13 research outputs found

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    Советская тюркология

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    Советская тюркология

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    The Role of Promotion of Folk Creativity and Arts in the Education of Youth

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    The article presents thoughts on the promotion of national culture as it plays a huge role in the upbringing of youth, folk traditions, holidays, creative festivals and cultural and educational work of the republics of Central Asia held jointly with national scientific and methodological centers. Also, the article highlights folk art as one of the widespread modern types of artistic creativity, examines the functions of promoting folk art and art.В статье приведены мысли о пропаганде национальной культуры, так как она играет огромную роль в воспитании молодежи, народных традициях, праздниках, проводимых совместно с народными научно-методическими центрами творческих фестивалей, о культурно-просветительской работе республик центральной Азии. Также в статье освещается народное творчество как одно из широко распространенных современных видов художественного творчества, рассматриваются функции пропаганды народного творчества и искусства

    Linguistic-and-Stylistic Determination of National Peculiarities Representation in Literary Translation (Exemplified by Uzbek Prose)

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    The article summarizes the analysis results of the quality of rendering of the national specifics and individual style of the writer related to it in the process of literary translation. The material for analysis is the novel "Diamond Belt" by Pirimkul Kadyrov translated from Uzbek into Russian by Yu. Suvortsev and interlinear translation presented by the author himself. The explanatory potential of a hermeneutic approach to the analysis of source and target texts is demonstrated in the article. The examples of successful translational solutions to the representation of national picture of the world reflected in the source text, which are revealed in rendering of puns, proverbs, etc., were characterized. There were also revealed errors made by the translator when reproducing personal names of characters, etiquette formulas, stylization of characters' speech, etc., which led not only to a violation of the integrity of the perception of a literary text, but also to leveling of the national specificity of the source text. As the result of the study, an approximate algorithm for a translation strategy, which will minimize losses in the rendering of the national specificity and writer's individual style in the process of translation from one language to another, has been developed. As a research perspective, the authors raise the problem of authorized translation and the problem of the writer's creative work in the process of the interlinear translation

    Советская тюркология

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    Советская тюркология

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    Общественные науки в Узбекистане

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    Общественные науки в Узбекистане

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