectiveness and viability of various policy methods are reviewed, and the significance of public participation in technological policy-making is emphasized. The use of digital technologies, citizen juries, collaborative policy-making, education and awareness-raising campaigns, consultations, public hearings, and citizen juries are a few of the methods proposed to promote public participation and engagement in technological policy-making processes. The entire thesis emphasizes the value of proactive and transparent government with reference to technology improvements. Governments may better ensure that new technologies are used in ways that are beneficial for society, the economy, the environment, and everyone's rights and freedoms by allowing citizens to provide input on policy decision

    Exploring the Lived Experiences of the Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College Students in the New Learning Environment

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    Many activities, including those related to education, have been successfully shut down globally due to the COVID-19 epidemic. The lived experiences of the ISPSC students are essential and play a crucial role in identifying the significant challenges during this uncertain and complex period and their experiences in an online learning environment and coping strategies. The study used a phenomenological research methodology. Thematic qualitative data analysis involves quoting and explaining the participants' replies in words by grouping them into themes based on how closely they are related. The study's result showed that the said students' significant challenges were lack of high-speed internet, mental health struggles, and poor time management. Furthermore, the student's experiences in the online learning environment were self-explanation and technology-savvy skills

    Analysis of Citizen's Charter Policy as A Strategy for Improving the Quality of Public Services in the Issuance of Driving License

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    The service of driving licenses (SIM) is one of the public services of various other public services owned by the National Police. The state gives full authority to the Police to provide these services as stipulated in Law no. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. The purpose of this study is to 1) analyze the issuance of SIMs at the Sorong Polres, 2) analyze the Citizen's Charter policy (service contract) as a strategy to improve the quality of public services in issuing SIMs at the Sorong Polres. This study uses a qualitative approach, using a case study research method. Data collection was carried out using interview techniques, observation and document review. This research was conducted in early September 2021 with a total of 15 respondents consisting of members of the Indonesian National Police and the public. The location of the research was carried out at the Sorong Police Station. From the results of the study it was concluded that the SIM issuance service at the Sorong Polres is still not optimally implemented for the community because the SIM issuance service at the Sorong Polres is still exclusive and elite capture, with a gap between service quality and cultural dimensions in the SIM issuance service at the Sorong Polres then a strategic policy formulation is needed to improve the quality of public services that are more excellent than the previous services. The advice given is to make fundamental improvements to the SIM issuance service at the Sorong Polres in order to improve the quality of service, build a good service culture, namely having dedication, integrity, discipline, honesty and trustworthiness in providing services to the community, using software that can be displayed directly on service room so that it can quickly find out what is the criticism and input from the community in service, on mobile SIM cars added to the product by issuing new SIMs, there is intense supervision from the Provos Polres Sorong to monitor service officers, and adopting a Citizen's Charter (service contract) compiled and designed between the Sorong Police and other stakeholders and the community

    The Role of Political Communication in Shaping Public Opinion: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Digital Media

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    The purpose of this cross-media analysis was to better understand how public opinion is influenced by political communication, and how it can be regulated and held accountable to better reflect political discourse in the media. A content analysis of news articles and social media posts, as well as surveys and a review of the pertinent literature, were used to collect data. Traditional media continue to play a significant role in influencing public opinion, but digital media have become a formidable tool for political communication, particularly among newer generations. Concerns regarding the propagation of false information and the impact of social media algorithms impede open and objective political discourse. There was unanimity that regulatory and accountability measures, such as media literacy programs and disclosure requirements for political advertisements, were required to ensure an honest and balanced media portrayal of political debate. These findings highlight the need for ongoing research and policymaking to address the dynamic character of political communication in the digital age

    2024 Election Delay Instructions Democracy Climate

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    The 1945 Constitution imposes stringent constraints on the President's authority, confining their tenure to a duration of precisely five years, with the possibility of extension for an additional period not exceeding ten years. In Indonesia, elections are conducted at intervals of five years, allowing for a single occurrence within this time frame. In the event that the 2024 elections are postponed and the presidential term is extended for three periods, it is likely to have a detrimental impact on the democratic climate and raise concerns regarding the violation of the country's constitution. Such actions could be characterized as a form of institutional terrorism

    The Politics of Conflict Resolution: Negotiating Public Policy Amidst Community Dissonance

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    The politics of conflict resolution are investigated in this study as they pertain to the process of negotiating public policy in the face of community dissonance. The study examines the strategies and approaches that are used to mediate conflicts and disputes that may emerge during the process of developing and implementing policy using qualitative approach as its research methodology. According to the findings of the research, the most important aspects of successfully negotiating public policy in communities where there is discord are participation, inclusive decision-making, confronting power inequalities, effective communication, and sufficient resources. The conclusions of the research have significant repercussions for the process of formulating and enacting policy, and they emphasize the necessity of taking into account the various points of view and interests of the stakeholders concerned. The research makes a contribution to the existing body of literature on the topic of negotiating public policy in the face of community disagreement and offers insights into the strategies and approaches that are necessary to achieve successful policy outcomes

    Critical Dynamics of Lemito Village Apparatus' Behavior in Public Services in Pohuwato Regency

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    This research aims to analyze the dynamics of the behavior of officials in Lemito Village in public services in Pohuwato Regency, with a focus on four key indicators: Responding to Service Recipients, Maintaining Effective Communication, Taking Responsibility, and Acting for Customers. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentary studies. Theories of public management, community participation, organizational communication, and total quality management were integrated to form the conceptual framework of the research. The research findings indicate that the behavior of officials in Lemito Village still has weaknesses in responding quickly to the needs of the community, maintaining effective communication, taking active responsibility, and acting proactively to meet customer expectations. These findings reflect suboptimal public services influenced by several factors, including a lack of training, communication barriers, and a lack of community participation in decision-making. The conclusion of the research emphasizes that improvements in the behavior of officials in Lemito Village will contribute to the enhancement of the quality of public services, creating better relationships between village officials and the community, and promoting the achievement of development goals at the local level. Recommendations include the need for regular training to improve the responsiveness and effectiveness of village officials, the development of intercultural communication skills, local empowerment through community participation in decision-making processes, and the introduction of a reward system to encourage responsibility and proactive initiatives