31,755 research outputs found

    モンゴルコク ゲンソン イセキ ヒブン チョウサ ケンキュウ ホウコク

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    目次1 (本文Mongli1.pdf) : 略号・文献目録 / 調査行程表・行程図 / 行動記録(1996,1997,1998年度) / GPS計測値表目次2 (本文Mongli2.pdf) : 突厥・ウイグル・モンゴル時代の遺蹟出土瓦とレンガ / ルーン文字碑文凡例 / ブグト遺蹟 / ブグト碑文 / オンギ遺蹟 / オンギ碑文 / イフ=ハヌイ=ノール遺蹟・銘文 / シヴェート=オラーン遺蹟 / シヴェート=オラーン碑文 / カラ=バルガスン第二碑文 / ムハル遺蹟の亀趺 / キョル=テギン亀趺銘文 / イフ=ホショートゥ遺蹟とキュリ=チョル碑文 / テス碑文 / タリアト碑文 / シネウス遺蹟・碑文 / バイバリク遺蹟 / カラ=バルガスン宮城と都市遺址 / カラ=バルガスン碑文目次3 (本文Mongli3.pdf) : セブレイ碑文 / モンゴル時代遺蹟・遺物現況 / カラコルム関係碑文所在状況 / カラコルム関係碑文官職名・人名総合索引 / 嶺北省右丞郎中総管収粮記 / 釈迦院遺蹟 / 釈迦院碑記 / 宣威軍城趾 / 宣威軍碑 / フイテン=ゴル岩壁銘文 / ハルホル=ハン遺蹟 / シャーザン=ホト遺蹟 / ツァガン=バイシン遺蹟・ツォクト=ホンタイジ碑文・岩壁銘文 / Хегшин Тээлийн балгасанд эртний судлаын малтлага судалгаа хийсэн тухай / 図版一覧(Plates 1a-20b


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    本稿では、「関聖宮碑」と「禁砍森林碑」という二枚の護林碑の分析を通し、護林碑が立てられた背景には、漢人の進出による森林破壊と、この地域特有の土地の利用方法があったことを明らかにする。This report analyzes two inscriptions concerning forest conservation, Guan Sheng Gong Bei(関聖宮碑)and Jin Kan Sen Lin Bei(禁砍森林碑), and it shows that these inscriptions concerning forest conservation appeared in the 19th century because of a deforestation by Han people and the way they used the land in Yuanyang prefecture Ganiang county

    The Impact of Consumption Experience on the Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth

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    在网络口碑传播效果中,对于消费体验的研究较少,不同的体验感受之下,消费者可能会传播不同的内容,并且不同的体验可能会改变消费者本身对网络口碑的信任度。本研究以信息说服与加工理论及广告说服效果相关理论为背景,将网络口碑信息视为一种广告信息,主要研究了消费体验对网络口碑传播效果的影响。研究探讨了两个问题:消费体验和网络口碑面向一致性与否对网络口碑传播效果会产生什么影响?而当消费体验和网络口碑面向不同时,又会对网络口碑传播效果产生什么影响?为探索以上问题,本研究设计了2X2X2(正/负面网络口碑信息,好/差的消费体验,网络口碑先于消费体验/网络口碑后于消费体验)的方式分组实验。通过实验发现,当网络口碑...In the studies of the effect of the electronic word of mouth (EWOM), the consumer experience doesn’t appear often. Under the different experience feeling, the consumers may spread the different content, and the different experience may change consumers’ originally credibility to the electronic word of mouth. With the information persuasion and processing as the theoretical background, considerin...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_广告学学号:3192013115304

    Language Without Words: A Pointillist Model for Natural Language Processing

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    This paper explores two separate questions: Can we perform natural language processing tasks without a lexicon?; and, Should we? Existing natural language processing techniques are either based on words as units or use units such as grams only for basic classification tasks. How close can a machine come to reasoning about the meanings of words and phrases in a corpus without using any lexicon, based only on grams? Our own motivation for posing this question is based on our efforts to find popular trends in words and phrases from online Chinese social media. This form of written Chinese uses so many neologisms, creative character placements, and combinations of writing systems that it has been dubbed the "Martian Language." Readers must often use visual queues, audible queues from reading out loud, and their knowledge and understanding of current events to understand a post. For analysis of popular trends, the specific problem is that it is difficult to build a lexicon when the invention of new ways to refer to a word or concept is easy and common. For natural language processing in general, we argue in this paper that new uses of language in social media will challenge machines' abilities to operate with words as the basic unit of understanding, not only in Chinese but potentially in other languages.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure


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    Research of the Records of Events Inscribed on Tablets by Zhou Bida

