110 research outputs found

    Study on Synthesis of N-containing Compounds from 5-Hydroxymethyl Furfural

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    生物质被认为是唯一可以替代化石资源获取燃料、材料和化学品的可再生资源。作为生物质基重要平台化合物,5-羟甲基糠醛(HMF)由于其独特的化学结构引起了国内外广泛关注。含氮化合物可以广泛应用于制备医药中间体、护肤品、农药、精细化学品以及合成聚合物等;近年来,生物质基5-羟甲基糠醛合成含氮化合物成为研究的热点。本论文提出了HMF合成含氮化合物的新方法,利用Ritter反应和还原胺化反应分别将HMF的羟基和醛基胺化,探讨了HMF合成N-乙酰基-5-氨甲基糠醛(NAMF)并进一步合成2,5-二氨甲基呋喃(BAF)的反应途径。 首先,研究了HMF在酸催化条件下与乙腈反应制备NAMF的途径。在反应温度10...In recent years, biomass is considered the only renewable resource on earth that can replace fossil resources for the production of fuel, materials and chemicals. As an important platform chemical derived from biomass, 5-Hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) is attracting more and more attention owning to the unique chemical structure with both hydroxyl and aldehyde groups. Nitrogen compounds can be widely...学位:工程硕士院系专业:能源学院_工程硕士(材料工程)学号:3242014115225

    Isolation and investigation of xylitol-producing yeasts and bioconversion of lignocellulose into xylitol and ethanol

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    木糖醇是一种五碳糖醇,可作为甜味剂用于食品和糖果工业,由于木糖醇具有防龋齿功效,又可用于医学中的牙科治疗。木糖醇可以由酵母或真菌生产,尤其是假丝酵母属。而木糖是存在于木质纤维素的主要成分之一,也是仅次于葡萄糖的最广泛存在的天然糖。木质纤维素作为地球上资源最丰富的生物质原料,可以被转化为生物燃料、化学物质、酶制剂以及廉价能源等具有经济价值的产品。木质纤维素原料可以通过化学处理和酶水解,产生的单糖可以经过微生物发酵生产木糖醇和酒精。在木质纤维素水解液的发酵过程中,微生物的发酵性能将会受到多种抑制剂的影响,这些抑制剂来自于木质纤维素水解产生的酚类物质、呋喃衍生物以及弱酸类物质。抑制剂的存在将会影响到...As a five-carbon sugar alcohol, xylitol is used as a natural sweetener in the food and confectionary industries. Xylitol is also used in dental care owing to its anticariogenic effect. Xylitol can be produced by natural xylose-assimilating yeasts and fungi, especially Candida species. Xylose is a major pentose sugar found in lignocelluloses and is the second most abundant natural sugar. As the mos...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学工程与生物工程系_生物化工学号:2062007115091

    Over-expression of Xylose isomerase/Xylulokinase and Construction of O2-tolerant hydrogenase in Klebsiella oxytoca HP1

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    在石化燃料枯竭和全球气候变暖的双重危机下,氢气作为一种可再生、零排放和高热值的清洁能源载体而备受关注。关于氢能的研究主要围绕氢的制取和氢的利用两个方面展开。在众多制氢方式中,生物制氢因其生产成本低、原料来源丰富和环境污染小,从而成为制氢研究的热点。在氢的利用中,燃料电池技术一直以来都是研究的重点。氢酶是一种含金属的氧化还原酶,其广泛存在于微生物中,能够可逆地催化H+的还原和H2的氧化(2H++2e-↔H2)。无论是在氢的制取还是氢的利用中,氢酶都是氢能技术的核心之一。 KlesiellaoxytocaHP1具有高效产氢的特性,且生长迅速,可用于大规模发酵产氢。纤维素是世界上最丰富...Facing energy crisis and global warming, the clean energy carrier H2 has been a hot spot with characters of renewability, zero-emission and high energy yield. Research on hydrogen energy mainly focuses on hydrogen production and hydrogen application. Among all hydrogen production modes, biohydrogen production has become a promising method because of its low cost, abundant source of raw materials a...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162012115231

