19 research outputs found

    Effects of Temperature and Light Intensity on Coloration of Grapeberry Cultured in Vitro

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    本試驗研究,以影響花青素蓄積的光照及溫度條件,利用離體培養對照戶外環境。本研究此紅'及'巨峰'葡萄果粒為材料,利用離體培養以溫度30°C、25°C、20°C及光度180μmol m-2s-l、120μmolm-2s4、60μmol m-2 s-l、黑暗等共6種處理進行調查,探討各因子對於類黃素及花青素組成的變化影響。結果得知,25°C、2O°C及強光180μmol m-2 s-1 處理均具有促進類黃素、花青素之蓄積效果。The study used the ‘Honey Red'and ‘Kyoho'grapeberry, exploring the light and temperature factors that influence the composition of anthocyanin. Grapeberry was tested with six treatments to investigate the effects of the composition change of anthocyanin and flavonoid. Using cultivating in vitro, the temperature was controlled to 30∘C,25∘C,and the light was controlled to 180 umol m-2s-1, and 60 umol m-2s-1, as well as the darkness treatment. The findings indicated that there were effects of increasing accumulation of flavonoid and anthocyanin via the treatment of 25∘C, 20∘C, and intensive light, 180 umol m-2s-1.The above treatments were consistent with the results that cultivated outdoors

    Flavonoid Variation and Genetic Structure of Populations of Yushania niitakayamensis (Hay.)Kang f. (Bambusoideae) in Mt. Hohuan.

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    玉山箭竹為台灣原產之竹亞科植物,於海拔1500至3500公尺有廣泛分布, 然依海拔及生態棲地環境之不同在表現型上有極大之變異,此種表現型變 異是否有遺傳基礎﹖我們研究玉山箭竹之三個不同海拔及兩種不同生育環 境的採樣點,經歸群分析及主成份分析之結果皆顯示類黃素組成並未依海 拔高度之不同而分化,卻依生育環境之不同而有分歧化的現象,類黃素組 成分化的原因可能並非純由表現型可塑性所造成,遺傳分化可能也是造成 類黃素組成分歧化的原因之一。而遺傳變異和樣點間遺傳分化的程度利用 澱粉膠體電泳技術加以分析;總共分析15種酵素系統合計24個基因座 (loci),其中20個基因座為多形性(99%標準)。當以99%為多形性標準時, 多形性基因座百分比分別為66.7%。利用F-statistics 和遺傳歧異度分析 樣點內及樣點間遺傳變異所佔的比例, 估計樣點間的變異佔總變異量 的 6.8%,其餘93.2%存在樣點內,基因流傳評估值(Nm)為3.426,結果顯 示族群間的基因交流缺乏有效的阻隔,此乃由於樣點間呈連續性的分布, 缺乏地理阻隔所致,但由Fst及Gst值為 0.068來看,已具有某種程度的分 化。根據遺傳距離進行的歸群分析及一種座標法分析的結果顯示,各樣點 已有分群趨勢,分群的情形和類黃素的結果有高度的吻合,顯示玉山箭竹 遺傳結構有隨生育地環境而分化的趨勢,此可能與生育地的選擇壓力有關 。Yushan cane(Bambusoideae)is a native species of Taiwan.It is widely distributed from 1,500 to 3,500 above sea level in Taiwan .It shows great phenotypic variability in different habitats.The flavonoid data of six sites at 3 different altitudes and 2 different kinds of habitates were used in a cluster analysis and a principle component analysis. The results of cluster analysis and principle component analysis indicate that flavonoid compos- ition diversifies according to habitates.Genetic variation were investigated using isozyme starch gel electrophoresis.A total of 15 enzyme systems and 24 loci were studied.Twenty out of 24 loci examined were polymorphic(99% criterion).The average proporation of polymorphic loci per site was 66.7% at the 99% criterion for polymorphism,F-statistics and gene diversity analysis,the result indicated that 6.8% of variation were distributed among sites. The estimate of gene flow (Nm) was 3.462, indicating high gene flow among sites. The Fst and Gst of 0.068 indicated that there was certain degree of diversificaton among sites.The results of a cluster analysis using Taxonomic distance matrix and a non- metric multidimensional analysis showed that, there was a tendency of grouping according to habitats

