826 research outputs found

    A machanical vision designing of PZT wafer defect inspection system

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    压电晶体PZT产品常有裂纹、油污、破损及涂胶不均等表面缺陷,且缺陷尺寸、形状不确定,因而导致人工分检难度大,分检合格率低。为此本文提出了用机器视觉检测PZT产品的表面缺陷,研究在产品图像准确获取的基础上,通过图像增强、图像分割和缺陷特征提取的算法实施,由软件程序确定PZT产品的表面缺陷。本文主要研究内容如下: ①采用空间域和频域方法增强待测PZT图像特征,并用微分算子法和阈值分割进行PZT图像边缘分割,从而完成了工件图像在背景中的分离,降低处理的复杂性,提高处理速度。 ②采用区域连通的轮廓识别方法,给出金属基片与PZT感受膜的图形,根据图形内外轮廓的偏心距判断工件缺陷;采用波长400nm紫...The piezoelectric PZT products often crack, breakage, oil and coating uneven surface defects, defect size, shape and uncertainty, resulting in manual inspection is difficult, low qualified rate.In this paper, the surface defects of machine vision detection of PZT products, basic research in product image obtain, through the implementation of image enhancement, image segmentation and feature extrac...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:3312012115267


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    陶瓷的物理性能与其相应的微观结构之间存在着密切的相互联系,如晶粒尺度、晶界、晶粒取向等都对物理性能有影响。深入了解微观结构与宏观性能的相互关系,将有助于陶瓷材料的开发与应用。而且陶瓷的微观结构并不是静止的,而是处于非平衡的动态之中,因此有必要研究与陶瓷微观结构演化密切相关的晶粒生长动力学问题。在过去50多年中,许多学者从不同的角度研究了晶粒生长问题,用计算机进行晶粒生长的仿真研究也是当前热门的课题。 本论文的主要研究内容是从原子线度出发,根据MonteCarlo仿真方法建立ABO3型陶瓷晶粒生长的三维仿真模型,并用MicrosoftVisualC++和OpenGL开发相应的仿真软件。不论是从...The physical properties of ceramics are closely related to their microstructure such as the grain scale, grain boundary, grain orientation, etc. It’s helpful for the development and application of ceramic materials to find out the relationship between microstructure and macroscopical performance. Moreover, the microstructure of ceramics is not static but dynamic, therefore, it’s necessary to study...学位:工学硕士院系专业:计算机与信息工程学院自动化系_系统工程学号:19993100

    Classification and Manufacturing Craft of the Prehistoric Slit-Jade in East Asia

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    自史前时代后期以来,玉玦一直是人类玉文化艺术的重要因素之一,在古代人类的艺术史上占据着特殊的地位。本文在对“玉玦”作科学界定的基础上,探讨其空间分布规律,分析其艺术风格与功能的时空演变,复原古代玉玦的制作工艺。本文结合了笔者在香港中文大学中国文化研究所中国考古艺术研究中心对香港沙螺湾遗址出土资料的整理研究的实践收获,进一步探索古代东亚玉玦的制作程序。 全文共分四节: 第一节,界定“玉玦”的内涵及其考古发现,探讨玉玦的时空分布规律。 第二节,根据考古资料,对东亚史前玉玦进行初步分型定式,探索玉玦的艺术风格与功能演变,再现东亚史前玦饰文化发展历程。 第三节,评估玉作技术逻辑推理的缺陷,通过...Slit-Jade is always one of important attributes of jade culture since the prehistoric age. It occupies the special status in the ancient humanity's artistic history. Based on the scientific classification of slit-jade, this paper analyzes its evolution of the artistic style in the space and time dimensions, discusses the rule of its spatial distribution, and recovers the manufacturing craft of the...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_考古学及博物馆学学号:20010200

    PL-Mapping of Epitaxial Wafers System Based on LabVIEW

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    对于半导体材料而言,光致发光(Photoluminescence,PL)是一种有力又无破坏性的技术,在半导体工业及研究领域得到广泛应用,为国内外研究第三代半导体材料的光学性质提供了重要的实验依据。通过分析光致发光谱可以得知各种半导体材料的带隙、掺杂杂质种类,可以估算化合物半导体材料的组成成分,也可以研究一般物理或电学测量方法很难得到的异质结的内层结构。根据不同测试需求,光致发光谱也演化成为多种手段,如发射谱、激发谱和瞬态谱等。但是在一般的PL谱测量中,只能反映出整个半导体外延片中单点的材料特性,如通过峰位、半高宽,发光强度对比估算出半导体材料的带边峰峰位、质量好坏、内量子效率等。然而由于生长过...For the semiconductor material, the PL (photoluminescence) is a powerful but no destructive technology, which has been widely used in the semiconductor industry and research areas, especially important for the research in the optical properties of the third generation semiconductor material. By analyzing the photoluminescence spectra, we can get the band gap of semiconductor materials, estimate th...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_微电子学与固体电子学学号:1982010115283