    Screening of high-efficienct strain for degradation cellulose material

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    摘要纤维素资源的开发与利用一直是国内外研究的热点,而纤维素的高效降解与糖化是制约纤维素生物质应用的关键。本研究从腐烂稻草、朽木条、土壤和牛粪等样品中分离到6株纤维素降解菌株。通过滤纸崩解试验、刚果红纤维素平板识别以及液体发酵产酶鉴定,筛选到一株分解纤维素能力较强的真菌。经形态观察和18SrDNA基因片断分析,鉴定该菌株为青霉T24-2。对青霉T24-2的液态发酵条件进行研究。菌株在含3%稻草粉、0.25%尿素和无机盐营养液的培养基中发酵4d,自然pH,30℃,130r/min,菌株的CMC酶活(羧甲基纤维素酶活)和滤纸酶活分别达到45.01IU/mL和6.89IU/mL。采用液态发酵法对该菌酶...Abstract The search and exploitation of efficient cellulolytic strains is the key step for the exploiture and utilization of cellulose resources. In order to obtain efficient cellulose decomposing microbes, the author isolated 6 cellulose pro- ducing strains from putrid straw, wood, soil, and cattle feces etc. On the basis of these strains, a high cellulase-producing strain was isolated through th...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_微生物学学号:20042603

    Effects of Glucose and Xylose on the Production of Astaxanthin by Chlorella zofingiensis in the Dark

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    目的:以小球藻Chlorella zofingiensis为研究对象,以葡萄糖和木糖为混合碳源,优化混合碳源浓度提高异养培养虾青素产量。方法:利用JMP软件中完全析因设计法考查葡萄糖和木糖浓度对虾青素产量的影响,并采用SAS软件对实验数据进行回归分析。结果:优化条件下葡萄糖和木糖浓度分别为26.86 g/L和16.92 g/L。结论:优化后的虾青素产量达到8.65 mg/L,比初始条件产量7.39 mg/L提高了17%。Objective: Optimization of the concentration of glucose and xylose was carried out to increase astaxanthin yield by ChloreUa zof- ingiensis heterotrophically. Method:Full Factorial Design by software JMP was used to investigate the effects of glucose and xylose on the production of astaxanthin,and the experimental data was analyzed using regression analysis method by software SAS. Result:The optimal concentrations of glucose and xylose were 26. 86 g/L and 16. 92 g/L Conclusion: Astaxanthin yield of C. zofingiensis could reach 8.65 mg/L under optimum concentration,which was 17% higher than that achieved under original concentration (7. 39 mg/L)

    Study on solid-state fermentation and purification of cellulase from Penicillium sp.T24-2

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    青霉T24-2是一株具有较高固态发酵产酶能力的菌株。本文通过对青霉T24-2的固态发酵条件进行研究,确定了该菌株的最佳产酶条件为:固体培养基蔗麸比为4:6,添加0.2%尿素为氮源,按10%接种量接种种龄为18h的菌悬液,每250mL三角瓶中固体培养基装瓶量30g(干重10g),pH自然,30℃下培养3d。最佳糖化条件为:曲料比1:3,加水比1:6,在50℃,170r/min条件下糖化18h,最高糖化率可达32.4%,每100g甘蔗渣糖化液经酿酒酵母发酵后,酒精产量可达11.3g。 甘蔗渣经4%二甲基亚砜预处理后,制曲并糖化,CMCase和FPA酶活分别可达219.38U/g和16.07U/g...Penicillium sp.T24-2 is a high cellulase-producing strain for solid-state fermentation. The optimum solid state fermentation conditions for cellulase production were achieved as: the ratio of bagasse to wheat bran was 4:6, 0.2% urea as nitrogen source, the inoculation quantity was 10% with loading age 18h, medium quantity was 30g(dry weight 10g) in a 250mL flask, natural pH, 30℃, starter-making ti...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物化学与生物技术系_微生物学学号:2005130202

    Studies on selective oxidation of glucose to glucaric acid and α-methyl glucoside to α-methyl glucoside acid over CNT supported platinum catalyst

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    纤维素由于在自然界中含量丰富,并同时具有不可食用的特点,使得其在生 物质催化转化的领域具有十分重要的地位。根据纤维素自身的结构特点,将其转 化为小分子的葡萄糖后再进一步转化成为平台化学品,是最具原子经济效益的方 法之一。以纤维素水解制备葡萄糖为基础,将葡萄糖经过氧化制备葡萄糖二酸, 再将葡萄糖二酸经过氢解制备重要的化工原料己二酸,是一条十分具有经济效 益,十分环保的转化路径。 本篇论文研究了在纤维素水解为葡萄糖或醇解为葡萄糖苷的基础下,将前一 步产物进行选择性氧化得到相应的酸的氧化规律。研究发现,在使用负载型催化 剂Pt/CNT时,在1MPa的氧气气氛中,在60oC温度下,加入...Cellulose has a very important position in the field of catalytic biomass conversion because of its rich content in nature and inedible. Because of the structure, the transformation of cellulose to glucose is the first step. System that is capable of catalyzing the conversion of glucose into other platform chemicals is one of the most atom-economic pathways for converting cellulose. We prepar...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学学号:2052014115159