    A taxonomic studyof the genus clerodendrum in Taiwan

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    以台灣產海州常山屬( Clerodendrum )之六個種的植物為材料,分別以掃描式電 子顯微鏡、濾紙色層分析法、電泳法、氣體色層分析法質譜析等方法進行本屬植物 之外部形態、葉表微細構造之觀察及其所含類黃素組成、過氧化同功異構首精油等 化學分析之比較,並以所得之數據應用電腦進行數量分類學之研究,綜合探討本屬 植物各種間及種內變異等之分類處理問題。 觀察與試驗結果現台灣產海州常山屬植物,各種間之化學性狀與外部形態之表現相 當一致,除了分別顯示出各種之特點外,亦共同反應出本屬之特性;應用實驗所得 之數據進行數量分類,結果顯示苦林盤、白毛臭牡丹與他植物間之係最為疏遠,龍 船花與白龍船花二個品種之關係為密切,其次為海州常山三個變種之關係,而臭茉 莉、大青、則介於其間。 綜合究之結果,我們支持台灣產海州常山屬植物在龍船花與龍船花及海州常山、法 氏海州常山及銹毛海州常山之種內變異問題分別以品及變種之階名稱來做為其分類 上之處理較為適宜。 #9203436 #9203436目次 附表目次 附圖目次 中文摘要 英文摘要 一 前言 二 前人研究 (一)屬之沿革 (二)學名問題 (三)葉表微細構造 (四)化學分類 (五)綜合各種文獻及查閱相關資料 (六)數量分類 三 材料與方法 (一)材料 (二)方法 四 結果與討論 (一)葉表微細構造觀察與紀錄 (二)濾紙色層分析類黃素之組成 (三)過氧化酉每同功異構酉每之電泳分析 (四)利用氣體色層及質譜分析精油之組成 (五)分類處理 五 結論 六 參考文獻 七 附錄 謝誌 口試合格證明 誌謝 目次 附表目次 附圖目次 附照片目次 中文摘要 英文摘要 一 前言 二 前人研究 一 屬之沿革 二 學名問題 三 葉表微細構造 四 化學分類 五 綜合各種文獻及查閱相關資料 六 數量分類 三 材料與方法 一 材料 二 方法 四 結果與討論 一 葉表微細構造觀察與記錄 二 利用濾紙色層分析類黃素之組成 三 過氧化 同功異構 之電泳分析 四 利用氣體色層及質譜分析精油之組成 五 分類處理 五 結論 六 參考文獻 七 附

    Studies pmPigment Components of Grape Skin

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    葡萄的果色受葉綠素、類黃素、花青素等色素之含量及其比例所影響,而花青素為顯色的主要關鍵。本研究利用溫度、光度及S-ABA等不同處理,調查其對果皮著色及色素組成份之影響。 由試驗結果得知,黑色品種之̀巨峰́葡萄主要色素,經比對其組成為cyanidin3,5- diglucoside、malvidin 3- glucoside、 peonidin 3,5-diglucoside、peonidin 3-glucoside、malvidn 3,5- diglucoside、malvidinρ- coumaroylglucoside。紅色品種之̀蜜紅́葡萄的主要色素則分別是cyanidin 3,5- diglucoside、cyanidin 3- glucoside以及cyanidinρ- coumaroylglucoside。 溫度方面,̀蜜紅́葡萄夏果於滿花後45日、52日、60日分別以20℃處理1週後發現,類黃素含量及花青素生成量比露天(溫度26℃)為高,類黃素含量分別為0.9~1倍、1.3倍及1.3~1.4倍,花青素分別為1.1倍、1~1.6倍及1.2~1.5倍。 光照方面,̀蜜紅́葡萄以結果枝密度之多少比較透光度對果皮著色之影響。以滿花後至85日不套袋組且結果枝密度為10枝/坪的花青素含量最高,分別為夏、冬果25枝/坪的4.4倍與2.4倍,且類黃素含量亦高達1.7倍與2倍,結果枝密度過密25枝/坪造成著色不良,採收時尚有黃綠果,10枝/坪不套袋組,雖然花青素含量最高,但是採收時著色過深。夏果枝條密度15枝/坪不套袋,冬果20枝/坪不套袋,外觀的果色表現最佳。 S-ABA 處理以1000ppm濃度,花青素生成量較為最高;冬果滿花後45日之S-ABA處理,對花青素的生成之影響最大,採收期時分別是30日、60日、75日處理的1.1倍、1.5倍及1.4倍;類黃素含量則分別為1倍、1.3倍與1.6倍。 由離体培養果實之試驗發現,與戶外栽培的結果相同。涼溫、高光照及處理S-ABA無論是̀蜜紅́或̀巨峰́均與果皮花青素的蓄積呈正相關,與果實顏色的表現關係密切。 綜合結果可知,溫度對果皮花青素蓄積的影響,於轉色期至成熟期左右的影響較大,而光照則直接影響在結果期至成熟發育期之前,內生ABA在轉色期時有增加的趨勢,此時外加S-ABA有增加花青素蓄積的效果。The grape skin coloration was influenced by the composition and proportion of chlorophyll, flavonoid, and anthocyanin. Among these anthocyanins, was the key element of coloration.The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of temperature, light, and S-ABA treatment on grape skin coloration and the composition and proportion of anthocyanins. In ''Kyoho'' grape, the main anthocyanins are cyanidin3,5- diglucoside, malvidin 3- glucoside, peonidin 3,5-diglucoside, peonidin 3-glucoside, malvidn 3,5- diglucoside, malvidinρ- coumaroylglucoside. On the other hand, the main anthocyanins in ''Honey Red'' grape are cyanidin 3,5- diglucoside, cyanidin 3- glucoside, and cyanidinρ- coumaroylglucoside. Regarding the temperature, when treating the summer flowering ''Honey Red'' grape in 20℃, for 42-day, 52-day, and 60-day, the proportions of flavonoid were 0.9~1 time、1.3 times, and 1.3~1.4 times than those were treated in 26 ℃ respectively; similarly, the proportions of anthocyanin were 1.1 times, 1~1.6 times, and 1.2~1.5 times, respectively. Concerning the light, the branch density determined the light so as to influence the grape skin coloration of ''Honey Red'' grape. The proportion of anthocyanin was the highest when the branch density was 10 branch/pin, using 85-day post flowering, without bag treatment. For the summer and winter fruit, the proportion of anthocyanin was 4.4 times and 2.4 times when treating 25 branch/pin; similarly, the flavonoid was 1.7 and 2 times, respectively. The 25 branch/pin treatment results in poor coloration and this treatment resulted in yellow-green fruit when collecting. For the 10 branch/pin, without bag treatment, despite the most proportion of anthocyanin, the grape quality is poor as well because of over coloration when collecting. In general, 15 branch/pin for summer fruit, without bag treatment and 20 branch/pin, for winter fruit, without bag treatment result in best performance of coloration. With regard to S-ABA treatment, when soaked in 1000 ppm, this treatment resulted in more anthocyanin. Also, the best time for treatment is 45-day post winter flowering. Comparing to 45-day, the proportion of anthocyanin were 1,1 time, 1.5 time, and 1.4 times for 30-day, 60-day, and 75-day treatment, respectively. Similarly, the proportion of flavonoid were 1 time, 1.3 times, and 1.6 times, respectively. The accumulation of anthocyanin shows positive correlation with cool temperature, high light, and S-ABA treatment for both ''Honey Red'' and ''Kyoho'' grapes. Also, all these treatments and processes have close relationships with the coloration of grape skin.中文摘要………………………………………………… 1 英文摘要………………………………………………… 3 第一章 緒言…………………………………………….. 5 第二章 前人研究……………………………………….. 8 第三章 果皮色素之組成 壹、摘要……………………………………… 42 貳、前言……………………………………… 43 參、材料及方法……………………………… 45 肆、結果與討論……………………………… 50 第四章 溫度處理對蜜紅葡萄果皮著色之影響 壹、摘要……………………………………… 63 貳、前言……………………………………… 64 參、材料及方法……………………………… 65 肆、結果與討論……………………………… 69 第五章 結果枝密度及套袋對蜜紅葡萄果皮著色之影響 壹、摘要……………………………………… 75 貳、前言…………………………………...… 76 參、材料及方法………………………….….. 77 肆、結果與討論……………………………… 78 第六章 S-ABA處理對葡萄果皮著色之影響 壹、摘要……………………………………… 99 貳、前言……………………………………… 100 參、材料及方法……………………………… 101 肆、結果與討論……………………………… 102 第七章 溫度、光度及生長調節物質處理對離体培養 葡萄果皮著色之影響 壹、摘要……………………………………… 127 貳、前言……………………………………… 128 參、材料及方法……………………………… 129 肆、結果與討論……………………………… 130 第八章 綜合討論……………………………………… 149 參考文獻………..………………….…………...……….. 158 附圖……………………………………...………………. 17


