325 research outputs found

    A Hidden Conditional Random Field-Based Approach for Thai Tone Classification

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    In Thai, tonal information is a crucial component for identifying the lexical meaning of a word. Consequently, Thai tone classification can obviously improve performance of Thai speech recognition system. In this article, we therefore reported our study of Thai tone classification. Based on our investigation, most of Thai tone classification studies relied on statistical machine learning approaches, especially the Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-based approach and the Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based approach. Although both approaches gave reasonable performances, they had some limitations due to their mathematical models. We therefore introduced a novel approach for Thai tone classification using a Hidden Conditional Random Field (HCRF)-based approach. In our study, we also investigated tone configurations involving tone features, frequency scaling and normalization techniques in order to fine tune performances of Thai tone classification. Experiments were conducted in both isolated word scenario and continuous speech scenario. Results showed that the HCRF-based approach with the feature F_dF_aF, ERB-rate scaling and a z-score normalization technique yielded the highest performance and outperformed a baseline using the ANN-based approach, which had been reported as the best for the Thai tone classification, in both scenarios. The best performance of HCRF-based approach provided the error rate reduction of 10.58% and 12.02% for isolated word scenario and continuous speech scenario respectively when comparing with the best result of baselines

    Improving accuracy of Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging using hidden markov model and morphological analysis for Myanmar Language

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    In Natural Language Processing (NLP), Word segmentation and Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging are fundamental tasks. The POS information is also necessary in NLP’s preprocessing work applications such as machine translation (MT), information retrieval (IR), etc. Currently, there are many research efforts in word segmentation and POS tagging developed separately with different methods to get high performance and accuracy. For Myanmar Language, there are also separate word segmentors and POS taggers based on statistical approaches such as Neural Network (NN) and Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). But, as the Myanmar language's complex morphological structure, the OOV problem still exists. To keep away from error and improve segmentation by utilizing POS data, segmentation and labeling should be possible at the same time.The main goal of developing POS tagger for any Language is to improve accuracy of tagging and remove ambiguity in sentences due to language structure. This paper focuses on developing word segmentation and Part-of- Speech (POS) Tagger for Myanmar Language. This paper presented the comparison of separate word segmentation and POS tagging with joint word segmentation and POS tagging

    The Effect of Answer Patterns for Supervised Named Entity Recognition in Thai

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