    Applications of cellulase multi-complex in agricultural waste

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    生物质资源是可再生资源,在可持续发展中具有不可替代的作用。工业应用主要聚焦在农业废弃物的生物质资源再利用上,但是目前利用率较低,因而寻找简洁、高效的转化手段对降低环境污染、及能源危机的时代具有重大意义。 本文利用里氏木霉菌纤维素酶(TR)和茶叶渣农业废弃物的协同作用吸收重金属铬Cr(VI),并建立其动力学模型。实验表明里氏木霉菌纤维素水解酶对茶叶去除铬有协同效应,不仅能产具有高价值的茶多糖,而且经由里氏木霉菌纤维素酶水解后的茶叶粒径更小、曝露更多吸附表面,提供更多碳原子攻击位点,结构更有利于吸附Cr(VI)。未处理茶叶(UN-TW)和酶处理茶叶(TRCEL-TW)吸附Cr(VI)的最佳条件都...Biomass resources are the renewable resources, which has an irreplaceable role in the sustainable development. The abundant agricultural wastes are the critical focus in the industrial application. Due to the low utilization of agricultural wastes, to explore the simple and efficient approaches to reduce the impact of environmental pollution and crisis of fossil fuel are with significant importanc...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_工业催化学号:2062011115150

    Gene cloning of cellulases from Hypocrea orientalis and its expression in Pichia pastoris

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    纤维素生物质是地球上最丰富的可再生资源,利用它可以生产燃料乙醇等生物液体燃料,进而缓解全世界日益突出的能源危机和环境污染问题。然而,由于纤维素生物质结构的特殊性,工业上将其水解为可发酵糖的生产成本过高,成为燃料乙醇炼制过程中的瓶颈。纤维素的酶法水解因条件温和、副产物少、环境友好等特点受到广泛重视。利用基因工程手段外源高效表达纤维素酶是降低纤维素酶生产成本的途径之一。 本论文以东方肉座菌EU7-22为研究对象,利用RT-PCR技术克隆出7种纤维素酶基因的cDNA序列,包括β-葡萄糖苷酶I基因(bglI),外切葡聚糖酶I基因(cbhI),外切葡聚糖酶II基因(cbhII),内切葡聚糖酶I基因(e...Cellulosic biomass is one of the most abundant renewable resources on the earth, which is used to produce fuel ethanol and other bio-liquid fuel. It can alleviate the energy crisis and environmental pollution that become more and more serious. However, due to the special structure of cellulosic biomass, the production cost is too high when convert it into fermentable sugars in industry, which beco...学位:理学硕士院系专业:能源研究院_能源化学学号:3242010115209

    Study on catalytic conversion of cellulose into glucose and levulinic acid over Fe-resin catalyst in NaCl solution under hydrothermal conditions

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    生物质中的纤维素和半纤维是糖的聚合物,能够水解产生单糖和各种有用的化学品。因此,纤维素和半纤维素的水解对生物质的充分利用来说是非常重要的。本论文以微晶纤维素(MCC)和稻草秸秆为研究对象,利用Fe-resin在NaCl溶液中对其进行水解反应制取葡糖糖和平台化合物乙酰丙酸(LA)和糠醛。主要结果为: (1)在水热条件下利用Fe-resin在NaCl溶液中对MCC进行水解,以MCC的转化率以及葡萄糖和LA的收率为考察指标,研究了影响MCC水解反应的因素如制备Fe-resin的FeCl3溶液的浓度、NaCl的浓度、反应温度和时间,筛选出MCC的最佳反应条件为:0.5gMCC,0.3g10%Fe-r...Cellulose and hemicellulose in biomass are both glycans and can be hydrolyzed into monosaccharide, which can be further converted into some useful chemicals. Therefore it is important for the hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicellulose for the utilization of biomass. This paper researches the hydrolysis of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and rice straw (RS) by Fe-resin in NaCl solution to obtain mo...学位:工程硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学工程学号:2062011115151