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    The study aims to investigate variation and relationships of the Australian provenances of Casuarina equisetifolia, C. cunninghamiana, C. glauca, and the Casuarina spp. from coastal areas in Taiwan. We used the exomorphic characters, flavonoid chromatogra將採集自澳洲所引種之木賊葉木麻黃(Casuarina equisetifolia)、肯氏木麻黃(C. cunninghamiana)及銀木麻黃(C. glauca)等原生種源,應用其確切來源之種類與臺灣海岸15處之栽培木麻黃比對,藉由小枝之形態性狀,佐以類黃素色層分析,經由數量統計分類方法來探討臺灣栽培木麻黃族群小枝外觀型態之變異。結果顯示小枝之長度、鞘齒葉數目在種類間有顯著之差異,而在小枝之節間長度則差異不顯著;同時發現大多數臺灣木麻黃小枝之形態性狀,與澳洲所引種之木賊葉木麻黃種源相近,惟其中芳苑(T


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    Anthocyanins and Flower Color Expression

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    創新花色是花卉育種的主要目標之一,而花青素(anthocyanins)是影響花色最主要的化學成份,藉由對花青素與花色表現關係的瞭解,將有助於吾人對花色變異的掌握,而有助於花色育種之進行。影響花色表現的因子包括花青素的種類與濃度、花青素結構之取代作用、所處環境之pH值、金屬離子的嵌合作用、共色素的種類等,因此若能利用前述特性,組合控制胞液pH值、花青素與共色素濃度比及花青素濃度等特性,或利用含有類黃素類的共色素之種原做爲育種材料,應可另關一條創新花色的途徑。 With breeding programs designed for the introduction of new flower color, it is recommended to pay more attention to the effects of anthocyanin compounds an the flower color expression. Factors discussed here that affecting pigmentation include anthocyanin structures, pH value in cell sap of petals. co-pigmentation, metal chelates, the shape of epidermal cells, and so on. it is suggested that desired colors may also be created by recombining factors controlling pH, anthotyanin concentrations, and the molar ratios of copigment to anthocyanin, or utilizing the occurrence of flavonoid copigments within the available germplasm