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    周必大共有131篇碑志文,其中墓志铭76篇,神道碑31篇,墓碣10篇,塔铭6篇,行状2篇,墓表2篇,圹志2篇,葬记2篇。其中18篇无明确创作时间外,其余113篇皆有确切创作时间。 绪论介绍选题缘由,综述周必大研究现状。 第一章对“碑志文”这一文体进行界定,并对周必大的碑志文进行分类。由于历代对“碑志”这一文体的界定较为模糊,看法不一,本文首先对碑志文的含义进行界定。在详细分析文本的基础,把握周必大碑志文的整体格局。从内容上划分其碑志文为先贤、同僚、同年、友人、亲人、僧人、请铭、女性几类,并以客观、公正为基本写作原则,对具体写作对象施以不同的写作手法。同僚一类,内容多侧重对墓主政治功绩的肯定...The Inscription is one of the ancient Chinese styles.As one of the important writers of the Southern Song Dynasty, he has 131 Inscriptions in total. Among those, there are 18 Inscriptions have no clear creation time, The remaining has exact creation time. The introduction introduces the reason to select this topic, and reviewing the present situation of Zhou Bida’s research. Chapter1 defined a...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国古代文学学号:1022013115241

    Power, identity and antiquarian approaches in modern Chinese art

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    The pursuit of antiquity was important for scholarly artists in constructing their knowledge of history and cultural identity in late Imperial China. Following various publications by Bi Yuan 畢沅 (1730-1797), Wu Yi 武億 (1745-1799) and Qian Daxin 錢大昕 (1728-1804) in the 18th century, the study and collecting of rubbings of Northern Wei stone inscriptions and steles was popular. Such spread of interest in jinshi, inscriptions on metal and stone, also formed a base for studying seal carving, epigraphy and archaic painting. While traditional antiquarians would cherish inscriptions which enabled them to correct mistakes in the transmitted historical texts and the Classics, however, much of the antiquarian activity was adapted to mere literary exercise or connoisseurship, for instance, to supplying materials which could provide models for seal-carving and calligraphy. Examples could be seen in the calligraphy works and seal carvings of the Xiling bajia 西泠八家 (Eight Masters of Xiling, i.e. Hangzhou), also known as Zhe School of Calligraphy and Carving. Their keen interest in seeking inspiration from steles for their artistic presentations has been recorded in their writing and painting. In addition, the way the scholar-collector of the 19th and early 20th centuries mounted the rubbings, seals, inscriptions, paintings, letters and textual evidence studies into one album shows a changing ideology: rubbings were not only for scholarly study in classical learning, but were regarded as part of the art form and were appreciated on various social occasions. The antiquarian movement ultimately served as a tool for re-writing art historiography in modern China. This paper aims to address the phenomenon and formation of the jinshi painting that dominated in late Imperial and early modern China. Through case studies of three important jinshi societies in Shanghai, I will investigate in what way literary taste from the southern region gradually replaced imperial patronage which was in decline after the Qianlong emperor’s reign, and how the shift of the cultural centre from Beijing to the southern regions from the mid-19th century onwards became a reflection of changing power and identity for cultural leaders and their perspectives in history and the history of objects

    The Effects of eWOM Re-Diffusion Intention Under the Background of Social E-commerce

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    网络购物和社交网络是移动互联网时代两种极其重要的应用,中国网民规模的增长也呈现了持续、稳定、快速的发展,网络购物环境呈多样化发展,社会化电子商务就在网络购物和社交网络寻找持续快速增长出口的机遇中得到了迅速发展。在社会化电子商务模式下,购物模式正在发生变化,在线口碑信息的扩散机制也在发生着变化,网民通过社交方式有目标地自主传播和分享产品信息,并影响其他用户的消费行为。口碑的再传播是从口碑发送者到广大口碑受众扩散的中间环节,因网络传播容量的无限性,网络口碑的再传播可以做到病毒式的扩散效应,帮助企业在极短的时间获得最佳的口碑营销效果。 因此,本文构建了基于社会化电子商务背景的网络在线口碑再传播意愿...Online shopping and social networking are two very important application of mobile Internet era. With continuous, fast and stable development of netizen scale in China, online purchase environment shows diversified development, and common e-commerce has attained fast development when online purchase and social networks seek the opportunity of continuous and fast growth. In the electronic commerce ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_管理科学与工程学号:1772013115109


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     本報告で紹介する「清理鄭營民水碑記」、「水溝碑」は、雲南地方の人々がどのように、農業用水を分配してきたかという水利にかかわる碑文である。従来、水利にかかわる碑刻史料は、主にその土地で、どのような水利慣行が行われていたかという問題について、多く法制史の立場から考察されてきた。しかし、一方で水利にかかわる碑刻史料の多くには、農業用水分配にいたる、経緯、方法そして彼らが自然資源をどのように利用してきたかという問題についても記されている。これまで、本調査で収集されてきた碑刻史料は、その内容が今回初めて明らかになったものも多い。このため、これら碑刻史料に対する考察は、人々が自然資源をどのように利用してきたかという生態史上において、新たな知見を与えると考えられる。This article introduces inscriptions that explain the situation concerning the distribution of water for agricultural use in Yunnan province. In the past, such inscriptions about irrigation practices have mostly been studied from the perspective of legal history. This article shows that many of them record the methods of distributing agricultural water and how people used natural resources, and are important for the history of the environment