65,838 research outputs found

    Africa region population projections : 1990-91

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    As recently as the mid-1970s, the Africa region had a smaller population than the Asia, the Latin American and the Caribbean, or the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa regions. Explosive population growth of more than 3 percent per year, projected to decline only gradually, will make Africa the second largest region by 2005. Its share of the world's population will increase from less than 10 percent now to 20 percent in the middle of the next century and to 25 percent when stationarity is finally reached. Vital rates vary relatively little among the subregions of sub-Saharan Africa. Fertility is uniformly high, with the total fertility rate higher than 6 children per woman. Linked with high fertility are high infant mortality rates, which are above 100 per thousand births for subregions. A few countries - Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Kenya - are leading the way in the African fertility transition. Recent fertility surveys in these countries show an increase in the use of contraceptives and the first evidence of fertility decline. It is assumed in the projections that this trend will spread to other countries. Most African governments now report their country's population growth rates as too high.Demographics,Health Indicators,Health Information&Communications Technologies,,Earth Sciences&GIS

    Summary 1990-91

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    Finance 1990-91

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    IPEDS Finance annual report contains the following information: • Revenues by source (e.g., tuition and fees, government, private gifts) • Expenses by function (e.g., instruction, research, plant maintenance and operation) • Scholarships, physical plant assets and indebtedness • Assets, liabilities and net assets • Different formats are used based on the institution’s accounting standard

    Litmag 1990-91

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    Litmag is a student-run literary magazine published annually each spring through the English Department. Our purpose is to promote the creative work of students and staff and increase awareness of the ever-present literary talent on UMSL’s campus. We aim to produce a high quality journal that gives emerging writers and artists a venue to display their work and experience the world of professional publishing.https://irl.umsl.edu/litmag/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Asia region population projections : 1990-91 edition

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    Almost half the worlds population lives in Asia. This proportion is expected to decline to 40 percent by the end of the next century, mainly because of slowing growth in China. Other countries will continue to grow rapidly, and India, which adds more people every year than any other country, is project to surpass China in total population. Recent contraceptive prevalence surveys in several countries in the region show increasing proportions of couples using birth control. Fertility in these countries, mostly in Southeast Asia, has consequently declined rapidly. Population growth rates started to drop in many countries in the region in the past decade, but the momentum built in to the age structures of the populations will ensure continued population growth for many decades. Other countries in the region are lagging in fertility decline, and their populations will continue to grow at high rates. Infant and child mortality are the lowest in countries where fertility has declined.Earth Sciences&GIS,Demographics,Health Indicators,Health Information&Communications Technologies,

    The case of the reluctant recovery

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    Anecdotal evidence has it that the 1990-91 downturn was a predominantly white-collar, or middle management, recession. The data, however, show that the recession affected virtually all occupational groups. Moreover, by standards of past recessions, the 1990-91 downturn was relatively mild. It is the failure of employment to recover that is unusual. Evidence presented here indicates that the economy’s behavior results from a blend of cyclical and structural factors, with the structural factors delaying the recovery.Recessions

    Research Highlights 1990-'91

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    Fall Enrollment 1990-91

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    IPEDS Fall Enrollment annual report contains the following information: • Full- and part-time fall enrollments by level, by race/ethnicity and gender of student • Number of students engaged in distance education, by level and location • Age distributions by student level (odd-numbered years) • State of residence of first-time first-year students (even-numbered years) • Total number of students in the entering class • Fall-to-fall retention rates of full-time and part-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students (less than 4-year institutions), and first-time bachelor’s degree-seeking students (4-year institutions

    Student Handbook 1990-91

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    Your Student Handbook is a valuable guide to the policies, resources and activities at your University. It will serve as a ready reference for much of what you need to know about student life --Anthony J. Cernera, President.https://digitalcommons.sacredheart.edu/univpub_handbook/1040/thumbnail.jp

    IMSA 1990-91 Profile

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    The IMSA curriculum focuses on critical and creative problem-solving skills and has four primary goals: ... to actualize intellectual potential and to develop academic achievement, creativity and responsibility in all students; ... to approach the study of mathematics and science with rigor by exploring the breadth and depth of content using cutting- edge technologies; ... to foster interdisciplinary approaches to thinking and learning by integrating the studies of mathematics, science, social science, art and humanities; ... to practice apprentice investigation appropriate to each discipline. * *Excerpt from the IMSA 1990-91 Profil