    Living interiors in the digital age: the Smart Home

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    open1Domotics is a term derived from the contraction of the Latin word domus (home) and the disciplines of informatics, telematics and robotics. With the advent of the mechanization era at the beginning of the XX century “home automation” started to revolutionize domestic interiors with labor-saving machines, lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems that have been grown ever faster with the introduction of electric power distribution. Even so, writing about the Smart Home implicates a deeper understanding of how technologies advent have modified (and will modify) our life and living spaces not only from a “domotical” prospective. The passage from the mechanization era to the digital era is a critic step of our contemporary history. As technology changes so do society, the environment, and the practice of architecture and design. The globalizing “network society” has forced architects and designers to readapt their work to new modalities of production and construction, new patterns of movement and settlement, new cultural priorities and new space and objects typologies that have radically changed our living environment.Chiara LecceLecce, Chiar

    3D model construction of cornea and its Biomechanical analysis by Finite Element Method

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    虚拟器官的建模与仿真是当前国际上研究的前沿课题。眼睛作为人体中一个极为精密且十分重要的器官,其建模与仿真的实现具有十分重要的意义。角膜是人眼的重要组成部分,角膜的特性对于眼疾病的诊断和治疗有着重要的意义。要建立能够正确模拟与仿真人眼的“虚拟眼”系统,就必须对虚拟眼角膜进行正确地模拟与仿真。因此建立与分析角膜三维物理模型对于虚拟眼在实际中的应用具有重要意义。本文首先致力于设计一个通过国人典型角膜数据在ANSYS中模拟出角膜的三维物理结构;然后在建出的角膜三维模型的基础上,对其进行眼内压模拟仿真。在三维模型的基础上,提取出二维截面模型,对其进行降温仪速冻模拟。本文的研究具有以下几点创新:1、根据国...The construction of virtual organ is one of the frontier research areas. As one of the most important and tiny organs of human, eye should be modeled and simulated factitiously. Cornea----as one of the most important part of eye----whose characteristics are of great significance to diagnosis and cure of eyes’ diseases. In order to constitute the visualization model of the virtual human eyes, cor...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_计算机应用技术学号:20034001

    Compositional Quantitation and Brand Identification of Beer via NMR Approach Combined with Multivariate Statistical Analysis

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    利用核磁共振技术检测福建产青岛、雪花、雪津麦之初和惠泉一麦等4种不同品牌啤酒的化学组分,结合多元统计方法分析不同啤酒的主成分差异,获得麦芽糖、葡萄糖、丙氨酸、乙酸等26种主要差异组分。并结合2种重要风味物质甘氨酸、丙酮酸,定量分析这28种主要成分,获得不同类型啤酒之间的组成差异及它们对啤酒风味的影响;进而建立啤酒的Fisher判别模型,实现不同品牌啤酒的鉴别。本研究可以检测不同来源啤酒样品的差异化学成分及含量,又可为其他酒类的鉴定分类提供参考。In this study, the chemical components of four beer samples of different brands including Tsingtao, Snow, Xuejin and Huiquan were quantitatively analyzed using NMR spectroscopy, and their differential components were identified by multivariate statistical analysis. 26 differential components were obtained, including maltose, glucose, alanine and organic acids. Quantitative analysis of the 26 components plus 2 important flavoring components glycine and pyruvate acid were carried out to confirm the compositional differences between these four kinds of beer and to understand their influence on the special flavor of beer. Furthermore, Fisher classification discriminant model was successfully established for the identification of beer of different brands. This study provided a new method to detect the chemical components and their content in beer of different brands, and a useful reference for the classification of other alcoholic drinks.国家自然科学基金项目(31372546,81371639);; 福建省自然科学基金项目(2014J01247,2015Y0032);; 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(20720150018

    文理人 (Wenliren: Humanities, Science, Human)

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